Sunday, June 2, 2013

Introducing Scot Meacham Wood Interior Designer

If you have not yet met Scot Meacham Wood, you are missing out on the pleasure of knowing one of the most talented and interesting  Interior Designers in America.

Scot Meacham Wood: San Francisco Based Interior Designer

"I have always considered it a great pleasure to be part of the transformation of any home. Our homes should reflect our deepest passions, our true personalities, and show to the world who we are."

Scot has recently been featured in "Designers at Home: Personal Reflections on Stylish Living"  by Ronda Rice Carmen. He is a standout in the company of distinctive design leaders, including Charlotte Moss, Celerie Kemble, Ashley Hicks, Barry Dixon, India Hicks,  Martyn Lawrence Bullard, Suzanne Rheinstein, Rose Tarlow, Jay Jeffers, Jan Showers, Alex Papachristidis,  Matthew Patrick Smyth, Colette van den Thillart,   Bunny Williams and more.

Scot also specializes in Commercial Design and Custom Furniture

Four Seasons Residence
Please enjoy our discussion below!

1) Welcome Scot! Tell us a bit about your background. Did you develop a creative talent and design sense at an early age? How did that come about?

Thanks!  I guess I've always been creative to some extent.  I do recall, especially to my mother’s dismay, the number of times I would re-arrange and re-style my bedroom while I was growing up.  You know, move the bed over on this wall.  Re-hang all of the artwork.  And I was endlessly re-organizing my closets.  And we’re talking about a 6 year old here.  And I think because we moved so often, my father was in the military,  we were constantly being asked to re-imagine our lives in new and different places.  And seeing the same furniture from our house in Florida suddenly in our house in South Korea certainly opened my eyes to the ever-fluid world of design.  

Berkley Living Room

East Hampton Master Bedroom
 2)  I understand that you worked several years with Ralph Lauren; what 
did you gain from that experience? Who else may have influenced your Design Aesthetic?

My hope is that I never stop being influenced by people.  Though my ‘look’ is becoming very well established - there are numerous designers that always ping on my personal design radar.  Michael SmithMiles Redd.  Charlotte Moss.  Barry Dixon.  Eric Cohler.  And though their individual styles vary - there is always on strong aspect of ‘completeness’ to their work - with a strong sense of drama and style.  I always like a little ‘more is more’ to my work as well. 

I think the part of working for Ralph Lauren that was the most influential to me was his ability to re-create and re-imagine these ‘worlds’ whether it’s all about an English country house - or a New York penthouse - that always felt so specifically “Ralph.”  There was a running joke in the late 1990‘s - that the only store in London that felt like an actual, iconic “English Haberdashery” - was the Polo store on Bond Street!  

Working on the Home Collection rooms every season with a complete visual university all of its own.  It was all about the degree of detailing in the space.  The completely thought-out point of view of those rooms.  And the amazing romance that Ralph brings to all of his ‘worlds.’  That is the part of my own business that is most effected by my work with Mr. Lauren.  

Presidio Heights Bedroom
 3) Another thing I notice is that you work seamlessly from a feminine tone in a room to more masculine color palettes, fabric, woods, etc. Yet you often incorporate masculine touches into any room as opposed to having a “one man cave” in the entire home to call his home. How does that affect the client and finished project?

I always like to find that balance between husbands and wives - between masculine and feminine . . . and the spaces that they share.  I've never really designed a space that was specifically ‘male’ or ‘female,’ as I wouldn't want anyone in the house to feel as though they were being ‘left out.’  So one of my classic ‘men’s libraries’ might include a beautifully detailed custom lamp shades with gimping trim - and a ladies writing room would have a stout, manly antique dresser - for me it also gives the design a great deal of energy and movement to mix opposite influences in one space. 

California Homes Article "Antiques in a Modern Home"
Tartan Office
4)  Scot when I see projects that you have envisioned comes to fruition; almost all have a sense of comfort and warmth. What are your priorities for a project/ a home design?

In many ways, one thing that I often see missing from ‘residential design’ is that sense of ‘residence’ - the people that actually reside in these spaces.  So we work on a very lengthy questionnaire with our clients.  With everything from how they plan to entertain within the space to how many pairs of shoes they own.  

The most important thing to me is ‘how is the house going to be used.’  And then it is my job to create the most magnificent space for that ‘life’ to take place in. 
Atherton Residence

5) On a personal note I know our readers would love to know about your personal interests, collections and travels. I understand that you sing with a chorale group? ( a gift I have always wanted)

I think traveling is one of the most important inspirations for my interior design work - and the opportunity of seeing how other people and other cultures live.  I've been lucky to have clients across the US - so regional travel seems to be a constant for me.  It seemed as if I spent the entire 12 months of 2012 in an airport . . . lol.  And ‘Big Travel’ - or what we sometimes call ‘gotta find my passport travel’ - is always the best.  Being submerged in a new culture - even if it’s just spending a week in Scotland - always seems to awaken new creative ideas in me.  

As far as other interests - I've always been focused on being healthy - and living here in the San Francisco Bay Area is a parade of options.  Whether it’s spending my Saturday mornings running on the beach near the Golden Gate Bridge - or trail running in Marin County - I always seem to be out of doors.  

