Sunday, March 1, 2009

Red River on my Mind

I am often asked where the idea for a painting came from. My answer is that often it is in my mind. Sometimes I will start with a photo from a place visited, or a tear sheet from a magazine. Then at times it will take changes in form and color palette.

This painting I am adding texture in the lower section, so it may still evolve a bit. It is fun though to see where it goes, the direction it could take.


Marie said...

Hi Karena-
Your artwork is fantastic! J'adore the one titled Blue for the Blues. Thanks for reading my blog and leaving me a comment. Keep on painting!
- marie

cotedetexas said...

Very interesting!!!! nice painting too!!!

Karena said...

Thanks Joni and Marie, I really appreciate your support!

annechovie said...

Looking good, Karen!

Anonymous said...

Love the painting especially the color palette.

Kwana said...


Karena said...

Much Thanks to M, Kwana, and Anne for your encouragement!

pve design said...

Looks intuitive to me, that it just comes from within.
No explanation needed.
Paint on!

Karena said...

Yes Patricia, intuitive is the right word!

hello gorgeous said...

Great painting! I really love Blues for the Blues, too!

Paint on, indeed.

Joyce said...

Karena, your paintings are beautiful. I like the color choice on this one. Calm and yet deep withint something is stirring and ready to come alive. Could it be spring?

Thank you so much for visiting my blog and your wonderful comment. I really appreciate it. Enjoy!

Sit A Spell said...

Just wanted to say HI. Isn't it great to express yourself through art? I painted a bit before I had kids. Someday I'll paint again.

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