Monday, July 8, 2013

2013 Artists Series Featuring Kerry Steele

An Interview with Artist Kerry Steele
Many of you will need no introduction to a favorite artist and interior designer in the blog world. Kerry's art has been featured  at Aesthetic Oiseau, the Pink Pagoda, Bijou and Boheme, Chinoiserie Chic, and Oh Captain, My Captain.  She has also been included in many juried exhibits which can be found at 

Indigo Bunting

1)      At what point did you realize you had the passion for painting? How important was that moment/ time to you?

I don't know that there was any one magic moment. I have always loved creative pursuits and have painted on and off since I was about 7 years old. The delight with which my work is sometimes received has really fueled my passion. The realization that some people save up for a while to buy a painting I made is very humbling and keeps me going during moments of self-doubt.

Wet Words
24 X 30
 2)     Tell us about your inspirations when you start a work of art.

My inspirations vary widely. Often they are just vague ideas of an intended mood using specific color combinations and other times I see flowers or a landscape on Pinterest and just get going on a canvas.

Figure 4

3)     Kerry who are some other artists that you admire or have been mentors to you.
I absolutely adore Christina Baker, who has been a sweet friend and mentor. Her art is top notch and she is a darling person too.

K) I do admire her works of art!
What if God Wears Boots?
18 X 24 Oil
Available Contact Kerry

4)     How did your color palette come into being? It is very distinctive.

I am beginning to see that my color palette of choice is totally authentic to who I am, what I love. 

People that meet me in person in conjunction with my art tell me I look like my paintings. I think if I took a photo of my closet it would look like one of my paintings. Hmmm..maybe I'll paint my closet.

Secrets of the Sky
Oil and Acrylic Commissioned
 5)     I understand you accept special commissions, how would you like readers to contact you and what are your various social media links?

I often do commissions and have a special page devoted to common questions about the process ( I am happy to answer further questions through my website contact form at (

I am on Pinterest here :
Facebook :
Instagram : @KerrySteeleart
Twitter : KerrySteeleart
My Etsy shop :

Fleurs Trouvee
Contact Kerry

Laying Under the Table and Dreaming
Oil on Linen

Bluestocking Babe
Oil and Charcoal on Linen
Contact Kerry
6)     Kerry where is your studio, in your home or a separate space?

My studio is at home. It is currently still in the dining portion of my kitchen. I have plans for a dedicated room but a few home improvement projects are in the way of that at the moment.

(K) I have done both and will say that sometimes it is nice to work early in the morning or late at night without leaving the house!

Elemental Memory
24 X 30
Oil on Canvas
A work in Progress!
Contact Kerry

7)     What are some words of wisdom you would impart to the beginning artist of any age?

I think the best advice is just do it. Make your art. Feel the fear and jump in anyways. If its a little scary then you are probably doing something interesting.

24 x 30
Available in Art First Gallery
in Fredericksburg, VA

Thank you Kerry, for participating in The 2013 Artists Series.

Dear readers and faithful supporters of the Arts, I hope you will leave Kerry a comment about her works of Abstract Expressionism. I am taken with her spontaneity and often an element of joy in her works of art.

Kerry is offering a 15% off code on her paintings!
The Etsy code is KAREN2013 it is for 15% off anything in my Etsy store and expires at the end of July. 

Art by Karena

PS Dear Readers, as Google Friend Connect Reader is phasing out, please follow Via BlogLovin at the top of my page or via email. That way you will not miss any of The Series OR Exciting Giveaways being Offered!

In case you missed:


  1. Dearest friend you have brought to light another fabulous artist whose paintings ignite the mind.Laying Under the Table and Dreaming, Watery and Wet Words got my mind drifting. Wonderful! Hugs and Blessings, C. (HHL)

  2. I enjoyed Kerry's interview and viewing her art, Karena. :D

    Abstract is soooooo hard....that's why I don't paint abstracts!

    Thanks for offering a discount. I will definitely visit Kerry's Etsy store.


  3. Definitely bookmarking this - absolutely beautiful work. Thanks for the intro to Kerry!

  4. Very pretty use of color, works effortlessly together!
    Thanks for sharing!
    xo Karolyn

  5. Absolutely stunning pieces! Loving the colours... Thanks for the intro to such a talented artist! x

  6. Thank you so much for such a sweet mention of me in this wonderful feature Kerry. I have been admiring your work for a while now and always look forward to what you will be creating next. I love your movement and use of colors. The paintings used in this feature are such a great representation of you as an artist. Keep up the great work!

  7. Love Kerry and her art ... and enjoyed "hearing" from her in your interview!! xo

  8. I found this blog post through Christina Baker...I love your abstracts & the vibrant color!

  9. i must say i love her work...
    and her colors!!!


  10. I love her use of color! So pretty!

  11. I love your beautiful blog I really liked your article as it is very interesting to read thank you.

  12. Karena I have been a fan of Kerry for a while enjoyed knowing more about this talented lady!

  13. I love Secrets of the Sky and Watery. I have never seen Kerry's work before so thank you for introducing her to us Karena.


  14. i love the happy chic of kerry's work and all of her pieces that feature pink!



  15. Hi karena, As always, a great interview!!


  16. Wonderful interview Karena. Kerry is a friend of mine and Im so proud to see her success! Thanks for more insight and I hope you have a great day.
    Oh, I got my Novica pillows and am soooo thrilled! Thank you dear one.
    xo Nancy

  17. Kerry is so talented. I love her use of color and design.
    Thank you for sharing these words.
    Happy Tuesday.

  18. Wonderful interview! She is super talented and I like all the color in her work. Perfect for brightening up a room.. like bring springtime in ~ year round!


  19. Hi Karena!

    OK now I can leave a comment because yesterday this comment box didn't even appear! Blogger has some bugs in it lately, I find!

    This art you are featuring today is GORGEOUS; like poetry, good art has an ease and freedom to it that takes years of practice to achieve, and Ms. Steele obviously is a pro! Thank you for always celebrating the arts my dear. I hope you are well. Anita

  20. Very very pretty works; I am bookmarking her Etsy store! Lovely interview with a very talented lady!

  21. Wonderful interview, these are so beautiful...especially love "watery" I liked what she said about feeling your fears when you jump is so true to face things head on and stand up to whats holding you back.
    Great job!

  22. HELLO KARENA! Good morning my dear. Thank you so much for coming to visit my post! I miss posting regularly, and trying to fit in a decent post is hard these days, but it never hurts to try to put your impressions into writing.

    I do hope you are well and enjoying this summer. It has been a lovely one so far! Anita

  23. LOOVE THIS:) I thank you for sweet words on my blog.

    Check out my new post and have a great week beautiful:)

    LOVE Maria

  24. So many great little time to enjoy their work. Great interview...of course Karena.

    Hope all is well in your world.


  25. I just came back here because I love this work so much!
