Saturday, May 8, 2010

Art Exhibit KCAC First Friday Photos

Art Exhibit photos from Opening Night Reception at The Kansas City Artists Coalition

Interior Designer Suzanne from Suburban Spunk with a slightly frazzled moi!

Suzanne from Suburban Spunk with friend George

Some of my personal favorites created with Winsor Newton Oils on Signature Canvas

24 x 24

72 X 60
Into the Distance

Cynthia and fellow artist George

Other artists' works on exhibit at KCAC at this time.

I was chatting with attendees when we were most crowded and did not take enough group photos. The group included several Kansas City Artists Coalition board members and their spouses including Robert and Merry Quackenbush and Dr. and Ada Koch. I May have more to share later. The trolley goes to the galleries on First Fridays so we had a great turnout.

Click on Images to enlarge


Mary Ann said...

wish i have your artistic talent, but i can visit this blog for the inspiration vibe...thanks so much for dropping by my blog. would love to visit here often. have a great mother's day! verbena cottage

joanna said...

Resplendent Art.
You art is filled with beauty and splendor; What you created is really hard to do -- creating a seascape that is lines and colors and have it look glorious. But then again that is why you are a true artist.

Have a wonderful Mothers Day and a fab weekend at the Kansas City Artists Coalition.


Stephanie @ La Dolce Vita said...

Thank you so much for stopping by today! I am so glad you did so that I could come back here and find your page. It is terrific. I really am impressed by your art! I used to paint, and took classes for 8 years when I was younger, but haven't picked up a brush in years. Every once and a while, the "itch" comes back strong, but it is always at the wrong time. I always say that when my kids grow up, I will start again. I will definitely be back.

Rattus Scribus said...

Dear Karena,

How lovely of you to come by and visit me! I am impressed with your world of art; I am an "illustrator" and storyteller but French teacher by trade.

Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment; I do hope I can inspire everyone to look closely at their dreams and that they are not to far from reach when one has the will and creativity! Anita

Unknown said...

You know, I love your smaller works so much, they have an incredible depth and are alive to me. Sometimes I feel smaller proportions bring this out more.
I imagine the landscapes or the sea. Just lovely!
Congrats on your exhibition!

who thanks you for commenting!

Splenderosa said...

Karena, I am so happy for you. I love the large canvas because it's large - VictoriaArt and I have different opinions don't we? I hope this was successful for you. Your work is beautiful. And, I love your hair! xx's

qerat said...

Karena, love the paintings.
We need to see some close ups with better light to appreciate the colors and textures.

melli said...

hi karen i love your paintings they are amazing ...I'm a painter myself but your work is very impressive ..congratulations on your exhibition..thank you for stopping by and visiting my blog i look forward to seeing you there again XXx

Anne Marie said...

thank you Karena! a blessed Mother's day to you too....

Anne Marie

Greet Lefèvre said...

I am impressed! I have to say that your paintings are wonderful! You should contact some galleries in Belgium!

LuLu Kellogg said...

Hi Karena~

Thank you so much for coming by my Blog for a visit and your lovely comment on my jewelry designs.

Your Seascapes paintings are my favorite!

Wishing you a wonderful day,
LuLu Kellogg

Karena said...

Thank you all so much for the wonderful comments. Tareq are you able to click on the images to enlarge?

suzanne said...

It was so lovely to talk with you and check out your art in person. Congratulations on a wonderful exhibit! You are as sweet, charming and talented as can be! Let us know when you have another show and George and I will certainly be there with bells on.

Ann said...

Very cool!
I love your paintings!!

Do you usually use oils or do you also do acrylic? Have you ever done encaustic?


Purple Flowers said...

Beautiful exhibition! You are so fortunate to have such talent and creativity!!

Annette Piper said...

Thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog :) What a great looking exhibition - congratulations!

Ivy Lane said...

Beautiful work Karena! Your exhibition really looks fantastic! I too am in love with your seascapes! Cheers to continued success!

Sally Tharpe Rowles said...

Hi Karena, Thanks so much for finding me on my website.Your kind words are greatly appreciated. Congratulations on your exhibit. Looks beautiful.

Sanity Fair said...

frazzled- who was frazzled in that picture? Love your look - and your wonderful artwork too!
-Sanity Fair

Kellie Collis said...

Beautiful art - so talented! xx

Unknown said...

Such lovely pieces Karena! Each and every one! (and you look great, not frazzled at all!) Stop by for a fun giveaway!

Unknown said...

They're gorgeous! And you don't look frazzled, you look, calm, lovely and totally in control! I like the kilt, too!

Francine Gardner said...

Into the distance is such a strong powerful painting...The magazine is published by Moffly publications. I am not sure that it is still in the newstand as it came out 4 weeks ago. Unfortunately i only have one left for our records!!!! otherwise i would have been glad to send you a copy.

Kim said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. It's so lovely when someeone actually leaves a comment so you know they were there. :)

Congratulations on your exhibition. I love that painting with the blues and yellows. It would go very nicely in my house. :)

Karena said...

Ann I work almost exclusively in oils. Really want to try encaustics beacuse of the depth and satiny finish of it.

Thank you all!

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

Cheers to you Karena!
Love all the glorious color-combo!

Mariska Meijers said...

Looks wonderful!

Tiffany Kadani said...

