Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Happiest of Holidays to You and Yours

May  You, Your Family, and Loved Ones  be Blessed by the Love, Spirit and Joys of this Holiday Season and may you Experience All of the Best that our Life offers in The New Year Ahead!

Thanks to the human heart by which we live,
Thanks to its tenderness, its joys, and fears,
To me the meanest flower that blows can give
Thoughts that do often lie too deep for tears.


The Winner of the $75 Gift Certificate from Novica is Anita from Castles Crowns and Cottages
Congratulations Anita!

Art by Karena

Image Via Castles Crowns & Cottages

Monday, December 10, 2012

Introducing Paul Dorrell, Gallery Owner, Art Dealer and Author

Paul Dorrell is the Author of the updated and revised book, Living the Artist's Life.

He has been the owner of The renowned Leopold Gallery in Kansas City since 1991, a Fine Art Dealer  and Artist's Representative.

I hope you enjoy our conversation below and images from some of the artist's he represents.

His book truly can apply not only to Artists, also Writers, to Designers, Architects, really any Entrepreneur who realizes that one must follow their dreams. and what it takes to do just that!  Living the Artist's Life is bold, part memoir, and even humorous at times.

Event at the Leopold Gallery

1)      Paul, I understand that you opened The Leopold Gallery to support your true avocation of being a writer. Were you surprised that indeed you became a renowned Gallery Owner, Art Dealer and Author?  

Very surprised, as that was certainly not the plan--but such is life for most of us.

Allen Chow

 2)     You have represented major artists; painters, sculptors, fine glass blowers. Do you develop an innate sense that an aspiring artist will become successful? What do you look for?  

From some I look for outrageousness, others a firm rooting in great artistic traditions, others a profound sense of abstraction or craft.  Of course I can’t always tell who will succeed, but my staff and I usually have a fairly good sense about it. 

Kansas University Medical Center

 3)     How do you help artists turn their left brains on to be able to deal with the business side of being an artist?  

We just guide them, step by step, in ways that don’t intrude on their creativity but that do enhance their career.  I mean if I can do it, as a writer, anybody can.

Presentation and Book Signing

4)     In your book, “Living the Artist’s Life”, you very candidly describe the highs and lows, the extreme struggles and the huge successes that you, yourself have experienced. Why is this so relevant to the working artist?  

Because the vast majority of artists often feel, at various times, that they’re failing—as do most people.  I feel it’s important that they realize how common that experience is, as that can be reassuring.

5)     Which are some of the Art Installations you are most proud of?  

All the big works—blown glass, paintings, sculptures—at H&R Block, University of Kansas Hospital, Saint Luke’s Hospital, and the Overland Park Convention Center.  Also the National D-Day Memorial.

Portion of H & R Block Installation

6)     You describe corporations today as being like The Medici’s of the Renaissance Art Period. Can you tell us more about that? How does this affect communities?  

Corporations have resources for buying art that far outstrip what most individuals can spend at this time in history.  This means they can have a huge impact on the culture of their region if they’ll work with regional artists—and not try to dictate the art.  That is somewhat similar to what the Medici family did in Italy.

Derrick Breidenthal
7)      Paul you have had many travels, far and wide. What compelled you to come back to Kansas City to work and raise your family? 

 This place has always been home to me, and I was acutely aware when we opened, in 1991, that it felt culturally inferior to the larger cities on the two coasts, as though people here were not as talented.  I wanted to help put an end to that, as it was impeding the cultural and artistic growth of the region.  My clients, both corporate and private, have helped us in that mission.

Matt Kirby

8)     Finally what words of wisdom would you impart to the artist of any age or genre?   

Never give up, never give up, never give up.

Thank you so much Paul for taking the time with us!

Paul's New Book, Living the Artist's Life

I hope you have enjoyed this interview with Paul. He has made a huge impression on the landscape, the recognition of art and its importance in our world!

You can visit Paul's Leopold Gallery website at LeopoldGallery.com 

This is an International Giveaway, so please, all can Enter

1) Enter for an opportunity to win a signed copy of Living The Artist's Life by visiting The Leopold Gallery site and tell us an artist who inspires you! There are many not shown here!

2) Extra entries by Liking Leopold Gallery on Facebook, Tweeting or Posting on your own site!

You may also order a copy or copies (great Gift for an Artist Friend or yourself)

The winner will be chosen on December 16th at Midnight EST!

Thanks to all of my Friends,Family, and Followers!

Art by Karena

Saturday, December 8, 2012

The Winner From the House of Edward!

