We have rescheduled The Opening Reception for my art exhibit at Towne and Country Bank until next Friday the 15th. The weather with wind chills is 12 degrees below 0!
My Original works of art will also be on display at Darling Yoga .
It is located at College and Quivera in Overland Park KS. This show will be up for January and February.
These are two wonderful spaces to exhibit art ! Please join in. Email me or call with any questions 913*663*84284
Wishing you a wonderful show! Good idea to reschedule... it is just to cold to move!
Karen-I love the above piece! There is something about the movement and colors-this is fabulous! You've been hit with bad weather these past few days. I hope it all clears out soon for you. Have a great weekend.
good for you karen, can't wait to see.
Here we also have a very bad wether! It is - 8°C. We are not used to in Belgium that it is that cold! You were right to reschedule the reception!
What a pitty that you live so far away from me! I wish I could go to the exhibitions and could meet you in person!
I wish you a lot of success!!
Have a nice weekend!
Wish I could come to one of your art shows! Those red clouds are cool (or should I say hot :)
Thank you all for taking the time to comment!!
Hello Karena, I am Berta , from Toile de Jouy, thanks for your bice comments in MI BLOG, and yourBLOG is fantastic...¡¡¡ Berta
Wish I could be there for your big opening! Though it does sound a wee bit chilly in your neck of the woods : ) Good luck on Friday---your work is beautiful!
XX Kate
Bonjour Karena,
What lovely art you create, so relaxing. Thank yo for stopping by my blog and sharing about your whirlwind romance, nothing better than a good love story.
Thank you for your comment :) I so appreciate them!
Your art is so soothing Karena...love this one and the use of colour and line. So great to be showing...congrats!
Best wishes for a successful opening tomorrow! Your artwork is lovely, I'm especially drawn to the water inspired pieces!
Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting!
Kat :)
I love these wonderful tones of pinks and reds. It is a gorgeous work! Hope it has warmed up!
Thank you so much and I am so thrilled to see new blog friends!
Hi Karena
Your show some really beautiful paintings! It would be exciting if I could come to the exhibition and see them..I wish the best for you!
I paint something myself, maybe I show it on the blog another time...
Thank you for your nice comment on my blog - I wish you a wonderful Sunday and a successful exhibition!
Hug Lene
I wish I lived closer and could attend on of your exhibits.Your artwork is absolutely beautiful! . Stay warm!
Wishing you very best of luck with the exhibit! And some friendlier weather, too. :)
These are uplifting - Good luck with your shows Karen!
Just stopping in to see how the show went on the 15th! Hope the reschedule meant everyone could come out and support your beautiful work!
XX Kate
I love your new photos! So beautiful!!
Brrr....that's cold! I hope your show is a smashing success, Karen. I really like your new photo, too! xo
I'm so glad to meet you and so glad Greet sent you to me. I love your blog and I love art so what a find for me.
Please come back this week and comment to be eligible to win the Leontine Linen hand towels. They are fabulous and I want everyone to have a shot at them.
So looking forward to following your blog. Have a great week.
Thank you, thank you!! Experimenting with the new do, as before it seems to look different every day!
This is a pretty shade of pink!!!
Thanks for stopping by the blog; my mother in law lives in Kansas City;
Love your work, and the colors.....
Really? did you grow up here Leslie?
Oooh that is so pretty, I'm a sucker for pink. Best of luck at the show, it will be much more fun when it's warmer!
Beautiful paintings Karena • thank you for your comments on my blog!
What beautiful paintings you have created Karena. I cannot even imagine what 12 deg below zero even would feel like as I live in Australia that has a very warm climate through the year. Best of luck for all your exhibitions.
Mrs b xx
Hope this comment brings a bit of warmth to your day.
Your comments mean so much to me. The earrings that you spotted today are from "Meg Carter" - I went back in and added the link.
Your painting reminds me of cotton candy.
Karen's art work is like a piece of pie, a delicious elegant great piece of pie - Cheesenips101 aka Piegirl14 (Isabella Mendez)
I just saw your question posted on Centsational Girl's blog about how to get "You Might Also Like" at the end of your blog post. That is a widget called "Link Within". If you Google the search term "Link Within" you should be able to find it and easily add the widget to your blog. Good luck!
Thanks to all, and Amy thanks for the info!
karena I love this painting..loves the different shades..just beautiful.
P.S love your new hairdo too...you look gorgeous x
Oh how lovely! And to do yoga and stare at these beauties? Bliss. I hope it all went spectacular for you!
I am so loving your sky series-- so beautiful! I heard we're supposed to get nearly 2 feet of snow here in delmarva-- spring come soon please!
gorgeous pieces... congrats and have a great weekend!
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