How wonderful! I love art exhibits. It looks so fun and lively.

the paris apartment said...

Positively stunning work as usual! Congratulations, it looks like a grand success!

Toad said...

I especially like the painting behind George

Unknown said...

Karena - Thanks for visiting my blog! I appreciate the compliments. :) And I love the artwork - especially "Into The Distance". Must be the yellow kick I'm currently on. Thanks for sharing!

SabinePsynopsis said...

Beautiful pictures and you and your friends look lovely. (It really seems that skirts for man are the flavour of the day.)

Gwen Driscoll said...

You look so pretty! I hope you had a successful event. The paintings are just wonderful. Wish I could have come. Hope you are well.

The Shiny Pebble said...

What a fantastic opportunity to showcase your work. I feel so privileged to "know" you. You look fab with your "frazzled" look. You need to crop that picture and post it under your profile. It makes you look young and carefree... just like an artist! Hugs and kisses, Catherine

DesignTies said...

I don't think you look frazzled at all!! You look like a very happy artist :-)

The Seascapes paintings are so pretty, especially the blue one. And wow, Into the Distance is huge!! That's a serious piece of artwork!!


Susan Roux said...

Karena, there is emotion in your work. I find it simple in design and rich in color. I love the big format. It gives a sense of place.

Thanks for visiting my blog as I questioned if art is dying...

Congratulations on your show. It all looks lovely! (and you do "Frazzled" very well!)

Gary Keimig said...

very interesting blog. Some great conceptual art posted.

Audra said...

I love the seascapes, especially the blue one. So simple and calming.

Gary's third pottery blog said...

Nice to meet you! I love looking around here at the beautiful artwork. My wife grew up in Kansas City until leaving for college, and went to school with, I believe, 2 of the Hall daughters (Melissa Hall perhaps?) and lived near them. ANYWAY, your blog is exciting and I shall be back :)

OneCraftyFox said...

Oh, what a lovely event! I wish I had your job :)

Your favs are beautiful, and I just luv your top!!

Come check out my latest giveaway... :)

Marie Brady said...

Congrats on the gallery opening! Beautiful visions! Thanks for coming by my blog as well!

Barbara von Enger said...

I love the pianting "In the distance"; Such profound meaning.
And congratulations on the gallery.
Must visit on my forthcoming U.S. trip;-)

MaroDe said...

Your art is simple and beautiful-just what I would love using in my house. Thank you for stopping by in my blog, I so much appreciated! Please come and visit again, I love art!

Punctuation Mark said...

nice to know you had a good turnout! love the pieces too!

Jason, as himself said...

What a fascinating and rewarding job! I have paged through your blog and I love it!

Thank you for commenting on The Jason Show today! I appreciate you stopping by....

Have a great day.

Olivia said...

Love the Into the Distance painting. Nice work!

Thanks for stopping by today!

Maria Killam said...

OMG i love that golden sunset one! It makes me happy just looking at it!

Julie at Belle Vivir said...

Congratulation Karena. Your art is beautiful and inspiring. Absolutely love the yellow piece, refreshing and energetic.

P.S. Thank you for your beautiful comment. I appreciate it.

The Red Umbrella said...

Looks like the artwork!

Laura Casey Interiors said...

It is all so gorgeous, what a fabulous exhibit. Everyday I love seeing the painting I won. It is on its' way to the framer and then to the blog.

Pauline Wiles said...

Congrats on opening night! I don't think you look at all frazzled.

Marcus Design said...

I love your work Karena!! I especially fell in love with 'Into the Distance', it is stunning! Wonderful work :)

LindsB said...

What stunning works of art! I just LOVE all the colors- they each are so beautiful!!

Naomi@DesignManifest said...

Wow looks like great fun! I love Into the Distance!!

Thanks for stopping by my blog. I off to peak around your blog some more. I love art, and would like to learn more about it :)

Lisa Porter said...

I could just gaze at your wonderful work all day long. You really are such an incredible artist! I wish I lived closer to be able to attend some of your shows...and pick up a few of your techniques! Just lovely.
xo lisa

Brooke @ Blueprint Bliss said...

The first photo is so cute--- not frazzled at all!

Anonymous said...

Oh awesome! I am trying to rebuild my collection of fun jewelry after years at home. Those earrings are awesome and I am in love with the lucite necklaces!

Anonymous said...

Following you now too!!!

The Simply Luxurious Life said...

Beautiful pieces of art. So calming and serene. You most definitely have an fantastic eye. Thanks for sharing.
I hope your week is going well. =)

JustJoan said...

Congratulations on your show! Your paintings are wonderful.

Anonymous said...

This art is gorgeous, love it!

True Queen

Unknown said...

thanks for following - i'm a new follower too!

great art!
have an all smiles weekend
~Tiptoe Butterfly~

Connie @ SogniESorrisi said...

What gorgeous pieces!

Anonymous said...

lovely post :)

loooks every thing is nice

Jessica said...

Beautiful works! You have a great eye for color. Any of these would fit in perfectly with a well-decorated home to add a pop of color and interest.

Gramercy Home said...

Those seascape paintings are simply stunning! Love them!

Lilacandgrey said...

Beautiful art Karena :)

Sierra said...

What a fun exhibit and I really like your style! Thanks for stopping by my blog. :)

Renae said...

Your work is very looks like you had a fabulous event!

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