We have a Winner for the book by Pamela Terry, "From the House of Edward"

This is the time of the year when books are on many Gift Lists!
If you are not the winner; You can Purchase this book, "From the House of Edward"here!

Other Classic Favorites

The Stunning Movie has also just released!
A Personal Favorite!
So take the time to cherish the Holidays and perhaps end your day with an hour or so of reading. It will take you to another world.

When I was a Young Girl my dear belated cousin, Sharon gave me my first books to read. This led to a lifelong joy of reading!

The Arts includes so many genres, Dance, Painting, Sculpture, Architecture, design, and more. Writing, & Putting Pen to Paper is as great as any!

Now the Winner of the Book by Pamela Terry is Andrea of The French Basketeer!

Congratulations to Andrea.

Look for my next Artist Feature and Giveaway in the next few days!
Art by Karena

Thank you to my friends, family and bloggers who have supported the arts and have been here for me...I am indeed on the road to recovery!
Blessings to All!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

2012 Artists Series Featuring Pamela Terry From the House of Edward and a Giveaway

I am very excited to present Pamela Terry as part of my 2012 Artists Series!
She is the Author of The House of Edward, Essays by Pamela Terry.

Every time I visit Pamela's site I am transported to another place, spiritually, mentally or physically.
Please enjoy the following discussion with Pamela.

1) Pamela, I understand you have many superb skills, including interior design. When and how did you decide you begin a blog, “The House of Edward” and start writing your wondrous posts?

In the summer of 2008, my interior design business, which had previously been incredibly busy, came to a dead halt in the face of a suddenly changed economy.  I think many in my field had the same experience that summer. The design community in my town changed dramatically in a very short time and  I found myself without my usual creative outlet.  I wasn’t very happy about that.  I had recently discovered blogs and was enjoying perusing them, so I though perhaps I’d start one of my own about my design work.  That plan lasted about a week till I realized I wanted to write about all sorts of things, not just design.  So From the House of Edward was born.
  2) For those who aren’t aware of Edward and his importance to you; can you shed some light? 

Edward is a big, furry, white dog that is everything a dog should be.   It’s as though all the marvelous dogs of childhood and fairy tale materialized into this one sweet creature.  We adopted Edward from a local animal rescue facility a few days before Christmas when he was about nine months old.  (The rescue people had snatched him away from a county animal control where he was a mere two days away from being euthanized, which is difficult for me even to imagine.)   Apart from being such a handsome fellow, Edward is a kind dog.  He and I formed a steel strong bond that first night and he reminds me everyday of goodness and friendship.  One of my favourite quotes is from the writer C. S. Lewis who said, “Man with dog closes a gap in the universe.”  I know exactly what he means every time I sit beside Edward in companionable silence.

 3) As a child were you encouraged to be creative? What were some of your first interests? 

I was fortunate to have a mother who read to me and I learned to love the written word at a very early age.  I was also a pretty dreamy child who loved solitude and who craved being outdoors with her pet dog from dawn to dusk.  I rather think my parents sometimes didn’t know quite what to make of me and were just grateful I didn’t end up running off to join the circus or something equally worrisome.
 4) Pamela you always include exquisite works of art with your blog posts; please tell us about these images.  

I’m so happy you like them.  I have an enormous library of art books and one of the treats of each post is finding a painting to scan that best illustrates the words I’ve written.  In latter months, I’ve also turned to Pinterest for images, although I must warn you, Pinterest is like falling down a delightful rabbit hole.  Once there, one might not be able to leave as quickly as one would like.

5) Where does your inspiration as a writer come from? Do you have a mentor or artists that have influenced your works? 
Inspiration is, for me, absolutely everywhere I look.  I particularly find it abundant in the natural world.  Hearing scarlet leaves crackle under my feet as I walk through a forest.  Watching a sunrise turn a blue grey sky to the colour of roses as I sit alone on a beach.  The world holds such mystery and beauty that is free for the taking; how could I fail to be inspired?  A couple of special people who seem to always speak to me through their work are the poet Mary Oliver and the late writer John O’Donohue.

6) How long was the idea for a book percolating or did you wake up one day feeling you were somehow led down the road to compile one? 

Really, I owe the idea for this book to my readers.  They were very persistent in encouraging me to put it together.  I am currently writing a novel and wasn’t considering a book of the blog at all, but so many people continued to write requesting it, I began to give it a bit of  serious thought.  Looking over all the material, I realized that there were indeed many essays that I hated to see simply digitally evaporate and I began, slowly at first, to edit and polish them till they were worthy of preservation in book form.  Of course, being a designer, I wanted the book to be as beautiful as it could be and was so pleased when artist Amber Alexander agreed to illustrate it.  Her paintings of Edward are such a treat and I unabashedly adore the finished product. 

