Wednesday, October 31, 2012

2012 Artists Series Featuring the renowned Kathe Fraga

Introducing internationally acclaimed  artist Kathe Fraga. The first time I saw her works of art I was stunned ; simply mesmerized! 
I hope you will enjoy our conversation and her paintings.

 The influence of time spent by the artist living in the beautiful old cities of South America, Denmark, England, and France can be clearly felt.

A Rustle of Feathers-A Whisper of Love

  1)     Kathe your genre of art is so unique; can you tell us about how you create these gorgeous works?

 I love the look of old frescoed walls and murals--I spent many growing up years in Europe and South America and am influenced by the "beauty of decay"-layers and layers of paint and colors, faded imagery, patterns from the past--the soft, lovely worn look of generations. I look to recreate this in my work. I fresco my panels and canvases, then paint botanicals, patterns, animals, layer on more color, scrape and reveal, repaint, add more color until it feels like the story is complete. The work is very textured.

A Song of Celebration

 2)    Are you a self taught artist or have you taken studies/ classes? When you first remember creating art?

 I come from a long line of women in love with color. My great-grandmother was a knitter, crocheter, quilter, lace-maker, as was my grandmother. I have always painted, drawn and created, papering my bedroom walls with new work as I grew up and my mother encouraged me. (I still have my childhood dented little green tin box that still holds all my old colored pencils.) So there has never been a time that I can remember not wanting/needing to make art. As a gallerist for many years--my husband and I owned and managed Gallery Fraga here on Bainbridge Island, I had the exquisite opportunity, on a monthly basis as we opened new shows, to meet and get to know a huge variety of artists/art--visit studios, chat with collectors. It was a wonderful experience.

Love Poems II Sweet Mystery

 3)    Where do you obtain your inspiration? Images, nature, your mind?

 Inspiration is everywhere--I'm drawn to vintage textiles, old mansions, worn books, gilded frames, azulejo tiles, Blue Willow china beach shards, 1920 Chinese Deco rugs, pink roses, anything chinoiserie, Pierre Bonnard, Gustav Klimt...I could go on and on!


4)    Who are other artists that you admire or consider mentors?

 I have such a deep admiration and respect for anyone who creates: dancers, singers, writers, artists--this is the work that propels my work. When I see and experience how artists continue to overcome challenges, take risks, push! That keeps anyone going.

In a Paris Courtyard

 5)    Do you have exhibits in the near future or are you showing in certain galleries?

 What is the general price range of your art and what range of sizes?

My next show will be here on Bainbridge Island in February 2013 at Roby King Gallery ( am working on this new collection right now in my studio--always nice to show in your hometown 

In August 2013, you'll see new work at my solo show at Museo Gallery on Whidbey Island, Washington ( I continue to have work at Kaller Fine Arts in NY and DC ( and a WaterWorks Gallery in Friday Harbor, Washington ( 

The new Kathe Fraga Home collection will be introduced in 2013 with silk pillows based on my paintings. 

I also have the KF Greeting Card Collection available via my website ( Prints of my work are available through Grand Image ( and Artaissance ( Notebooks, wrapping paper and cards are available through Ecojot (, and Graphique de France ( sells a wedding card created from one of my paintings. 

For original paintings, I love 24 x 36" and price them (retail) at $2000. 36 x 48" paintings are $3500.

Green Silk and Honey

Under the Chinese Lantern

6)    Finally I always ask what words of wisdom or advice you would impart to an artist of any age.

My best piece of advice for painters: get busy. And enjoy it!

Midnight and Green Silk

 Kathe thank you so much for this enlightening interview; sharing your thoughts and journey as an artist!

To my devoted readers, I hope you will click on the links provided. and comment on your favorite painting !

Art by Karena

Images and some text courtesy of Kathe 

Thank you so much to Vicki of French Essence for the lovely vintage French Lace Trim  and to Lisa of Peridot Sky's for a lovely bracelet designed by Linz Gutz!


  1. Fabulous art!! they are all beautiful... my favs: In a Paris Courtyard and Love Poems II Sweet Mystery - later seems to have a proud peacock in it. Hugs, C. (HHL)

  2. Beautiful! The colors are so vibrant. Hope you are doing well.

  3. Hi Karena, Her work is beautiful. I love the paintings and I bet the pillows will be amazing.

  4. "Un bruissement de plume" est une oeuvre que j'admire particulièrement...
    L'ensemble de son travail reflète une certaine poésie et une très belle sérénité.
    Gros bisous et merci pour cette merveilleuse publication.

