Monday, December 10, 2012

Introducing Paul Dorrell, Gallery Owner, Art Dealer and Author

Paul Dorrell is the Author of the updated and revised book, Living the Artist's Life.

He has been the owner of The renowned Leopold Gallery in Kansas City since 1991, a Fine Art Dealer  and Artist's Representative.

I hope you enjoy our conversation below and images from some of the artist's he represents.

His book truly can apply not only to Artists, also Writers, to Designers, Architects, really any Entrepreneur who realizes that one must follow their dreams. and what it takes to do just that!  Living the Artist's Life is bold, part memoir, and even humorous at times.

Event at the Leopold Gallery

1)      Paul, I understand that you opened The Leopold Gallery to support your true avocation of being a writer. Were you surprised that indeed you became a renowned Gallery Owner, Art Dealer and Author?  

Very surprised, as that was certainly not the plan--but such is life for most of us.

Allen Chow

 2)     You have represented major artists; painters, sculptors, fine glass blowers. Do you develop an innate sense that an aspiring artist will become successful? What do you look for?  

From some I look for outrageousness, others a firm rooting in great artistic traditions, others a profound sense of abstraction or craft.  Of course I can’t always tell who will succeed, but my staff and I usually have a fairly good sense about it. 

Kansas University Medical Center

 3)     How do you help artists turn their left brains on to be able to deal with the business side of being an artist?  

We just guide them, step by step, in ways that don’t intrude on their creativity but that do enhance their career.  I mean if I can do it, as a writer, anybody can.

Presentation and Book Signing

4)     In your book, “Living the Artist’s Life”, you very candidly describe the highs and lows, the extreme struggles and the huge successes that you, yourself have experienced. Why is this so relevant to the working artist?  

Because the vast majority of artists often feel, at various times, that they’re failing—as do most people.  I feel it’s important that they realize how common that experience is, as that can be reassuring.

5)     Which are some of the Art Installations you are most proud of?  

All the big works—blown glass, paintings, sculptures—at H&R Block, University of Kansas Hospital, Saint Luke’s Hospital, and the Overland Park Convention Center.  Also the National D-Day Memorial.

Portion of H & R Block Installation

6)     You describe corporations today as being like The Medici’s of the Renaissance Art Period. Can you tell us more about that? How does this affect communities?  

Corporations have resources for buying art that far outstrip what most individuals can spend at this time in history.  This means they can have a huge impact on the culture of their region if they’ll work with regional artists—and not try to dictate the art.  That is somewhat similar to what the Medici family did in Italy.

Derrick Breidenthal
7)      Paul you have had many travels, far and wide. What compelled you to come back to Kansas City to work and raise your family? 

 This place has always been home to me, and I was acutely aware when we opened, in 1991, that it felt culturally inferior to the larger cities on the two coasts, as though people here were not as talented.  I wanted to help put an end to that, as it was impeding the cultural and artistic growth of the region.  My clients, both corporate and private, have helped us in that mission.

Matt Kirby

8)     Finally what words of wisdom would you impart to the artist of any age or genre?   

Never give up, never give up, never give up.

Thank you so much Paul for taking the time with us!

Paul's New Book, Living the Artist's Life

I hope you have enjoyed this interview with Paul. He has made a huge impression on the landscape, the recognition of art and its importance in our world!

You can visit Paul's Leopold Gallery website at 

This is an International Giveaway, so please, all can Enter

1) Enter for an opportunity to win a signed copy of Living The Artist's Life by visiting The Leopold Gallery site and tell us an artist who inspires you! There are many not shown here!

2) Extra entries by Liking Leopold Gallery on Facebook, Tweeting or Posting on your own site!

You may also order a copy or copies (great Gift for an Artist Friend or yourself)

The winner will be chosen on December 16th at Midnight EST!

Thanks to all of my Friends,Family, and Followers!