From the House of Edward, Essays by Pamela Terry

7) What is the most rewarding thing for you; having a book published? 
You know, it was incredibly rewarding to hold that first copy in my hands.  But the real reward has been the letters and blog posts I’ve received from those who love the book.  I never really thought that far ahead, so these have been a humbling surprise and one that makes me incredibly happy.
 8) Pamela will have a book signing in Atlanta on December 16th! Finally, what are some words of wisdom you may have for the emerging writer or artist of any age? 

The only wisdom I can impart to a writer or an artist is the same I would give anyone.  That is to pay attention.  There is so much gloriousness in this world that so many of us either ignore or refuse to see.  Notice.  Remember.  Breathe life in like sweet perfume.  And find a way, we all have our ways, to share that beauty with others.  Life is very short and we are meant to enjoy it!  Oh, and it doesn’t hurt to adopt a dog!

Thank you so much Pamela! Now for the Giveaway! Pamela is offering a signed copy of her book specially Gift Wrapped for the Holidays to one lucky Winner!  Value of $35.00
This is an International Giveaway! 
1) Enter by being a follower of Art by Karena Via Email, GFC, or Linky in my right hand corner. 
2) Two Extra entries to win this most special Book by announcing this very Special 
 Giveaway on your own site, on your Facebook page or on Twitter 

The winner will be chosen on Friday December 7th at Midnight EST.
Be sure to visit Pamela's Blog-site From the House of Edward and her Book Site; From the House of Edward, Essays by Pamela Terry 
The House of Edward is a stunning book full of wonderful illustrations that is a perfect gift for anyone!!  Any orders through December will be specially gift wrapped!
Thank you to my wonderfully faithful friends and family. I appreciate you more than you know!
Art by Karena 

Disclosure: Pamela was so gracious to send me my own copy of her book "From the House of Edward, Essays by Pamela Terry"

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Scalamandre Winner! Also gifts for the Holidays!

Dear Friends, Family, & Faithful Readers, I hope that you are enjoying the remainder of the long Holiday Weekend. This year more than ever I have found more and more to be thankful for.
I am so pleased to announce the winner of the Zebra Umbrella Giveaway from Scalamandre! 
It is Nancy Powell of Powell Brower Home

 Nancy is part of the Mother-Daughter (Bethany)  team of upscale Interior Designers, Powell Brower Home. She has a beautiful site and blog and they execute gorgeous interiors!
Nancy I hope you will enjoy your new Zebra Print Umbrella  from Scalamandre

Scalamandre, known as a luxury fabric house also has gorgeous trims tassels, and furnishings!

Here are some of their gift items PERFECT for the Holidays!

Luxurious Zebra Silk Scarf

Scented Candles..Can you ever have too many Candles at the Holidays!
A Roomy Zebra Tote!
Those Iconic Zebras, this time in Fringed Pillows!  The pillows are available in many of Scalamandre's Luxury Prints!

Much Thanks to Scalamandre for sponsoring this fun and festive Gift!

Art by Karena
Look for my next post featuring a name many will be familiar with; including another Giveaway!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Scalamandre Special Giveaway

Giveaway Courtesy of Scalamandre!

Lithely eluding arrows with grace, speed and endless charm, ScalamandrĂ©’s irrepressible, iconic Zebra umbrellas will protect you in style. 100% Nylon, 48” diameter unfurled with a hook handle.

Marco Ricca Studio
Based on original artwork by Flora ScalamandrĂ© for the newly opened (and now late, lamented) Gino of Capri restaurant in 1945, ScalamandrĂ©’s beloved, signature wallpaper, also available as a fabric, was immortalized in films such as "Mighty Aphrodite" and "The Royal Tennenbaums" along with making guest appearances across the country via Kate Spade and Barneys New York retail installations. Zebras is available in wallpaper, grasscloth and fabric.

The Kips Bay Decorator Home Foyer by Bryant Keller. The photographer: Marco Ricca Studio.
A destination since 1929 for connoisseurs of fine design, and gorgeous imagery, Scalamandre’s renowned classics, as well as its fresh new collections, infuse style, elegance and vitality to the rooms of today and tomorrow. A standard bearer of imported and domestic fine textiles, Scalamandre continues its legacy of traditional, historic, classic and contemporary designs creating luxurious, high-end fabrics, wall-coverings, trims, furnishings and accessories. To see their collections go to Scalamandre.com 

Jamie Meares Furbish

Enter to for a chance to win this International Giveaway for one of the Scalamandre Red Umbrellas value $95 !

