Saturday, March 2, 2013

The Adventurous Journey

There is a chapter in my life that many of my dear readers do not know about. Without going into all of the details; I will say I have learned many priceless lessons along the way.

I suppose the first lesson was to surrender to the reality of the situation. Many times I have asked God for the gift of acceptance. Yes and he has answered my prayers.

In Deep Thought

 We all have choices in life; however when our choices are limited for one reason or another, one has a great deal of time to think. Questions arise; how did I get to this place? What can I change now? What do I want to do when I am able to proceed to the next chapter? How many ways can I pay it forward to all who have been here for me.

Peaceful Grace

 There are more prayers. God give me the grace to let my own challenges teach me; lessons of humility, gratitude, and compassion. Look around and see the daily reminders of those so much in need; in comparison to what I may endure.

Leap of Faith
Sometimes I need to remember that I must take a leap of faith that I will once again be strong, vital and live the life I am meant to live. There are too many things on my bucket list to give up!  

Every day in every way I am getting stronger and stronger!

The Leap of Joy
Even though I may experience some very low days, I try to recall that God wants us to be joyful and happy here on Earth; to bring that Joy to others. A positive attitude and smile will give me strength.  

Random Acts of Kindness

If I give someone a compliment however small that lights up their eyes then I have made a difference. Plus it makes me feel so much better!

Yes, I can!!

Though I still have some miles to travel on this journey; I know that I will come through it a new person. I see the light at the end of the tunnel; it beckons me. 

I can never give enough thanks to all who have been with me along the way. The dear friends, family, my blog family, many whom I have yet to meet and still, truly feel like my sisters and brothers; my world has changed because of all of you!

My hope is that you will understand that though I may not be able to post or visit and comment as often, I will be back stronger than ever. 

The Arts bring us together and add so much beauty to our Lives and Communities...

Love and Hugs

Art by Karena  


A Perfect Gray said...

karena, what a lovely and faithful member of this blogging community you are.

My hope is that you are well and that everything is ok. just know you have so many friends here who are wishing you nothing but good things...

all my best, donna

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Good afternoon my precious friend.

Though circumstances are different, the life lessons are the same. I too have been learning about outlining my priorities, eliminating that which takes up my time, and delegating myself to do that which will advance my already planned out goals.

It all takes courage and faith. It is an eye-opening experience to live, to grow up. But we are not alone, a trite as that may sound...but it is true. And just knowing that we all meet at the same crossroads of life, via different paths, we are connected.

Peace to you dear soul. Anita

LPC said...

Karena - Do not know what is your journey right now, but I wish you all the best on your way.

My Notting Hill said...

Do evertyhing you need to take good care of yourself. You're always a part of the blogger community even if you can't post or visit. Hope this finds you well. With gratitude for all your lovely comments over the years, Michele

NanaDiana said...

God bless you. Hang in there-you can do this- xo Diana

Fashion-isha said...

I just love your outlook, strength and courage. It's like a cool drink on a hot day. I can't get enough. I believe this strength and positivity WILL get you through!

Our Hopeful Home said...

I'm not sure what struggles you are going through but I can tell from your attitude that you will get through it! We all have rough roads on our journey, but it's up to us how we choose to deal with them. I wish you the best, my Kansas friend.

Simply LKJ said...

Karena, such a beautiful post. You always inspire me to see the good in everything. My brother just recently entered long term rehab for alcohol addiction a long way from home. Your words mean a lot right now.Please know you continue to be in my prayers.

Splenderosa said...

The one thing I have learned (& it was difficult) is not to rush anything. Somehow, there is no reason because it will all work out anyway. I've also learned we must accept many things which we cannot change, try as we may, and eventually we may have to leave something or someone behind...just go forward with our own lives and LIVE it to the fullest.

MJH Design Arts said...

Hi Karena, This is so beautifully written. Thank you for trusting to share the journey. As always, I'm sending love and prayers. xoxoxo

Millie said...

You are such an elegant & generous adornment to the blogging world Karena, so take care of yourself during this 'challenge' you are experiencing. At a young 57 I'm 5 weeks post Total Knee Replacement surgery & have thought of your remarkable positivity after your own surgery during my time of recovery.
Millie xx

Millie said...

