Wednesday, November 28, 2012

2012 Artists Series Featuring Pamela Terry From the House of Edward and a Giveaway

I am very excited to present Pamela Terry as part of my 2012 Artists Series!
She is the Author of The House of Edward, Essays by Pamela Terry.

Every time I visit Pamela's site I am transported to another place, spiritually, mentally or physically.
Please enjoy the following discussion with Pamela.

1) Pamela, I understand you have many superb skills, including interior design. When and how did you decide you begin a blog, “The House of Edward” and start writing your wondrous posts?

In the summer of 2008, my interior design business, which had previously been incredibly busy, came to a dead halt in the face of a suddenly changed economy.  I think many in my field had the same experience that summer. The design community in my town changed dramatically in a very short time and  I found myself without my usual creative outlet.  I wasn’t very happy about that.  I had recently discovered blogs and was enjoying perusing them, so I though perhaps I’d start one of my own about my design work.  That plan lasted about a week till I realized I wanted to write about all sorts of things, not just design.  So From the House of Edward was born.
  2) For those who aren’t aware of Edward and his importance to you; can you shed some light? 

Edward is a big, furry, white dog that is everything a dog should be.   It’s as though all the marvelous dogs of childhood and fairy tale materialized into this one sweet creature.  We adopted Edward from a local animal rescue facility a few days before Christmas when he was about nine months old.  (The rescue people had snatched him away from a county animal control where he was a mere two days away from being euthanized, which is difficult for me even to imagine.)   Apart from being such a handsome fellow, Edward is a kind dog.  He and I formed a steel strong bond that first night and he reminds me everyday of goodness and friendship.  One of my favourite quotes is from the writer C. S. Lewis who said, “Man with dog closes a gap in the universe.”  I know exactly what he means every time I sit beside Edward in companionable silence.

 3) As a child were you encouraged to be creative? What were some of your first interests? 

I was fortunate to have a mother who read to me and I learned to love the written word at a very early age.  I was also a pretty dreamy child who loved solitude and who craved being outdoors with her pet dog from dawn to dusk.  I rather think my parents sometimes didn’t know quite what to make of me and were just grateful I didn’t end up running off to join the circus or something equally worrisome.
 4) Pamela you always include exquisite works of art with your blog posts; please tell us about these images.  

I’m so happy you like them.  I have an enormous library of art books and one of the treats of each post is finding a painting to scan that best illustrates the words I’ve written.  In latter months, I’ve also turned to Pinterest for images, although I must warn you, Pinterest is like falling down a delightful rabbit hole.  Once there, one might not be able to leave as quickly as one would like.

5) Where does your inspiration as a writer come from? Do you have a mentor or artists that have influenced your works? 
Inspiration is, for me, absolutely everywhere I look.  I particularly find it abundant in the natural world.  Hearing scarlet leaves crackle under my feet as I walk through a forest.  Watching a sunrise turn a blue grey sky to the colour of roses as I sit alone on a beach.  The world holds such mystery and beauty that is free for the taking; how could I fail to be inspired?  A couple of special people who seem to always speak to me through their work are the poet Mary Oliver and the late writer John O’Donohue.

6) How long was the idea for a book percolating or did you wake up one day feeling you were somehow led down the road to compile one? 

Really, I owe the idea for this book to my readers.  They were very persistent in encouraging me to put it together.  I am currently writing a novel and wasn’t considering a book of the blog at all, but so many people continued to write requesting it, I began to give it a bit of  serious thought.  Looking over all the material, I realized that there were indeed many essays that I hated to see simply digitally evaporate and I began, slowly at first, to edit and polish them till they were worthy of preservation in book form.  Of course, being a designer, I wanted the book to be as beautiful as it could be and was so pleased when artist Amber Alexander agreed to illustrate it.  Her paintings of Edward are such a treat and I unabashedly adore the finished product. 

From the House of Edward, Essays by Pamela Terry

7) What is the most rewarding thing for you; having a book published? 
You know, it was incredibly rewarding to hold that first copy in my hands.  But the real reward has been the letters and blog posts I’ve received from those who love the book.  I never really thought that far ahead, so these have been a humbling surprise and one that makes me incredibly happy.
 8) Pamela will have a book signing in Atlanta on December 16th! Finally, what are some words of wisdom you may have for the emerging writer or artist of any age? 

The only wisdom I can impart to a writer or an artist is the same I would give anyone.  That is to pay attention.  There is so much gloriousness in this world that so many of us either ignore or refuse to see.  Notice.  Remember.  Breathe life in like sweet perfume.  And find a way, we all have our ways, to share that beauty with others.  Life is very short and we are meant to enjoy it!  Oh, and it doesn’t hurt to adopt a dog!