Art by Karena


  1. Enjoyed meeting this artist, Karen. I will pass your post along to my best friend who is an art teacher!

  2. love that breidenthal piece!

    hope you'll swing by and enter my giveaway if you haven't already!

    smiles to you.


  3. Bravissimo e bellissimo !

  4. Beautiful words and work.

    Merry Christmas, Karen.


  5. Great interview, very interesting man!!
    THanks for sharing!

  6. Wonderful interview. I enjoyed going over to the gallery and looking at the work of Lyman Whitaker. I love how the pieces move in the wind.

  7. never never never give up! love that quote!

  8. Good evening Karena my dear!

    You are just incredible. You do all that you can do for so many of us and I just want to thank you for all that you have done for me to encourage me. What lovely work here and just having done one show has not just taught me much, but has given me now a great memory of having sold and displayed my work in a gallery such as this. BRAVO TO YOU and I wish you health and peace this day! Anita

  9. Hi Karena....I enjoyed this interview. Paul seems like a good man encouraging others to never give up.

    Happy Holidays!

  10. Hi Karena, Thanks for this great interview. It's comforting to all of us creative spirits who struggle with the business aspects of life.

  11. Karena

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I enjoyed this interview immensely. What an interesting parallel he made between the Medici's and corporate america.

  12. Wonderful interview and thank you so much for the introduction. I have many design books and need to expand my horizons! This looks wonderful and perhaps in needs to go on my holiday wish list;) Artists seem to be able to tap in to things many folks can't.. expansive minds I guess :)

    Hope you are enjoying the season Karena!


  13. Very interesting to know about Paul, I have been to his gallery multiple times :) didn't know much about him though till your interview :)

  14. What can I add to these wonderful comments? I so admire anyone who promotes the arts with stability and integrity, yes, we do not always end up where we plan, but in many cases it is where we need to be.
    I fancied Hal Halhoun's landscapes, quite innocent and touching.

  15. I really enjoyed reading this interview:) Have a lovely day, dear. xo

  16. Great interview wonderful to be such an encouragement to many beautiful works of art!!!...

  17. What a material of un-ambiguity and preserveness of precious know-how about unexpected emotions.
    Here is my webpage amber leaf

  18. Well done! I enjoyed the interview Q & A's. This wonderful book is now on my Christmas "Wish" List.


  19. Lady "K"
    You are a force to reckon with, where do you find your energy to cover it all. Your visits grace my place with beauty and then I visit and all the beauty to see is in array of art in all forms. There is just so much beauty out there that speaks to us in so many ways.

    Thank you my sweet friend for never giving up on me, and all I create, and your consistent faithful visits even if I don't make it back over on time or right away, you have the Mose understanding heart:)

    See you soon and all you inspire.

    Joyeux Noël to you and your family.

  20. Dearest Karena,
    You do a great job for bringing such passion for art to life! No doubt his will be a great book. As for the artists, I appreciate Lierly Jones' painting the most!
    Have a great weekend.
    Hugs and hope you feel better meanwhile...

  21. A truly fantastic interview!

    Have a holly jolly day!

  22. Good morning Karena! I hope you are well and participating in some family/friend gatherings this season! We have lots of snow and that makes for a very magical time! Thank you for coming to visit to make it that more magical! Anita

  23. I wanted to wish you a very happy Christmas Karena and to thank you for all the marvellous comments throughout the year... Enjoy the holidays... xv

  24. Thanks for taking the time to bring us this interesting interview, Karen.
    I wish you a very blessed Christmas and thanks for your kindness and support throughout the year (and years!) xo

  25. Great interview!! You did a good job and I enjoyed reading it!

  26. Karena, this is an amazing, inspiring interview. I am not entering as per usual but also wanted to send a warm hug to you--thank you for all that you have brought us this past year, this series has been amazing!!!

    Happy Holidays and gros bisous from Arles!

  27. Loved this interview! Thank you for sharing. Merry Christmas to you!

  28. Karena,- Thank you for this wonderful interview!

    Happy Holidays!

