Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The Paris Apartment Book Review and Book Giveaway

 Introducing Claudia Strasser, Antique Shop Owner, Author and Blogger of The Paris Apartment

Claudia's Latest book "Paris Flea Market Style" is her very unique and studied take  on furnishings from her many travels to France, Paris in particular  and the best destinations for fine French Antiques as well as the brocantes  (flea markets" where many treasures can certainly be found.

Claudia Strasser of The Paris Apartment
Some fascinating facts on Claudia's very exciting lifestyle form The Paris Apartment.

Claudia began her career in 1993 when she opened a boutique in New York City's East Village. In  contrast to the dark neighborhood, it was filled with French boudoir furniture and accessories. She painted and repaired flea market finds, reincarnating them into the sparkling treasures.

She was approached by Judith Regan to write a decorating book showcasing her style in 1995, and together they  published her first book, ''The Paris Apartment, Romantic Decor on a Flea Market Budget'.  

Claudia  continues to grow the company  by combining a fresh and eclectic mix of vintage, French and Art Deco styles. The Paris Apartment was summed up when called "playful, romantic and luxurious interiors.(NY Times)
Today Claudia  travels to Paris throughout the year, taking small groups shopping and sharing resources. She is working on books and articles, designing a furniture line and pet decorating projects.  

Hotel Crillion the subject of one of Claudia's recent blog posts

Notebook Set from The Paris Apartment Boutique

Antique Armoire in stripped solid oak, with open doors for display.
Amazing antique find with lovely twining ribbon and leaf detailing.
As you can see in Claudia's Boutique you will discover from the inexpensive special gift sets to the high end Furnishings from Paris you would expect.

In perusing this book you will want to explore  The Paris Apartment  as well as The Paris Apartment Blog

For an opportunity to win a copy of  "Paris Flea Market Style":

1) Please be a follower of Art by Karena via GFC or Linky in the right hand column of my site.

2)  Simply comment on if you have been to Paris or if it is on your  wish list of Travel Destinations!

This is a Giveaway open Worldwide!

The winner will be chosen on Friday May 3rd Midnight EST!

Images and some copy Courtesy of The Paris Apartment

Thank you to my friends and family who have helped me in so many ways during these past years of  health issues. I could not have made it without you!

Help me to pay it forward by supporting the Arts & our Blog Community in any way you can.

Art by Karena

 PS I received a copy of  the Paris Flea Market Style book for review,
I also want to thank Pam from Over 50 Feeling 40 for the lovely white tunic from Foxcroft.


  1. So glad to see you back Karena and with a beautiful giveaway too!
    I've been to Paris three times and would go every year if I could, it's my favourite city in the world!

  2. I follow you by Gov. Hope you are doing well. Paris is on my list for someday. I would've to escape in reading this book.

  3. Wonderful give-away! I have been to Paris four times, I just can't get enough of that incredible city!
    ps. I'm a follower

  4. I've been to Paris twice, but next trip I long to hang out in Provence and the mountainous eastern border. France is so much fun. If I could just take my weenies...

  5. Have not been to Paris in decades. Hopefully I will win this book to make up some time.

  6. Welcome back, Karena! I hope you are well. So great to have you back, and very kind of you to host this giveaway. I would LOVE this book!!! I have been to Paris and the flea markets. But I'd love to know Claudia's trade secrets :)

  7. Oh, I've never been, but how I would LOVE to go!


  8. Dear friends,
    I hope you will spread the word
    to your followers to come and see me!

  9. :D Yay to feeling better! What a great giveaway. I have been to Paris several times, but not in the past several years. I would love to go back!


  10. Great give away...Paris sounds wonderful!

  11. LOVE Claudia! I have her other boo and it is great! And she is so sweet.
    Put my name in the hat!

  12. I am a follower-thank you for the wonderful give-away. I have been to Paris when I was only 4 and it has been in my memories ever since!

  13. I follow on GFC. I have been to Paris but it was years ago, I would love to go back. Debra chedeb5353@hotmail.com

  14. Une très jolie publication... Un ouvrage que je serais heureuse de consulter et de conserver précieusement.
    Gros bisous à vous.

  15. Wonderful give-away! I have been to Paris four times, I just can't get enough of that incredible city!

  16. This post is so informative and makes a very nice image on the topic in my mind. It is the first time I visit your blog, but I was extremely impressed. Keep posting as I am gonna come to read it everyday! furniture Store

  17. I've been to Paris a few times and am going in 3 weeks for a 10 day vacation -I CAN'T WAIT!!! Another great giveaway, Karena!

  18. Yes, love Paris and never tire of going there to visit family and museums. In many ways it feels like visiting an old friends. I love the city of lights!
    Love that book and what a wonderful give-away.
    Glad you are feeling stronger and here today.

