Sunday, December 27, 2009

Winter Sky You are Invited!

New Years is upon us and I am trying new techniques and inspirations. Thus a winter sky with puffy clouds galore. I will have an Exhibit and Reception at Towne & Country Bank in Leawood KS on Friday Evening January 8th from 5:00-7:00 pm. Refreshments will be served. The location is on the SW corner of 135th and Roe Blvd. I hope you can make it!! Email or call me for further details !

I truly appreciate all of the encouragement & support from all of you!!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Season of Love & Joy

Peace to You

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Tis the Season...Love the Lights

Tis the Season....I love all of the bright holiday lights. Seas of red and green, bling galore. This year I am feeling the need for some softness though, and the white lights attract me the most. My paintings are lighter and airier. A series of lightness then who knows!

Thankful that I am better off than so many...
Considering the wonders of this earth...
Wishing only for health, happiness & love...
Visiting Museums and art galleries...
Taking myself less seriously, laughing more & more...
Listening more talking less...
Opening up to new friends & cherishing those I've had for years...
Isabella, Sal, Sarah, and Jessica...
My huge family, most who are close to me here in Kansas City...
Learning, reading, new endeavors, a hot air balloon ride very soon...

Tagged by my dear friend Maria of Colour Me Happy

Friday, November 6, 2009

A Room of Her Own

I am honored to be a featured artist on the site A Room of Her Own, a Foundation for women writers and artists. My art " Storm over Plowed Fields" below is on the site. Scroll down about 2/3 of the page.

In July 2000, shortly after her mother’s death,
Darlene Chandler Bassett arrived at Georgia O’Keeffe’s Ghost Ranch in Abiquiu, New Mexico for a women’s retreat, a box of Kleenex and a copy of Virginia Woolf’s A Room of One’s Own in her backpack. She retired from her career of twenty years as a corporate executive for entrepreneur Eli Broad five years prior, and had been seeking new passion and direction ever since.

Also arriving at Ghost Ranch was Mary Johnson, a woman who had recently left quite a different career, having served the same twenty years as a nun in the order founded by Mother Teresa of Calcutta. The parish church where she worked sent her to the retreat for a week of continuing education. The first evening Mary announced, “This retreat was my fifth choice. It’s very difficult for me to trust older women, and I’m not sure why I’m here.” Ghost Ranch’s oddest couple had just met. During an evening session focused on midlife possibilities Mary told of her desire to write her story, asking the universe for “a room of my own and the opportunity to write.” At that moment Darlene found her passion, Mary found a benefactor, and A Room of Her Own Foundation found its beginning in the realization of Virginia Woolf’s words, “a woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write.” Recognizing a new calling, Darlene offered to fund Mary’s pursuit of a fine arts degree if Mary would help her create a template for an organization that would offer other women the privacy, finances, and creative support to pursue their work. Just like that, A Room of Her Own Foundation was born. “I decided I would finance Mary’s art, and if I could do it for her, we could do it for other women,” Chandler Bassett said. Together they developed a model for a foundation which would give creative women the money and space they needed to pursue their creative vision.

Poetry and art aren’t luxuries, they are integral to any culture’s evolution.
A Room of Her Own Foundation (AROHO)
501(c)(3) nonprofit organization providing a unique arts program that will impact the development of our culture. Our passion is for helping women writers and artists go the full journey from inspiration, through creative production, and on to the marketplace. AROHO is dedicated to furthering the vision of Virginia Woolf and bridging the gap between a woman’s economic reality and her artistic creation. We bridge this gap by offering generous financial support to women of diverse artistic expression—the written arts (fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, and playwriting), as well as the visual arts (painting, sculpture, and photography). We further Woolf’s vision by providing moral support and professional guidance to independent creative women who are committed to their art. Through the $50,000 biennial Gift of Freedom award, unique Writers' Retreat experiences, and the AROHO Book Club and blog, A Room of Her Own Foundation empowers women and educates the community about the important work of female artists and writers.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Stormy Skies in Autumn