1) Please be a follower of Art by Karena
 In the right hand corner via GFC or Linky

2) Visit Scalamandre.com and tell us what design you like from their selections!

3) For an extra chance please post or announce this Giveaway on YOUR site!

The winner will be announced on  Friday, November 23rd !
Remember  this is open Internationally!!

Thank you to Scalamandre and to all of my faithful friends and followers!

Art by Karena

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

2012 Artists Series Featuring the renowned Kathe Fraga

Introducing internationally acclaimed  artist Kathe Fraga. The first time I saw her works of art I was stunned ; simply mesmerized! 
I hope you will enjoy our conversation and her paintings.

 The influence of time spent by the artist living in the beautiful old cities of South America, Denmark, England, and France can be clearly felt.

A Rustle of Feathers-A Whisper of Love

  1)     Kathe your genre of art is so unique; can you tell us about how you create these gorgeous works?

 I love the look of old frescoed walls and murals--I spent many growing up years in Europe and South America and am influenced by the "beauty of decay"-layers and layers of paint and colors, faded imagery, patterns from the past--the soft, lovely worn look of generations. I look to recreate this in my work. I fresco my panels and canvases, then paint botanicals, patterns, animals, layer on more color, scrape and reveal, repaint, add more color until it feels like the story is complete. The work is very textured.

A Song of Celebration

 2)    Are you a self taught artist or have you taken studies/ classes? When you first remember creating art?

 I come from a long line of women in love with color. My great-grandmother was a knitter, crocheter, quilter, lace-maker, as was my grandmother. I have always painted, drawn and created, papering my bedroom walls with new work as I grew up and my mother encouraged me. (I still have my childhood dented little green tin box that still holds all my old colored pencils.) So there has never been a time that I can remember not wanting/needing to make art. As a gallerist for many years--my husband and I owned and managed Gallery Fraga here on Bainbridge Island, I had the exquisite opportunity, on a monthly basis as we opened new shows, to meet and get to know a huge variety of artists/art--visit studios, chat with collectors. It was a wonderful experience.

Love Poems II Sweet Mystery

 3)    Where do you obtain your inspiration? Images, nature, your mind?

 Inspiration is everywhere--I'm drawn to vintage textiles, old mansions, worn books, gilded frames, azulejo tiles, Blue Willow china beach shards, 1920 Chinese Deco rugs, pink roses, anything chinoiserie, Pierre Bonnard, Gustav Klimt...I could go on and on!


4)    Who are other artists that you admire or consider mentors?

 I have such a deep admiration and respect for anyone who creates: dancers, singers, writers, artists--this is the work that propels my work. When I see and experience how artists continue to overcome challenges, take risks, push! That keeps anyone going.

In a Paris Courtyard

 5)    Do you have exhibits in the near future or are you showing in certain galleries?

 What is the general price range of your art and what range of sizes?

My next show will be here on Bainbridge Island in February 2013 at Roby King Gallery (www.robykinggallery.com)--I am working on this new collection right now in my studio--always nice to show in your hometown 

In August 2013, you'll see new work at my solo show at Museo Gallery on Whidbey Island, Washington (www.museo.cc). I continue to have work at Kaller Fine Arts in NY and DC (www.kallerfinearts.com) and a WaterWorks Gallery in Friday Harbor, Washington (www.waterworksgallery.com). 

The new Kathe Fraga Home collection will be introduced in 2013 with silk pillows based on my paintings. 

I also have the KF Greeting Card Collection available via my website (www.kathefraga.com). Prints of my work are available through Grand Image (www.grandimage.com) and Artaissance (www.artthatfits.com). Notebooks, wrapping paper and cards are available through Ecojot (www.ecojot.com), and Graphique de France (http://www.graphiquedefrance.com/) sells a wedding card created from one of my paintings. 

For original paintings, I love 24 x 36" and price them (retail) at $2000. 36 x 48" paintings are $3500.

Green Silk and Honey

Under the Chinese Lantern

6)    Finally I always ask what words of wisdom or advice you would impart to an artist of any age.

My best piece of advice for painters: get busy. And enjoy it!

Midnight and Green Silk

 Kathe thank you so much for this enlightening interview; sharing your thoughts and journey as an artist!

To my devoted readers, I hope you will click on the links provided. and comment on your favorite painting !

Art by Karena

Images and some text courtesy of Kathe Fraga.com 

Thank you so much to Vicki of French Essence for the lovely vintage French Lace Trim  and to Lisa of Peridot Sky's for a lovely bracelet designed by Linz Gutz!