Thursday, October 23, 2008

In the Pink Glow

For some reason I love to paint in series. There is something about the flow and feelings that starts evolving as I create these works of art. This is a 24 x 24 size and It is indeed similar to the three 12 x 12 's I have stacked vertically and placed on a corner diagonal wall. I am now in the final stages of my ARTichokes painting. It is getting some very interesting texture at the horizon line which I love to see.


  1. are you familiar with jane wilson? I have a wonderful piece by her. I think you'd love her work

  2. are you familiar with jane wilson? I have a wonderful piece by her. I think you'd love her work

  3. Megan, I do love her work, especially the palette on her acrylics and watercolors. Beautiful!

  4. Great color palette, Karen! Lovely!

  5. Thank you Anne. I will take a photo of my new finished painting tomorrow and post tomorrow..

  6. SO beautiful, Karena. Love your use of color. Very serene indeed!

  7. Eddie, Thank you, and my newest painting is now up, you may need to do a refresh page ctrl F5. It is called Grandeur.