  5. Hello Karen,
    Kaleena and Paris Courtyard is beautiful, thank you for sharing.

  6. "Green silk and honey" is really marvelous and perfect for all of us chinoiserie addicts. Her work is so delicate and feminine. I would love to see it in person.

  7. My pleasure Karena.. :)
    These works are stunning... xv

  8. I'm a fan of Kathe having met via Facebook. Thanks for giving me another look at her gorgeous work.

  9. These are beautiful, with a hint of chinoiserie! I love it.
    Hope all is well Karena. Happy Halloween!
    xo Nancy

  10. Always so lovely to hear the background Karena. So many colours and textures. xx

  11. Good morning sweet one! Lovely art as usual, for you manage to capture many styles and celebrate us all. THANK YOU and how are you today? Anita

  12. Karena-
    I thought that the first image was my favorite, with its beautiful lavenders, but as visited every painting after, I just lost track of my favorite. She is one talented artist, and i have bookmarked her website!!
    Happy Thursday.

  13. I really love this style! I would love to see her work in person. I am in NYC, but notice these are private galleries - or limited showing at The Tunnel, Chelsea? It does really have Klimt vibe to it, which I love. Beautiful work

  14. What pretty colors and the birds are so sweet

  15. Love these textures and I first saw them I couldn't decide if they were more like textiles or paintings....I would love to see her do a mural wall....Beautiful work and thank you for the story behind Kathe's work....will call you tomorrow if I can~

  16. I cannot tell you how glad I am that I saw this post! Thank you for sharing it with us! This artist is phenomenal…I love everything she said and shared! The first thing that caught my attention as an antique dealer was her statement…"There is beauty in decay!" I love that! And then of course, in my mind…I tried not to think about it personally as I get older and see all of the lines and decay on my body! LOL! but that is still a beautiful statement! I love your art series and I love getting to read your posts! I hope you are feeling somewhat ok?! I would love to know an update, Karen!!!

  17. I feel like these works are very Asian inspired and very soothing! Have a wonderful weekend!

  18. Amazing, talented artist Karena...I love her "Midnight and Green Silk"....Have a wonderful weekend!!

  19. Quite very beautiful and dreamy! xo Z

  20. Thank you for this post. What an incredible artist. I'm glad I came across you blog.

  21. I've seen Kathye's work, so yummy!

  22. Good afternoon sweet friend! THANK YOU FOR COMING OVER! How are you feeling these days??? Anita

  23. so beautiful! Thank you for joining in the fun at the Thursday Favorite Things hop. Happy Monday wishes xo P.S. sorry I'm so late visiting :-)

  24. Hi, Karena - Really beautiful and a bit romantic! I love the layers and the texture in each piece.

  25. What a talented artist - love the colors in her paintings and the last image...fabulous!!

  26. Absolutely beautiful!! Swing by and enter my Novica giveaway if you get a chance!

  27. How beautiful Just found your blog which is very lovey Look forward to more posts!!

  28. Just lovely, The colors are beautiful!

  29. Kathe's layers and colors are beautiful! xx

  30. Karena,

    What a nice chat and I learned so much too. Love color and it seems it's been peoples minds like a wild fire. I've had three calls for interior color consultations this week.

    Just love those little birds hanging out in these lovely colorful pieces.


  31. Wow, I love all of these. I am always amazed at how many talented people are in the world. So nice to find a place that shows off their work.

  32. I like that phrase, "beauty by decay."


  33. Good morning sweet Karena! Thank you for visiting my blog yesterday. I responded to your email....I hope you understand. Thank you Anita

  34. Karen! thanks for introducing me to this lovely artists.. I love love her work! hope your weekend was wonderful too1



  35. So pretty, very feminine with lovely use of color! Thank you for sharing!

  36. Dear Karena - I've been enjoying your artists series, and the great diversity that you've chosen to share. Most inspiring!

  37. Fabulous art!! they are all beautiful... I love your blog!!!!

  38. Fabulous art!! they are all beautiful... I love your blog!!!!

  39. Fabulous art!! they are all beautiful... I love your blog!!!!

  40. Haven't seen you in a bit...hoping you are okay?
    Have a lovely Thanksgiving, Karen!



  41. Gorgeous work! Thanks for sharing this Karen!

  42. Kathe is such a great artist! Thank you for sharing this wonderful interview!