You are such an elegant & generous adornment to the blogging world Karena, so take care of yourself during this 'challenge' you are experiencing. At a young 57 I'm 5 weeks post Total Knee Replacement surgery & have thought of your remarkable positivity after your own surgery during my time of recovery.
Millie xx

Francine Gardner said...

Dear karena: We have never met but through your words, your kindness, your love of beauty, I feel as I know you. Thank you for sharing these beautiful heartfelt words, just in doing so, you have given me the hope and boost I needed. I too often forget about the people around me who trust and love me, and going through perhaps the most challenging phase of my life, I forgot how to hope and pray and most importantly accept... Your words of wisdom have really touched me. You are a beautiful, wise and strong person, I will think of you often during your healing process... my current therapy is escaping in books, immersing myself in the stories of life and taking life "one day at the time".

Acquired Objects said...

Karena this is such a beautiful post! I know that whatever God hands you you'll come shining through better then ever if not slightly changed. God hands us all challenges you just have to stay strong and we'll always be here for you.


Leslie said...

Karena, You are a beautiful person inside and out. I will have difficulty topping all these wonderful comments! It's true.. we all have different experiences if life that form us in to the people we ultimately become. No matter how bad things get I always say..could it be worse? ..or does someone else have it worse? I've also learned the importance of finding joy in the simple things in life .. a flower, the morning sunrise, or a walk in the mountains.

This is a wonderful and optimistic post. Good for you!

Teresa Hatfield ~ Splendid Sass said...

Your beautiful comments and friendship mean so much to me. You are such a beautiful person, and I pray that things look up for you . God has a plan for all of us, and like all of us, you probably wonder sometimes why he sends up on the journeys he does.
You have really had a tough time, and I will keep you in my prayers every day. Consider yourself on the list!

VM Creation Atelier said...

Hello,dear Karena!

Such a very great remebering in your post,so thoughtful and full of wise meaning.....

Yes,that's true: accept themseves and being happy with themselves,with a someone who you are:-)*

Thank you for share your feeling here,


TSL said...

Karena, I think you are the hardest working and sweetest on the www. I have no idea what you are going through, but my hope and prayer you receive abundant grace as you give grace as the giver you are. xo Tina

TSL said...

PS - if there is anything any of us can do, just let us know. xxoo

French said...

That is my prayer for you ever day...please let Karena be a little stronger today than yesterday....sending you a hug and will call you this morning....

therelishedroost said...

I find you words and images chosen to be meditative and peaceful, life is one big lesson and I dont know why some people get harder lessons than others especially when they are such wonderful people to begin with. I think you are on the right path to grace and healing and soon your strength will return! Always keep the mindset you have its truly special!
xo Karolyn

Cynthia said...

As always, elegantly written with heart and soul my dear Sister Karen!

Pura Vida said...

Karena this post gave me beautifully written and mysterious enough that it could be each of us...right? your words are so soothing and yet I can see pain are not alone...ever in anyway. Bless you

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Good morning sweet Karena!

Thank you for dropping by last night! I am running off to substitute teach in the snow! We had quite a storm last night and it is still coming down!

Hugs, precious friend! Anita

annechovie said...

Your grace and kindness, no matter what you may be going through personally, are always evident. You are a ray of sun and I pray that God will continue to heal and comfort you and fill you with joy. Thanks for being a blessing to so many, including me! xoxo

Silvia C said...

Dearest Karena,
I have been out of blog world for a while because at times, life happens and we get distracted with things that at the moment take precedence. I love your post. It's nice to see pretty things on blogs but it is so inspiring when we see other wonderful woman go through similar things in life as the ones we experience, as the lessons we learn. I speaker of a PBS show last Saturday said: "The best gift you can give the world is your happiness." And I don't think it has nothing to do with smiling all the time. I think happiness is that inner peace we feel even when faced with the deepest challenges. Facing deaths in my family has made me realize that, difficult times and all, I'm still alive. I get to live one more day, try one more time, breath, walk, think. And just that, is enough to keep on going. Sending you a big hug, dear Karena. There's always light, even in the darkest of situations. Much love.

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Dovecote Decor said...

Keep up the inspiration. You were so kind to call me about our latest post today. We all need encouragement!

R's Rue said...

Thank you for this post! I can't thank you enough! God led me to your blog tonight!

Rosemary@villabarnes said...

Many blessings, my friend. Just said a prayer for you. What an inspirational post.

joanna said...