Sadly, because of my travel schedule - I've not been singing as much in the past few years.  Hopefully things will settle down soon - and I can get back into a small group.  

Piedmont Library

Detail Piedmont Tartan Library

6)  How do you relax after a long design job or even during that intense process?

What is this ‘relax’ you speak of . . . lol.  No seriously, I do spend a great deal of my free time running.  It really helps to clear my head - and gives me a great deal of focus.  

Woodside Showcase House Game Room

7) Scot, Finally, what words of advice do you have for the beginning designer?

I always remember that half of the ‘design business’ is the word ‘business.’  And you've got to run it that way.  Keeping an eye on your expenses and margins will help to create the financial basis for your business to succeed.  

Also - be amazing.  Listening to your clients.  And listen between their words.  They are describing their lives to you - and you need to be an active participant in creating ‘that life.’  

You can Reach Scot:


Click on images to ENLARGE (Courtesy of Scot Meacham Wood Design) and 
Pin it Button in the Left Corner  of Images 

Thank you so much Scot for participating in my 2013 Interior Design Feature

Art by Karena

I hope my faithful followers and friends will leave a comment for Scot.
As always thank you to all who support the Arts that make our world a more beautiful place!

The winner of the book by Leslie Sinclair, Secrets to Finishing Beautiful Interiors is Bette from Ideezine

A copy of Designers at Home: Personal Reflections on Stylish Living has been sent to me for review


  1. Karen, sounds like a great book! I adore the Hampton's master bedroom! Just what I need... another decor book. LOVE THEM!

  2. Great interview, and he is obviously mega talented. I love his work and his own home...just beautiful!

  3. Karena, what a great interview! You asked all the right questions. He is so talented and from the images you displayed very versatile! Thanks for doing this interview, I thoroughly enjoyed it.

  4. Interesting! I am nuts for the "SMW" look and I particularly love the glimpses of his home here and on his blog too.

  5. Great interview and I love his work. It is so great to hear what inspires creative people and what they do in their spare time. Very interesting Karena! Hope all is well.
    xo Nancy

  6. What a dapper gentleman!! Wonderful traditional style as well, thanks for sharing!
    xo Karolyn

  7. Great interview~ I love Scot's style and always look for his Christmas design contest!

  8. Hello there beautiful Karena! You are so kind to host and highlight so many varying talents! What an artist this gentleman is; I even saw his image on Pinterest this morning!

    Thank you so much for coming by to visit my home today. It is always the perfect way to enjoy our home with FRIENDS! Anita

  9. Lots of soul in that handsome face!

  10. what a great post. I would love that book! Thnak you for linking your post to the Thursday Favorite Things hop xo

  11. Love that bedroom!! xo

  12. Thanks for this interesting interview. I am a great admirer of Scot's work and have been following him for some time now. There's not one room he's designed that is not perfect!

  13. He's one of my very favorite designers. SO much talent!

  14. Hey!

    Y'all are all too, too kind. Thank you for your compliments!


  15. Another lovely interview.


  16. Great interview...he is very talented!

  17. Great interview. Good to be reminded that it IS a business. He's so talented.

  18. Scot is so very talented and that book sounds wonderful...I had the great pleasure of meeting him at the High Point Market....loved this interview Karena!

  19. An excellent feature, Karen! I have never heard of Scott. Talented... you are soooo right! I could tell from the images that working for RL really wore off on him and makes his take on design exquisite! LOVE his use of, as you said, feminine details with masculine colors. Just divine! Great and informative interview!!!

  20. Great interview - I also love learning about new designers as well!

  21. Scot's interior design work is very sophisticated and elegant.

  22. Karen,
    Thanks for the interview. I have always been a fan of Scott's work. Fun learning more about the man behind the design. I hope you are having a fabulous Summer and that your health is better. XO, Mona

  23. Thanks for this interview, Karen. His rooms are indeed comfortable in addition to being stylish. And no one does tartan better!!

  24. Love that bedroom!! xo ..

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  25. Hi Karen,

    Thanks for sharing this wonderful interview with Scot. So glad I was able to come by and catch it!

    I am a huge fan -- his style is so me, and I think he loves plaid as much as I do!

    Thoroughly enjoyed reading about his design philosophy and always appreciate seeing his finished room designs whether they are professional shots or his personal photos taken in his handsome home.

    Great interview, Karen!

  26. I love him! love his style. Great story Karen!!!!!

  27. I love all the designs that you have on here. I have never heard of Scot Meacham Wood. This was a really great interview that you did.

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  28. SO AMAZING post:) I really love your blog and your sence of style.

    If you want some European travel inspiration...check out my blog:)

    Have a great day

    LOVE Maria from

  29. Great looking rooms! I've been browsing the internet looking for inspiration to start my own interior design project. Im going to start with repainting the rooms and then possibly getting some new persian rugs and antique furniture. I really like the color of your walls, where did you get your paint from?

  30. Well, it’s a nice one, I have been looking for. Thanks for sharing such informative stuff. house for sale in lahore