  19. Karena...I am signed up to go to Paris for a "shopping trip" of the Paris Fleas and the Normandy area this coming September with some fellow bloggers...I cannot wait to go and experience France for the very first time.
    What a fantastic giveaway!!!...thanks for presenting this interview with Claudia Strassner.
    Hope you are doing well Karena!!

  20. Grand giveaway! Adore Paris + have been to their flea markets however would love to hear what Claudia thinks about them. What a sweet ending you have written + Happy you are feeling better! xxpeggybraswelldesign.com

  21. Hey Karen,

    Love this! I've never come across Claudia before.

    She seems like a very talented lady.

    Thanks for sharing, keep up the great work I adore your blog.


  22. I love Claudia's blog--keeps me happy.

  23. That looks like a great book!

  24. Dearest Karena I often read Paris Apartment blog and this book looks fabulous. I can't wait for my next trip to Paris... Xo blessings, C. (HHL)

  25. So jealous of those who have been to Paris. Time is running out for me but I console myself with wonderful books and movies. I look forward to seeing Claudia's new book!

  26. I've never been to Europe, let alone Paris. I'd love to go. Claudia's books are a big inspiration to me.

  27. I've been to Paris three times since 2011 and each trip brings something new and fantastic!

  28. I have never been to Paris, it is a dream of mine to make it there one day. Wonderful giveaway and what a great blog.

  29. Good morning Karena! How are you feeling? Did you ever receive the card I sent you? I hope you are well my dear! Thank you for coming to visit my France post and what a great give-away you are having here! Please enter me in! I love Claudia's photos and finds!


  30. welcome back karena, your voice has been missed.

    thrilled to learn about this book and claudia's blog. i guide small tours to france and am always seeking new resources
    fingers crossed!

  31. Love Paris - my favorite neighborhood is the Marais. The book looks wonderful. Tomorrow I'm having a giveaway too - wanted to make sure you knew.

  32. My copy arrived from Amazon two days ago! LOVE this book!
    Good luck to everyone!



  33. Dear Karena ... so beautiful and thank-you for this lovely post on The Paris Apartment ... and Claudia Strasser and her new book. I hope your journey will become lighter as you travel.
    best wishes always

  34. I have never been to Paris, though I would love to go. My home, however, is decorated French country. I would love to win this book!
    Thanks for your sweet comments on my blog...have a wonderful weekend!!

  35. I think this book sounds fascinating.

  36. Very fun! What a nice giveaway. Such a treat. Merci!

  37. Paris is my favorite city on earth, and I've only been once but it has my heart. I would love to win this beautiful book! Hope you are feeling well Karena! Have a nice weekend.
    xo Nancy

  38. I love this giveaway! I am going to Paris for my 50th.. so Ihave 2 years to re-learn French!! I love the French Romantic style.. this is a good one, thanks for sharing!
    xo Karolyn

  39. I just saw this on Pinterest and followed you...Just got back form a week in Paris this week. It was wonderful and that's why when I saw those images on Pinterest they jumped off the page.

  40. Not been to Paris...yet...it's on my bucket list. I'm a follower and the book looks very inviting.

  41. Good morning dearest Karena!

    I hope you are well this lovely morning as I celebrate our first day of real spring! I just came in from working outside and is sunny and warm. Wishing you the best today! Anita

  42. This book looks wonderful Karena, thanks for the introduction. This is my type of furnishings! I have had the pleasure of perusing La Puce in Paris a few times. I always hear of other, less known markets on the outskirts of town, those are definitely on my wish list. Have a great weekend Karena. Great giveaway!! xo ~ebh

  43. HI! I hope you are well! I'm a follower and I have been to Paris but it was too long ago. I'd love to go again soon and I'd love to win!

  44. Hi Karena, hope you are doing well, your strong and faithful spirit are an inspiration for times when challenges abound...it's nice to see you back.
    This is a wonderful giveaway, and has me thinking about how much I would love to go to Paris, I've never been but it's a dream of mine to go one day. Been a fan of Claudia's for years, love The Paris Apartment!
    All the best to you...
    xo J~

  45. I just happened across your lovely blog today from 'Around the Table'. The Paris Apartment is always gorgeous. Paris is one of my favorite places and we celebrated Christmas there a few months ago. Wonderful giveaway.
    I look forward to following your blog.
    Cheers, Heather

  46. Grew up in Europe but never been to Paris. Would LOVE to visit the romantic city one day!!
    Would love to enter your giveaway.

  47. Hello Karena, Yes.. I thought I'd already visited and left a comment.. Anyway, wonderful book and I subscribed to her blog. Such a fantastic giveaway. We were in Paris last year and I can't wait to go back.