A beautiful post by a beautiful soul... may god continue to bless your days


Easy and Elegant Life said...

Don't despair. I know you'll come through your latest challenge with grace, dignity and poise.

We'll be here whenever you post. Take your time.

paris parfait said...

Beautiful post! You are an inspiration to others who are struggling, for whatever reason. Look after yourself and focus on getting stronger. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Sarah Greenman said...

Donna from A Perfect Gray said it so well. My sentiments echo hers. All our love to you Karen!

Unknown said...

Please know that you remain in my thoughts and prayers and wish for you healthier and happier days ahead.

Thank you for always being uplifting...with your posts and with your comments. It always brightens my day to see you in my comment section.

Sending hope and healing your way!
xoxo Elizabeth

carolyn bradford said...

That was one of the most beautiful and thoughtful and well said posts I've ever read! You are indeed one of the kindest and even strongest people I know because your faith in God shines through no matter your circumstances! A very dear friend that teaches Bible studies all over the world often says, "The circumstances in life, the people in life and the things in life don't make us who we are…they reveal who we are!" I always see you being so encouraging no matter your circumstances and that says so much for you! Thank you for being such an example of an encouraging friend. Please know that like Elizabeth said, you do remain in my thoughts and prayers as well. Do keep us posted, though! Much love is sent your way!

Stacy CUrran said...

Oh Karena, I really hope that everything is ok. This is a beautiful post, and I love your strength.

Pam @ over50feeling40 said...

Hi Karena, I have been so busy as a new grandma that I have been slow to drop by blogs...but yours has grabbed my heart. I truly hope you are OK. I will add you to my prayer list and if there are any specific requests, please email me. I will be praying for you every day. Let me know if there is anything I can do.

Paisley Curtain said...

All our wishes and prayers are with you, keep up your spirits.

good luck and best wishes

Linda Merrill said...

Dear Karen, wishing you all the best as you face your latest challenges. Your post is a beautiful one and something for us all to think about! Take care of you, Linda

for the love of a house said...

Wishing you love and light on your journey Karena.
all my best,

Splendid Market said...

whatever it is you are struggling with you are handling it bravely and wisely. The perspective you share here is so accurate and applicable to all. I especially love your optimism and courage to take a leap of faith, we are all capable of doing so much. You bring so much beauty and love to the world and our little community. Take care. xoxo ebh

Debra said...

Beautiful words - you've summed up life. We never know what is going to be put in front of us.

I wish you peace.

Jeanne Henriques said...

Thinking of you Karena and your leap of faith. Staying strong and positive is challenging at the best of times..I wish you well..
Jeanne xx

K&B by the Sea said...

Sorry to hear you've been having a bit of a hard time, Karena. But with such a positive outlook, I'm sure you'll be feeling better soon :-)

I agree, art most definitely adds beauty to life :-)

Unknown said...

Dear Karena, I wish you strength and love and peace. I hope you are not in any pain dear one. Prayers your way...
xo Nancy


Ah, sweet, Karen. It sound like you are learning much as you continue to wait. The journey has been long ... yet you share with us with such beauty. I am praying tonight for peace and continued healing.


Adrian Brown said...

Karen you are a very gifted and God-centered person who knows how to life the spirit of others. God's blessing be yours always

Lana Burroughs said...

Karen, my thoughts are with you. I know it must be hard sometimes to keep your spirits up, but you (and your strength) are a model for us all.
xoxo Lana

vicki archer said...

You have been missed but you must take all the time in the world for yourself... this is the beauty of blogging...we are here and will continue to be here for as long as it takes...

And you are so right... what would our lives be like without art...
Take care... xv

Burlap Luxe said...

Karena your beauty graces us with your heart and soul.
I prayed for you then and am praying for you now. You are forever in my prayers for I know that God truly has a healing plan for you as I myself have had to endure illness and days many days that held me back from walking into life as I once knew it to be.
You are so blessed to have warriors on your side that send out prayers that will be heard. Keep on your path it will lead you to what you will know to be living.

So enjoy the grace and beauty you share with me when you make your faithful and loyal visits, and always leaving such a beautiful comment that joys my heart.

Keep inspiring us with your beauty,
You are blessed.

Karla@TheClassyWoman said...


