Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Everything: The Black and White Monograph by Christopher Makos

Christopher Makos, the iconic photographer well known for his striking portraiture as well as his genius at capturing a moment in time, of a particular culture, is now out with his black and white monograph featuring 248 images.  Containing photographs of Man Ray, Warhol, Georgia O'Keefe, Lana Turner, Halston, John Lennon, and Erte' just to name a few, with the printing done in rich quadrotone, this tome will truly fascinate you.

Mr. Makos' photography has been shown at the Tate Modern in London, The Guggenheim, The Whitney Museum of Modern Art, The Reina Sofia in Madrid and more.

He has authored several important books, including Warhol/Makos in Context, Andy Warhol China 1982, Christopher Makos Polaroids, and the cult classic, White Trash Uncut revised in 2014.

Mick Jagger, Montauk, New York 1977
Makos: "I love photography because it's like being a psychotherapist. When I photograph people it's so interesting to see their responses and their reactions. You often have to calm them down or bring them to a place that is comfortable for them and for you to capture them. People often say that when they come to my studio I put them at ease, at least enough to let their authentic inner personality shine. It is this interaction between me and my subject that I enjoy so much. I like doing portraits of people because it is so intimate, it is singular, just between me and the subject matter. not like photographing crowd shots and all that." Adapted from The Cabinet of Kong a film by Ivan Kordoba (video link below)

Christopher, thank you so much for taking the time for this interview at The Arts by Karena.

Blue, 1982
1) Were you visually attuned at a young age? I understand you traveled a great deal as a child.

Yes, I was always interested in anything visual. Because of my heritage, (I am of Italian and Greek descent) we went to Italy every summer when I was growing up. I was always receptive and open to new things.

Jack Nicholson, Aspen 1983

2) Where do you enjoy traveling now?

As a photographer I have traveled all over the world. I live in New York City, and so now I enjoy LA in the winter. Also Italy, Greece, in the summer, as well as Shanghai.  Shanghai is like NYC was in the 70's and 80's as it was becoming new, shiny, and very exciting. 

Ascot 1997

3) Did you have a mentor or other artists you admire?

Warhol was a mentor, I was part of The Factory in the 70's ( this was Warhol's infamous studio during the height of his career, where his good friends and even his entourage would spend time) Also the artist Man Ray and I were very close and I spent his last birthday with him in Fregene, Italy.

Elizabeth Taylor, Far Hills, New Jersey 1988

4) You have taken images of some of the most elite and wealthiest of the world as well as some of the grittiest elements of life. What can you tell me about that experience?

I've been very fortunate. Some of it is also about where you live. Back in the 70's I was living in the West Village, in Greenwich, and the time was very exciting, a lot of action. Even Leonard Bernstein hosted  parties that included guests from all cultures. I always stay tuned to what stimulates me.

Easter, Palm Beach 1984

5) When you do have time to relax, what are a few of your favorite activities?

It is hard for me to shut down. In L.A. I keep a bicycle and I find cycling to be very relaxing and calming. Also working on my books. 

Andy Warhol, NYC 1986

6) Christopher, what words of advice would you give the beginning photographer?

Stay very focused and consistent. Keep showing the same photos over and over again. Open your eyes and see the world. Be ready and open to new things.

I tell people not to feel sorry for me when I die. I have been very lucky and have had the life of ten people. I've enjoyed life to a great degree. It is not about money, its about desiring and wanting to see the world, being passionate. 

Christopher Makos

From Everything: The Black and White Monograph by Christopher Makos, C 2014, Published by Glitterati Incorporated    

Please purchase Christopher Makos' Everything: The Black and White Monograph at or your local bookseller.

To visit Mr. Makos' website, see upcoming events and to make a purchase of his incredible works of fine art photography go to  

Should you be in the Los Angeles area on February 14, Mr. Makos will have a book signing at Ron Robinson at Fred Segel on Melrose Avenue from 4:00 to 7:00 PM.

Enjoy this video, Christopher Makos: The Cabinet of Kong by Peter Wise   

Thank you to my Family, Friends and Followers who support The Arts!

The Arts by Karena

Thank you to Sara Rosen from Glitterati for the review copy.
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  1. What an incredible talent he is!...Loved all of the amazing photographs...especially of the celebrities!!!
    Great interview Karena!

  2. I love B & W photography! Thanks for the introduction to his talent, Karena! Good post!

  3. WOW! Stunning images, and of favorites! And I love black and white!
    Thank you for sharing this talent, Karen!

  4. Karena ... what a lovely interview ... very talented and the photos are beautiful!! There is something mysterious about B&W photography... hugs, Celia M. (HHL)

  5. I'm so glad you stopped by to visit today so that I could discover your wonderful blog! This man is so talented that he caught the charisma and seduction of Jack Nicholson - who isn't a handsome man and yet there is just something...

    Amazing pix - I will get his book!!

  6. I've always loved photography - and black and white photos are so striking. His work is amazing, and truly documentary & artistic.
    Thank you for sharing!

  7. stunning + loved the interview + his pictures are beautiful.

  8. What a portfolio! This book is a must - such iconic people! My birthday is coming up - adding this to my list. Cheers

  9. What amazing work this artist has done. I love black and white photography.

  10. LOVE! I have a few photography books and I never tire of them. THis one looks great and I want that Great Dane!

  11. I love black and white photography! Great celebrity pictures - and the dog too!

  12. Hi Karena,

    I've always preferred black and white portraits to full color; I think they allow us to focus more on the character of the sitter. The image of Jack Nicholson has a richness that would be lost in color.

  13. Wow. this book looks so great. i'm going to have to order it. I love the pic of Mick and Jack!! Thanks for telling us about it.

  14. the black and the white are so cool.
    the book looks amazing!

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