    I hope you are well and enjoying a spring weekend!


  48. What a fabulous giveaway! I was recently in Paris and I explored the flea markets with a guide (Mimi from Belle Inspiration) that I found through Claudia. It was amazing! I'd love to read the book.

    I hope you are doing well, Karena!

  49. Lovely giveaway

    ~ linkedin & pinterest follower...

    been a follower of Paris Apartment for a long while, & yours,, delight to follow you both.


    A wish list to visit Paris, & to live in Franch someday..

  50. Hi Karena,
    What a lovely give away! I am a fan of the Paris Apartment and am thrilled to see her newest book.

    We took a family trip to Paris 3 summers ago, when our boys were really young (5 & 8) and it was so magical and special. My oldest son has been studying French for the past 4 years and he said he wanted to see the Eiffel Tower instead of Disney World....so we thought, "let's do it". I would love to return when my boys are older and take some photos in the same places I took photos when they were so young. My youngest let me get the cutest pics of him all throughout the Rodin Garden. How fun to have an older version of him in the same poses!

    Hope you are enjoying a beautiful Sunday!
    xoxo Elizabeth

  51. Bonjour Karena,
    Thanks for delighting us with Claudia's new book and
    Paris...ooh...How I dream to wake up in the city of lights...
    Hope today is sweet for you.

  52. What a lovely giveaway my darling bloggy friend. Yes, I have been to Paris I lived not far from there for four years. Thank you so much for the giveaway opportunity. xo P.S. you know I am a follower ( wink)

  53. While I have not had the pleasure to visit France, it is a item on my bucket list. My second daughter and I whom love art, both want to visit France to soak up the history and art culture.

  54. Hi. I thought I was already a follower, but remedied that when I saw I was not
    So,would I love to go to Paris? You bet.....but I may only make it in my dreams, and maybe in pictures if I win this book

    thanks for opportunity


  55. So sweet of you to offer a giveaway. You have a lovely blog. I was in Paris back in 1989. Such a long time ago, but it was beautiful. It's a time I will never forget and will treasure in my memory. I am your newest follower and will be back to visit again. Have a wonderful week,
    Janet Bernasconi
    Janet's Creative Pillows

  56. My last visit to Paris is scary long ago. Almost 15 years, before our youngest son was even planed....
    Ahh, and yet it stays in my mind! Wish I could fly tomorrow. I just love the city of light!
    Such a delightful give away!
    I am glad you health s restored! May it stay this way!

  57. New Follower! Would love to win this. I haven't been to France yet, but I plan on going there in July and possibly again in August. I am inspired by French decor and antiques.

    -Brittany Ruth

  58. I would love a copy of this book! I've never been to Paris, sadly, but it's at the top of my bucket list. Love the Paris Apartment and the amazing decor finds, great giveaway!

  59. Karen, I have been here several times and have noticed you were taking a break. I hope your health is on the right track. What a beautiful book.

  60. The book looks amazing! I have been to Paris twice and the memories of that city stay with me. It holds a special place for me also as my Grandmother was from Paris and I have many cousins there.
    I enjoyed travelling throughout France and would go back tomorrow!

  61. Already a GFC followed and no :( never been but want to go desperately!

  62. What a great give-away, Karen! I love Claudia and her style is terrific. Sorry I've been so MIA lately, been crazy busy. Thanks for all of your sweet comments & want you to know that you're in my thoughts & prayers. xoxo

  63. Such a nice giveaway. I've been to Paris and walked all over the city. I have such wonderful memories of great sites, great food and extremely kind people. Jo @ Let's Face the Music

  64. Wonderful giveaway. Been to Paris and just love it. Hope to be visiting again soon!

  65. I like your story, ok, i’ll bookmark this site and return here in next few days.

  66. Welcome back, Karena!! What a fabulous give away. This book looks like such a great read and lovely coffee table book too. :)

    I have been to Paris twice. The first time was when hubby proposed in front of the Eiffel Tower-it was such a memorable trip. The second time we were just passing through en route to Greece and took a taxi into the city for 8 before catching our next flight.

  67. I already follow your blog :-)

    I've never been to Paris, and to be honest, it's not high on my list of places to visit - I prefer to take the road less traveled :-) But I do love the beautiful architecture in Paris, and the furniture and accessories too :-)

  68. What a fabulous giveaway!
    Claudia is amazing and so is her blog.
    Thanks so much for the chance. The book is scrumptious!

  69. I'd love to win! The notebooks are amazing!

  70. What a lovely post:) your blog is such an inspiration.

    If you like to have a spring picnic...check out my blog:)

    Have a great day dear

    LOVE Maria at inredningsvis.se