Thank you so much Pamela! Now for the Giveaway! Pamela is offering a signed copy of her book specially Gift Wrapped for the Holidays to one lucky Winner!  Value of $35.00
This is an International Giveaway! 
1) Enter by being a follower of Art by Karena Via Email, GFC, or Linky in my right hand corner. 
2) Two Extra entries to win this most special Book by announcing this very Special 
 Giveaway on your own site, on your Facebook page or on Twitter 

The winner will be chosen on Friday December 7th at Midnight EST.
Be sure to visit Pamela's Blog-site From the House of Edward and her Book Site; From the House of Edward, Essays by Pamela Terry 
The House of Edward is a stunning book full of wonderful illustrations that is a perfect gift for anyone!!  Any orders through December will be specially gift wrapped!
Thank you to my wonderfully faithful friends and family. I appreciate you more than you know!
Art by Karena 

Disclosure: Pamela was so gracious to send me my own copy of her book "From the House of Edward, Essays by Pamela Terry"


  1. Good morning Karena!

    I hope you are well today; I am on a lunch break from working in my studio and it is exciting to see you featuring one of the best writers out in Blogland. I will never forget a lovely story she told about a black gate and an old woman. HER DOG IS FABULOUS!

    Have a fantastic day my dear, Anita

  2. Pamela's writing is a TREASURE to not only read, but to feel.

    I enjoyed your interview!
    What a delightful give-away, count me in for the drawing!!!

    Her love for Edward equals mine to our furry beasts. What a gift to be owned by a dog or two : )

    Blessings and WONDER,

  3. Karena-
    Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful story and book. Put my name in the hat!
    I am a follower of everything, and I will add to my sidebar.Teresa

  4. What a wonderful story, sweetie. Please count me in and have a beautiful day.

  5. I am a follower of your blog through GFC.
    This sounds like a great book to read. I love that fluffy doggie.

  6. Pamela is a wonderful person and I'm so happy she's created her book.

  7. Karena,
    You always "introduce" us to the most creative and interesting people! Thank you for sharing Elizabeth and Edward! A delightful interview with answers that could have been my own. Please enter me in your generous giveaway. I am subscribing via email.
    Your Friend,

  8. What a great story and I am sure that book is as lovely as her! Thanks Di@Cottage-Wishes

  9. Another fabulous giveaway! This would truly be a treasure to own.
    Count me in!

  10. Karena -- I just made my way over to Pamela's blog ... I can see why it transports you to another place, spiritually, mentally or physically. From my short visit, I felt peace and calmness.

    Edward is adorable ... truly magical how he came into her life. Furbabies really do teach us so much.

    I am a follower of your lovely blog and have just tweeted about this fabulous giveaway.

    Hugs to you my friend! xo C. (HHL)

    High Heeled Life ‏@HighHeeledLife1
    From the House of Edward, Essays by Pamela Terry Giveaway at Art by Karena …

  11. Thank you for sharing - what a nice giveaway.

  12. Hey Cutie Pie, Pamela is a favorite! I posted on her this morning myself, so happy your wide readership will have the priviledge of such a great post and giveaway here. You always do such a great job. It is a special giveaway.

  13. Good morning sweet Karena! Thank you for stopping by yesterday! I am running around here madly to finish a retail order and then I start a PAPER WEDDING DRESS!!! I will share that picture when I am done! Anita

  14. What a lovely interview with Pamela & Edward! I learned some new things about both of them that could only make you treasure them more.

  15. I am looking forward to your series! Hope you have a terrific day!

  16. I have been a reader of Pamela's blog for years, and a book is certainly a natural progression from the beauty of the blog. I look forward to reading it!

    - Holly

  17. Hi Karena,

    Such a lovely interview! Thanks for introducing us to yet another fabulous person :) and such a darling pup!


  18. Hi Karena, This is a fantastic post. I think that Jones and Edward would get along fabulously. Have a wonderful day. Mary

  19. Karena, every time I come to your blog I leave more enlightened. I love this interview and dog. I hope I win. Cheers!

  20. I am now a follower. Please enter me in your giveaway. A hug to Edward!

  21. I follow your blog via GFC. I love the C.S. Lewis quote and feel the same way. I'd love to read this special book. Thank you!

  22. A lovely post celebrating your friend. I just came from her blog and I'm following her blog now. Thank you for introducing us. Thank you for sharing at the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop xo

  23. I was just reading about The House of Edward on another blog. :D I will visit Edward soon!!!



  24. This is a great posting It’s exactly what I was looking for. I like your article.

  25. I love reading more about Pamela and Edward...and will buy her beautiful book for someone for the holidays...thank you for another wonderful artist series, Karena!

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  27. How fun to have you feature a blogger that I am already familiar with. A lovely interview, as always.


  28. I am a big fan of The House of Edward/Pamela. Fingers crossed.

    Be merry and bright my friend!