What a beautiful post and reminder! I find myself in challenging circumstances but always try to remember that someone has it worse than I and remind myself of what I truly do have. These circumstances really do help us to become more empathetic and compassionate towards others.

I'm sorry to hear that you are struggling but pray that things improve dramatically and your faithful blog readers will be here waiting for you.

With Love,

Elizabeth at Eiffel Tells said...

This is a humbling post. I am saddened to learn that you are having such challenging times Karena. Your generosity and kindness have touched me on the other side of the world. You have always taken the time to visit my blog and leave an encouraging comment and your support of Reve has been greatly appreciated. My thoughts and prayers are with you for a speedy recovery. XXX

Unknown said...

Lovely post...i wish good for you..;)

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peggy braswell said...

Hi Karena, I don't comment often but want you to know I am there for you.
What beautiful photos you picked to illustrate your feelings. Arms around you this is a great post.

Lisa Porter said...

Dear Karen,

You are light.
Pure light.
Oh how your soul shines through.
And we are filled.
Filled with the light
Filled with the light of you.

Be strong and know that you are in my prayers.
XO Lisa

Sandra said...

It's my first time to read your blog and I can't help but be enlightened by your words. It makes me realize how blessed I am despite the hurdles of life. Thank you for the inspiring words! :)

Acanthus and Acorn said...

I always think of you as the beautiful and generous soul of the blogsphere. You truly do radiate warmth and kindness. Please put yourself first and take care- it's the best gift you could ever give to any of us because we'll still be here when your're feeling stronger.

Miss Val's Creations said...

Beautiful post. Life is so complicated and throws us many curve balls that we need to figure out how to deal with. I think when life breaks us down at times, we come back stronger and more self aware. Take care, Val

Shirley@Housepitality Designs said...

Karena...glad that you have been able to seek your journey through faith and tenacity...I know the future holds great things for you....thanks for visiting me and leaving such a kind comment, as always!! Have a wonderful day!

Bring Pretty Back said...

Karena , I love real , honest posts! Love your inspiring words - Thank you

Alicia@ eco friendly homemaking said...

I agree such a beautiful post!

highheeledlife said...

Dearest Karena ... you have been in thought and prayer. Your post was perfect and so something that I needed to read. Life does happen, but we have the choice on how to move forward. Thank you for your visits and ALWAYS being an inspiration. Blessings and hugs, CM (HHL)

PS I 'm going to do a link back to this post in my newsletter - I think it will be most inspirational to others as well ~ who may facing little bumps in their path.xo

Mona Thompson said...

Karena, I will join you in prayer for the struggles in your life. You are one of the warmest, caring bloggers I know. Your selflessness will indeed be rewarded one day. Much love to you dear friend. Mona

DaniBP said...

Karena I'm thinking of you and I hope you are well.
xoxoLove, Dani

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Oh dear one, it seems such a long time since I was last here; I thank you kindly for coming to visit. How are you? Did you receive my card?

Thank you very much for coming to leave a comment. Anita

Decor To Adore said...

Oh my dear friend, how you have blessed me with your lovely spirit.
I think of you often and hope you will soon have a full recovery.

Thank you so very much for the REVE feature and link.

Have a lovely day!

Karena said...

Tears come to my eyes seeing these kind words from so many friends. I can never, ever thank you enough for the support, joy and hope you have given me.

I will have a new post up soon. It seems The Blog World is in my blood!

Love and Hugs to All,

Art by Karena

Linda @ Life and Linda said...

Hello Karen, isn't it amazing how so many wonderful people are there for us. Such encouraging words, loving support and love. Thank you for your lovely visit and touching words. I wish you well, with healing thoughts and prayers. xoxoxo Linda

hi-d said...

Hi Karena,

I just left you a comment on your Paris post, but had to scroll down a bit to see if I could get a little more back story about your journey. Whatever you are going through, you can do it with Jesus! Yay! Sounds like you're a believer. Several years ago I was in the lowest of lowest spots I have ever been in...and to look back now at how far I've come and how my life has changed for the better, I would have never imagined how it could get better.

Keep on Keepin' on...and thanks for sharing your story, because it will encourage others out there. I Totally agree about telling people something kind. My Mom taught me that. Don't hold back compliments from people. It's so easy to say nice things about others when they aren't around, but people need to hear these things said to their faces. :)

Love and Blessings to YOU!
Heidi @ hi-d's place

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