It is a stormy day in Kansas City. I cannot find the words to describe the abundance of color in nature this time of year. The autumn golds, bronze,orange, rusts, reds, bring brilliance to any drive about town. The burning bushes as I call them are so bright it astounds me. I love the seasons and this is still my favorite!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Kreative Blogger Artist

I have been chosen as a Kreative Blogger by Greet Lefevre of Belgian Pearls. Her site is breathtaking and she is very knowledgeable. I am to tell several things about myself that others may not know

1) I am passionate about my loves, my family, the arts in nearly every form. Theatre, music, exhibits of art. Reading a great book before bed.Nothing can keep me away from painting and my expression of passion & love.

2) I love the water, I lived in San Diego thirteen years. A lot of my art reflects abstract water and landscapes.

3) I am back home in Kansas City where most of my family lives and this is where my heart is.Below is a fine art photography piece by Steve Johnston of the Country Club Plaza with images transposed which I love!
4) I am stronger and more resilient than I appear to most. I have a determination to make my dreams come true and to be an inspiration to my family and friends.

5) I adore autumn, a glass of Pinot Noir, a romantic dinner, a good movie, walks along the Tomahawk Creek Pathway, perusing the little specialty shops in our area. There are many pocket neighborhoods in KC. Brookside, Crestwood, The Plaza, etc. Visiting art galleries and museum exhibits is a favorite.

6) I love decorating and making even small changes to update and make my condominium look more interesting and comfortable.

7) I have a cat Miss Belle who is my little companion.My grandchildren, Isabella, Sal, Sarah, and Jessica are the most special ones to spend time with, making art, baking, going for pizza, movies, laughing, etc.

I will tag
Patricia/ Mrs. Blandings, Joni/Cote De Texas, Anne/ Annechovie, Patricia/ PVE Design, David/ Midwestern Malaise, Soodie/Soodie Beasley, & Megan/ Beach Bungalow

Do the same thing, do tell your 7 little known facts and link my blog on your site!

Their links are all to the side of my post

Friday, October 9, 2009

Cool, Crisp Autumn arrives with Warm Color

My latest painting . It is 36 x 36 done in mixed media, oils and metallic. It is out the the deck wall, along with coordinating rust orange/ gold cushions and patio furniture refinished in a deep, deep red! One thing leads to another! Enjoy the season of the senses.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

In The Pink Month

This is a time to pay tribute to our loved ones during Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Who of us does not have a friend , relative, or co-worker who has fought the good fight against this serious disease. Let's give a smile to every woman we see or meet this month, for we never know what kind of pain one might be living with. Let's make a difference! Be sure to support Back in the Swing!

Friday, September 18, 2009

An Evening with Jamie Wyeth at the Kemper Museum of Contemporary Art

Last night I was honored to be invited to the exhibit Wyeth: Three generations of Artistry. This special event took place at The Kemper Museum of Contemporary Art in Kansas City Missouri. Jamie Wyeth was interviewed by the new museum curater, Barbara Brian. Rachael Blackburn Cozad, Director and CEO was charming as always to all of the guests.

Sitting in the front row, I was able to ask Jamie a question during after the discourse. I was curious about his time spent with Nureyev and the many paintings and drawing he did of the Russian dancer. I will keep his story for another day!

The exhibit will be up until November 29th. It is breathtaking and I encourage anyone in the area to visit this special showing. These images are not in the exhibit, however they give you a hint of the power and expertise of his drawings and paintings.

I also was allowed to take a photo of one of my favorite works in the permanent collection at the Kemper by Helen Frankenthaler.
As a colorist and abstract expressionist, you can see why I love Helen's works of art. Bebe and Crosby Kemper are one of many extremely generous families of art patrons in Kansas City.