  29. Karena...what a wonderful story and the book looks fabulous!...

  30. Hey there! This post couldn't be written any better! Reading this post reminds me of my old room mate! He always kept talking about this. I will forward this page to him. Fairly certain he will have a good read. Thanks for sharing!
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  32. I am always amazed by the talents you showcase in your posts. Thank you for stopping by my blog - you are always so generous. Bisous

  33. Good morning Karena! Thank you for stopping by last night; I hope you are well! Anita

  34. Fabulous interview and giveaway!
    Love these pics!


  35. Dare I hope to enter and win another giveaway! I will sure try, since I love House of Edward and would love to have that book. Hers is a darling story and that dog seems almost human.
    Thanks for all your giveaways Karena, and I wish you a blessed holiday season.
    xoxo Nancy

  36. Pamela and Edward are a delight, it would be a thrill to have their book!

  37. Thanks for introducing me to Pamela! Of to check out her blog! Great giveaway too!

  38. I ahve enjoyed Pamela's blog for many yeras and would be thrilled to win a copy of her essays! Thank you for offering this mazing give away. i enjoyed your interview with Pamela very much!

  39. I posted your give away on facebook:!/patricia.o.badolato/posts/511260945559022

  40. Fantastic interview as always Karena!

  41. Fantastic interview as always Karena!

  42. Good morning Karena!
    When I saw that you had interviewed Edward's most prolific master I new I was in for a wonderful read. The first time I read Pamela's words was an ordinary hot summer night. She wrote comforting words about the simple joy of being at home under a big starry sky with her husband and Edward of course. Her words moved me to tears and had me re-thinking about life as it was that summer.
    I had the privilege of getting to know Edward when he was kind enough to join "A Dog Post," celebrating favorite dogs and their owners for the new year. He is a fine dog.
    I look forward to reading Pamela's new book and would love to have an autographed copy. I think it would be an excellent way to ring in the new year by snuggling up with Edward and of course Pamela's beautiful words.
    Thank you Karena for bringing us closer to The House of Edward. I hope you're having a wonderful Holiday!
    XO Lisa

  43. What a lovely interview, it makes me want to run out and get a dog too!! x Maria

  44. Just a lovely interview filled with inspiration and joy. As an artist I can so relate and love the pics with her dog. Make me miss my dear Miss B all the more. Thank you for sharing and best wishes for a wonderful holiday.
    Hugs, Celestina Marie

  45. AFter losing my dog 2 months ago, I am now looking at shelters to adopt, I hope I may find an Edward too! I just love him, what an endearing face and you can just see that personality beaming through! Best of luck on this book and what a wonderful giveaway!!
    xo Karolyn

  46. Hi, Karena -
    Thank you for another wonderful and thoughtful interview (as always)! Pamela's new book has had such tremendous reviews and lovely feedback. Thank you for hosting this giveaway...fingers crossed!

  47. This is wonderful news! I love this interview and have loved both Pamela and Edward for many years! All the best with the book, Pamela and thanks Karen for such a great interview!

  48. Pamela is wonderful. One day her post just hit me like a ton of bricks. The music was right, her message resonated and I e-mailed her. Pamela got me through a hard day and moved me through to inspiration. She is a transformative writer. I wish I could visit old bloggy friends more often. No, in fact I resolve to do so. Karen, you are always there. Both of you are good friends.

  49. I am so impressed with Pamela Edward. She has amazing talent. She easily leaves me spell bound. Hope you are doing wonderful, Karena. XO, Mona

  50. Thank you for introducing me to this amazing lady! I have not been reading blogs lately (so many blogs, so little time), but I am delighted to have come across your interview. Please count me in!
    Warm regards,

  51. I love the story of Edward the dog and especially that wonderful photo of Pamela and Edward in the snow!

  52. Sweet friend, I think
    it was serendipity that
    had me wide awake at
    4AM and so led to my
    computer, and to this
    lovely and inspiring post.
    I love how you so generously
    promote other artists, and
    this one spoke straight
    to my heart. I love Pamela's
    blog but hadn't visited it
    for a while. I've also had
    requests to put my own
    blog thoughts into a book,
    and this has me seriously
    considering it {among other
    writing projects I've got on
    the back burner!}. Thank
    you, thank you, for both the
    inspiration and your always
    encouraging comments.

    I love your kind heart.

    Happy {early early} Saturday!

    xo Suzanne

  53. This book looks amazing! I hope you're having a wonderful weekend!

  54. Thank you for sharing at the Thursday Favorite Things hop xo

  55. Karena,

    What a lovely interview. I can certainly relate to what Pamela said with regards to Interior Design businesses suffering in 2008. I too went through this and had to make some changes thereafter.

    I'm so glad she chose to invest her time in The House of Edward. :)


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