New Years is upon us and I am trying new techniques and inspirations. Thus a winter sky with puffy clouds galore. I will have an Exhibit and Reception at Towne & Country Bank in Leawood KS on Friday Evening January 8th from 5:00-7:00 pm. Refreshments will be served. The location is on the SW corner of 135th and Roe Blvd. I hope you can make it!! Email or call me for further details ! kalbert1@kc.rr.comI truly appreciate all of the encouragement & support from all of you!!

Peace to You

Tis the Season....I love all of the bright holiday lights. Seas of red and green, bling galore. This year I am feeling the need for some softness though, and the white lights attract me the most. My paintings are lighter and airier. A series of lightness then who knows!Thankful that I am better off than so many...Considering the wonders of this earth...Wishing only for health, happiness & love...Visiting Museums and art galleries...Taking myself less seriously, laughing more & more...Listening more talking less...Opening up to new friends & cherishing those I've had for years...Isabella, Sal, Sarah, and Jessica...My huge family, most who are close to me here in Kansas City...Learning, reading, new endeavors, a hot air balloon ride very soon...Tagged by my dear friend Maria of Colour Me Happy