Images credited to the Kemper Museum and Jamie Wyeth. All works are copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any form.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Party Pics

Such a fun event! Many came to see my art and enjoy the music and refreshments. Much thanks to Art Commissioner George Schlagel, Waynel Gregory, and City Council member Scott Gregory for their help; and to Jessica my granddaughter for assisting with the installation. Isn't she beautiful!? More pics to follow as my daughter in law took many photos.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

September Art Events

I am excited to announce two very special Art Events for September with fun receptions. The First Friday Event is at Art Bidz in the Kansas City Crossroads is on September 4th from 5-9 pm.

On Second Friday on Sept 11th I will have a solo art showing at the Roeland Park City Hall. This will be an early reception from 4-6 pm The location is on the link to the home page.

These are more monoprints from my new series done with my friend and sculptor/ print maker Robert Anders. Robert will be exhibiting in The Art Westport Show here in Kansas City. Click on images to enlarge.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

New Ventures in Art

Vibrant Energy I

Serene Energy I

I have recently been honored to take a class with the artist Robert Anders. His sculptures are amazing...absolutely breathtaking. He is multi-talented; a painter and master print maker as well. We are both members of the Kansas City Artist's Coalition.

I have never worked in the printmaking arena, so we did some monoprints the other evening in his studio. I have to say I loved it. These are original oils done on copper plate. The red has some hand sketching and coloring. I am very excited to do more works in this medium. Let me know your thoughts. Do you always work in the same way, or are you willing to be adventurous and try new ways of creativity?

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Art Bidz Fun First Friday

Event Pic! This is the best one, and I know There is glare on it. I am in the middle with a new hair design! These are friends Karen K and Kris R. There was a great turnout in spite of the heat! If you have never attended First Fridays in the Crossroads Kansas City; it is an amazing way to find unique and unbelievable works of art. Go to Art Bidz to find original oil paintings, sculptures. art glass art furniture and more. Thanks to all of my friends and family for your support!

Friday, July 24, 2009

You are Invited!

Two weeks to go for the next art event. Please Join us for First Friday, August 7th in the Crossroads at ArtBidz. The reception is from 5:00-9:00 pm with fun, refreshments, and great works of art from regional artists. There is so much talent from those who create paintings, sculptures, art glass, and more.

Much thanks to Maria Killam of Colour Me Happy. She had a giveaway on her fabulous blog and I won a fun umbrella! Be sure to visit her, as she is a designer who really knows her stuff.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Golden Sunset in a Stormy Sea

This painting came together in a way I just loved! Most of it is in palette knife technique The golden section of the sky is in brushing. It is a small size, however I am looking at it and I think I want to create it in a larger work of art in a similar vein. What do you think?

Friday, July 3, 2009

First Fridays in the Crossroads Kansas City

Fun In the Crossroads tonight! I will be showing at Art Bidz, an exciting new venue on 19th Street just east of Oak. Come and enjoy, the crowds may be a bit calmer because of the fourth weekend, however what a great way to kick off the celebration! 6:00 - 9:00 pm. Refreshments provided for all.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Fireworks and Flora

It is a bit early for fireworks. I started drawing this art and was thinking of the blooms of agapanthas popping up everywhere when I lived in San Diego. All of a sudden stepping away it was a sky of fireworks.Since a child when we had those (dangerous) sparklers to swing around on July 4th, then watching incredible displays on Independence Day, I have been in awe of the beauty and magic in the sky. What do you think of that lights up your life like magic?

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Animal Haven Art Event Coming Up Friday

Mark the date for The Art Exhibit at The Winged Scarab Art Center. We are benefiting Animal Haven at this First Friday for the Arts in Kansas City. I also want to thank Debra from Lifescapes for featuring me and my art on her blog this past week. Do check out her wonderful works.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

First Friday Art Exhibit to Benefit Animal Haven KC

I am excited to announce that June's First Friday Art Exhibit at The Winged Scarab Art Center will benefit Animal Haven KC .It is such a worthwhile cause and a portion of my sales will go directly to them. Click on the link to learn more about this wonderful shelter.

