Friday, October 31, 2008


I recently read an article in Art Calendar that really made me think about the way I felt when I created this painting. The title is "Demand Grandeur" by Eric Maisel, Ph.D and I highly recommend it. It makes note that when we listen to music, see a movie or gaze at a work of fine art, we are transported to another place. This is not about grand in the traditional sense. It is about demanding of ourselves something out of the ordinary, bolder, more powerful, even if it is something that is serene; what is behind it?


  1. "Elevate yourself" is another way of looking at it too.
    Ask yourself, "What are you doing to elevate yourself?"
    We are all seeking a higher, grandeur place!

  2. Yes, Patricia, so true, and also to be true to oneself at the same time. To elevate....very spiritual, a higher ground.

  3. beautiful colors!

    Thank you for the book recommend, it makes so much sense.

  4. Megan, Thank you! I love your blog site it is so refreshing.

  5. We all need to demand more beauty for ourselves, in ways both big and small. Home from Paris, amid all the laundry and catch-up work, I took the time to take an old ironstone bowl I bought at the flea market and fill it with little gourds and set it on the dining room table.

    I like your painting, and I like that you think about how painting makes you feel. I majored in Design at KU, but I always took drawing and painting classes. My work was always more about the process than the product. I need to make time to get back to that.

  6. David, I would think that it would feel very good for you! The photos from Paris are wonderful.

  7. Karena,

    Thank you for the kind words today on Eddie's Blog. He is a dear friend and I love his sensibility. I love your blog and look forward to future posts.

  8. Steve,
    Thank you so much. I have great admiration for you, your company, and your many accomplishments. It is such a small world.

  9. love love love this painting....... your work is stunning

  10. Diane, Thank you so much. I truly appreciate your support and encouragement!
