Sunday, December 27, 2009

Winter Sky You are Invited!

New Years is upon us and I am trying new techniques and inspirations. Thus a winter sky with puffy clouds galore. I will have an Exhibit and Reception at Towne & Country Bank in Leawood KS on Friday Evening January 8th from 5:00-7:00 pm. Refreshments will be served. The location is on the SW corner of 135th and Roe Blvd. I hope you can make it!! Email or call me for further details !

I truly appreciate all of the encouragement & support from all of you!!


  1. Ooooh I really like this! It's the sky you see when you're laying on your back looking up during the summer!

  2. Ah, I love daydreaming as I gaze at clouds...

  3. Karen~ I've said this before...if I only lived closer! Good luck-I'm sure it will be a huge success.
    I hope you've had a wonderful holiday and all good wishes for a fabulous 2010.

  4. Paintings of the sky are always my favorite. Not sure why really but they speak to me! This is lovely, wish I could be there!

  5. Beautiful puffy clouds. I hope your holiday was great and Happy early New Year to you!

  6. Thanks so much to all of the great comments. I am not sure why, clouds are so serene and peaceful. I haven't done these before and now I plan to do a series!

  7. I wish we could be there. Looks lovely.

    Am I the only reader here who remembers when Roe didn't go to 135 St?

  8. should definitely do a series...these clouds are so uplifting :) just beautiful to gaze at...well done :) x

  9. Toad, oh definitely! I remember when College Blvd and JCCC was out in the sticks. It seemed like you had to drive forever to get there.

  10. Dear Karena, thanks for visiting my blog! Clouds are so inspiring, they are a great subject for art! I wish you a happy new year! Monika

  11. I love this, Karen! Thanks so much for your support and friendship and all the best to you in 2010!!

  12. Happy happy New Year to you Karen! and beautiful things to come to you in 2010! Your voice and art work are always appreciated by so many of us.

    (ps I remember when 103rd and State Line was out in the sticks. I was getting car sick by 85th street...)

  13. Thanks so much for the great comments. You all mean so much to me!

  14. I love your 'skies'. Wish I could be there at your show on January 8th. Best of luck and have a great 2010.
    Kindest Regards

  15. The sky is stunning!! Happy New Year!! I so enjoy your blog!!

  16. Good luck at your show! It is beautiful. Happy New Year.

  17. Very cool it looks so real!!

    Thanks for your comment on my mom post, I would love to have original artwork in her place but it will have to be at a less than $100 price point unfortunately!

    Happy New year sweet friend!

  18. More clouds! You capture them beautifully. Can't wait for the series! Happy New Year!

  19. Back in school, I loved learning about all the clouds and in Art History, I loved looking at the clouds painted by "Hopper" - looking where the light source is, is full of intrigue, even on a cloudy wintry day, we can see the sun or some sort of "silver lining!"
    Have a wonderful show!

  20. Clouds have always been a challenge for me, so I am doing a series. Patricia you are so right, there is always a silver lining!!

  21. Your sky is so realistic! I hope your show goes well.

    Thank you so very much for your feedback regarding videos. I am going to try to keep them under 3 minutes and will also continue to have traditional posts too. Your insput was MUCH appreciated.

  22. Such a beautiful painting!!! feels very airy and light

  23. Hi Karena. Thanks for your comment. Boy, the first painting is mesmerizing. What a gorgeous violet tinted blue. Hope your year is off to a great start. XO Trish

  24. Dear Karena,
    Thank you for visit on my blog and your friendly words!:)
    It is allways so nice to meet new blogfriends here in blogworld:)
    I`m sorry, my english isn`t so good, but I hope you understand.

    I love your clouds painting, too!! It`s stunning!! I almost feel like they are real and Iam lieing on the grass...:))

    I wish you happy weekend!!
    Hugs, Marge

  25. Thank you so much for your faithful comments!! You are such a great blogging friend!

  26. Sadly, the weather is going to keep us in Mayberry this weekend, but best wishes for your showing. Wish we could be there.

  27. Dear Karena,
    Thanks so much for your comment on STyle Key West. Icame over to your site and I'm so glad I did. Your beautiful clouds gave me a moment of tranquil delight. Thank you!
    Best wishes for the New Year,

  28. Karen,
    Every time I visit, I am so inspired by your work. Your paintings move me....I am intrigued as to where you get your you see a photo or a horizon or a sky and then take it from there?

  29. As you see, I usually have a horizon line, so am very inspired by land and seascapes. The color palette may come from almost any where , a photo, a designer fabrics,clothing pattern of color, etc.I peruse the style and shelter magazines! The clouds are a break our for me...I have now done four. Two of which are in Darling Yoga's Space. Will post soon!

  30. I should ask for comments on my new photo image look. Am experimenting!