I have a new series of art works from 12 x 12 to 72 x 60. It will be great art, fun, music, and refreshments. The hours will be from 5:30-9:00 pm. The Winged Scarab is located at 1417 W 11th Street, Kansas City MO 64101. Call me for details at 913-663-4284.

Oh refreshments will be served and dogs will be at the event available for adoption pets!

Monday, May 11, 2009

The Winged Scarab Art Center Exhibit

My grandson Sal with a stunning work of his own art.

A few images from my art exhibit at The Winged Scarab Art Center. Look for the next event which will be at The Winged Scarab for The First Fridays Art Crawl on June 5th! The support from friends and Family made it a fun evening for all! Plus many helped to hang the show, paint, clean and get the gallery ready for the opening!

Much thanks to Panache Chocolates for their donation for a drawing and gift of chocolate platters for the show!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Golden Terra

Friends of mine have taken over the Rockhill Condominium project which is on the Historic Register and located at 4400 Rockhill Road. I am proud to be featuring four works of my art in the model home, The Grand Opening is Tuesday from 4:30 - 6:30. They are located just north of the renowned Nelson-Atkins Museum and the new Bloch Museum.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Green Sea of Encouragement

I was very honored today. Bruce Hartman, Curator of The Nerman Museum of Contemporary Art came to visit my home and studio. We are connected through the art world, though mainly through my sister Cynthia and brother-in-law Michael. It is just amazing where life takes you; this visit is a life changing experience for me and I cannot express enough the validation that came from this meeting with Bruce.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Art at the Center

I encourage anyone in the region to join us for this very special event tonight and tomorrow night. I am proud to be included in the juried Spring Art Exhibit at Art at the Center. Lewis Nerman and Professor Ann Wicklund of the Nerman Museum will jury the exhibit.

The reception and exhibit is open to the public. After that as Mrs B suggest The Belger Gallery is having another special Art Exhibit open this First Friday. A big art day for Kansas City!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Food Day

Food Banks are receiving more requests than ever. Many are first time families in need due to the economy and layoffs. We can make a difference, and even a dollar will help! More if you can. Harvesters here in Kansas City benefits from this organization Doing something positive when there has been so much negative news, will help others and start in turning things around for so many people.

My blogger friends Meg from Pigtown Design started this project with Chris from Easy and Elegant Life. Please join in the fight against hunger by making a donation to Feed America.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Brights and Lights for Spring

This is one of my latest painting projects. It has now turned into a creation of four panels, two of which are on the drying rack at ARTichokes Gallery

Will I stop at four, we shall see!

The winner of the painting below is the dearest Debra( send me your mailing info) of Lifescapes . Thank you so much to all that visited and commented on Pay it Forward

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Sundown Sunday Giveaway!

This is a painting I am donating to a lucky winner for The Sundown Sunday Giveaway. This is an original oil painting on gallery wrapped canvas that is 8 x 24. I can see this propped on a bookshelf, over a doorway. Think of new places to hang art. It is very interesting to see a work of art, where you do not expect it!

So you actually have until Next Sunday the 22nd at 10 pm to submit. Tell what you did over this time period to "Pay it Forward" in any little or big way! Don't wait though because everyone will love to see your replies!

PS The shades are just a tad more intense I could not adjust the hue with my camera though.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Red River on my Mind

I am often asked where the idea for a painting came from. My answer is that often it is in my mind. Sometimes I will start with a photo from a place visited, or a tear sheet from a magazine. Then at times it will take changes in form and color palette.

This painting I am adding texture in the lower section, so it may still evolve a bit. It is fun though to see where it goes, the direction it could take.

Monday, February 23, 2009

And the Winnner is......

Patricia of Pve Design is the winner of the painting below! Thank you so much to everyone who entered and I do plan to do this Giveaway again in the near future. It is a pleasure to give back to those who inspire us everyday! Please check out her site and her beautiful illustrations. Her feature today is on Barbie's 50th! This is the new Judith doll dancing Revelations with the Alvin Auley Dance Company. Don't you love it?!