Tuesday, July 14, 2015

A Time for Gratitude

There are times in life ( for me anyway) when I realize how very fortunate I am in so many ways. My family, my friends, the followers of this blog. It seems that even when life throws me a curve ball, there have always been many of you right by my side to help in any way you could.

Even if I do not thank you enough, please know that I appreciate you more than you can ever imagine and only hope that I can be there for you when you need me or at least pay it forward in some special way!

The Arts by Karena


  1. What a nice thought! We should all feel and think that way! Hope everything is ok in your end Karena! I'm thankful for you too!

  2. I appreciate your thought and gratitude is contagious! Thanks for spreading the love. I think we all in some way appreciate the friends we've made in this community. Best to you!

  3. Thank you for the reminder. Gratitude for this amazing world and all of its connections. xoxox Mary

  4. thank you for the sweet reminder + gratitude is something we all can use more of. xxpeggybraswelldesign.com

  5. Happy Bastille Day, even if the wish is a little belated.

    I'm so glad your blog icon is up and working again!!

  6. Yes, we should always count our blessings and be grateful to the ones that surround us with love and understanding and appreciation....love the photo....magnificent. Grateful for your friendship Karena!

  7. You are perhaps one of the sweetest people I have never met

  8. WE ARE HERE............and I SO appreciate your comments too!
    This photo of the Eiffel TOWER just STUNNING!TO think they do not get to practice how it will be either!A RED here a BLUE THERE...........really AMAZING.

  9. Being grateful brings such a sense of peace!! xo K

  10. Greetings! Your sentiments are so much appreciated, we all are blessed and grateful for all we have.

    At last your blog icon is functional, Congratulations! (One more thing to be happy about). :)

  11. You are just fantastic!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  12. I really appreciate you Karena, your constant support and inspiration. We are like minded in our love of the arts and I value our connection. God bless you and hope you have a wonderful summer. xo Nancy

  13. Thank you all for such poignant comments.....xoxo Karena

  14. Love this! You are so on point. SO MUCH to offer gratitude for each and every breathing, living day. xoox

  15. What a beautiful image and so grateful to you and your constant source of inspiration!!

  16. Beautiful sentiments, Karena. You are a kind, bright light in the blog community-always sharing support and inspiration with others. Wishing you a wonderful summer!
    xx, Heather
    PS-I'm finally back from 2 weeks away and catching up!

  17. Thanks Karena...thanks to you for always stopping by my blog and leaving an encouraging comment!

  18. A beautiful sentiment, and so true for most of us. I love this reminder!

  19. hope your July and summer are the best ever!!
