Monday, April 23, 2012

Introducing Anita Rivera, Designer and Paper Artist with an Artful Giveaway

Many of you are already familiar with Anita Rivera of Castles Crowns and Cottages. Now you will learn more about Anita Rivera, Designer and Paper Artist.

1)Anita I know that you have a real gift for writing very inspirational posts on your very popular blog Castles Crowns and Cottages. Tell me about how that began.

A Stunning Wedding Gown Centerpiece with Train (not pictured)

Four years ago, my sister-in-law started a blog. When she told me about it, I had no idea what it was. When I saw hers, I was mesmerized by the creative outlet and opportunity having a blog could provide. I am a teacher by profession but an artist at heart and when I pushed that START button to begin my own blog, it has only been a life-changing experience.

 Through writing for a SPECIFIC PURPOSE, I was able to focus on my real purpose: TO WRITE. Like any other blogger, my blog has gone through changes for the better. The best thing about blogging is the connection I have made with women around the world that engage in meaningful friendships. Writing inspirational pieces is my goal so that someone out in the world can know that THEY ARE NOT ALONE.

Golden Slipper

2) I do know a bit of your background. How did you get into the teaching profession & what made you decide to leave and pursue the arts and design?

I taught myself French at the age of 34 then my husband encouraged me to go back to night school to get my B.A. in French. Then he suggested I teach. That was a major decision, as I never intended to teach. For 17 years, I went to night school and finally obtained my B.A. in French, TWO teaching licenses with French specialties and my Master's in Education.


My resigning from my full-time post to pursue art and writing came as a shock to my colleagues, but later, they understood that the pressures of being a teacher in today's feebly-equipped educational system is very stressful. A kind and very talented blogger "discovered" my art and has been mentoring me in my art process. I had never thought about being a professional artist, only a writer. But I am focusing on combing the two and as of this June, I will no longer be a full-time teacher but I will return in September as a per-Diem French  speaking substitute. Having those French speaking skills comes in handy!

Bunny Wand

3) Who are your mentors or some other artists you admire?

    My professional mentor is Lisa Moran from the blog and website, Bilancia      Designs. She is extremely talented and knowledgeable and is a great friend. She has been generous in inspirational ideas and guidance. My number one favorite artist is Miss Clara from France and then Isabella Borgrave (spelling??)

Castle Print

Paris Print

4) I have seen some of your amazing works of art. What is your favorite medium and why?

Paper, hands down. I illustrate, but I would much rather work with THREE DIMENSIONAL ideas, to bring a sort of LIFE to an idea, and then combine it with my original poetry and quotes. I am currently working on making life size paper shoes and period dresses.

Bluebird Wand

5) What is on the horizon for Anita Rivera, Designer and paper Artist?

I am looking to connect with a local artist guild AND to début my work in local art events. I was just contacted by a local shop whose owners are interested in my work to sell!

Mauve Paper Slipper

6) What advice would your give to the aspiring artist or designer of any age?

BE BOLD and be productive. However, work from your heart. In my experience as a teacher, I have found that the "market" dictates everything we focus on in education and culture and even art. Yes, if I want to sell and earn a decent living, I must see what it is that people need and want. 

But to be a true artist, OBSERVE, LISTEN to your heart's reactions to life and then produce. Stretch your imagination and use what you have. See what you can produce with the most organic of resources. But the most "organic" resource of all is your HEART.

 Anita thank you so much for this enlightening interview and for offering such a beautiful work of art for this Giveaway!

Enter to win a Fabulous White and Gold Winged Angel Wand made by Anita!!
This Giveaway is  International for all Readers

1) Visit Castles Crowns and Cottages and then visit Anita's Etsy Shop: click on it in the right hand column. Come back and tell us what you love the most.

2) Extra chance to win if you post or link to the giveaway on your site

3) Another chance if you post about the Giveaway on Facebook!

4) Yet another chance to win if you Tweet about the giveaway.

So you have 4 chances to win

Please comment separately for me to run

The winner will be chosen at Midnight EST on Friday May 4th

Thank you so much for your encouragement and support not only of me; of your fellow artists, designers, entrepreneurs, and bloggers!

Now for the winner of the Soft Surroundings $100 Gift Card Stacey of Quintessence
Congratulation Stacey, you will love the Quality and great Customer Service at Soft Surroundings

A huge thank you to Michele of Hello Lovely for the beautiful Vintage Gold Crescent Bracelet from her Etsy shop!!

Art by Karena


  1. Fabulous. I popped over to her blog and starting following right away because after reading just two posts, I knew I'd want to come back.
    Her shop is darling. The bride centerpiece and the walk in the park card were my favorites but I liked it all. Great giveaway and I'm happy to find another blog I know I will love.

  2. This is so delightful!
    Your lovely interview with Anita and showcasing her gorgeous creations!!! And for her to offer such a wonderful piece as a give-away is going to make someone very happy!!! Eeeeeeck!!!
    (don't even count the exclamation marks in this comment...)

    And if you are reading this Anita, happy birthday my friend!!!!!

    ~ Violet

  3. Such great advice! Thanks for sharing this Karena, have a fabulous week!


  4. OH DEAR.....this is just so special, Karena! I am so sorry that I have been so behind in getting all the photos to you...I will be back again to savor this. I have a hot glue gun plugged in downstairs and I better get going! I put the link on my sidebar...MANY MANY THANKS! Anita

  5. Karena, I really enjoy this interview and the secrets behind the artist's it. I was a former teacher, and artist and can really relate to this! thanks for sharing!

  6. Congratulations to Stacey!!
    Ok, I can't choose just one thing but the angels are stunning. I paint angels, and this is so close to my heart. The shoes are amazing. It is all amazing.
    I did something I have NEVER done, and that is add a blog to my blogroll on first visit. I am in a trance.
    You get the message.
    Happy Monday.

  7. Hi there sweet Karena!

    My morning has finally come to a lull and I am able to relish in your generous display of my words and work. THANK YOU SO MUCH and I do hope whoever enters really enjoys the wand. You are so kind! Anita

  8. I have no other woeds than this lady is special and am honored to call her a friend, count me in...Would love to win her beauty and then I would display it on my daughters chest adding perfect beauty to her room. She too loves our Anita, we are paper creators over hear as well.


  9. I always look at Anitas etsy for inspiration that touches my heart.
    She can tell you I comment always on her latest creations.

    Karena this is a beautiful post!

  10. karena

    paper art i think is fascinating.
    my mom has a very close friend -
    another fellow artist
    that is a paper artist.

    it takes such creativity and ingenuity.

  11. Posted on my sidebar as to GIVEAWAY!!! LINKED back to YOU!

    I also sent out same link to all my mailing list of bloggers via email!

  12. Cette dernière publication est vraiment très intéressante, j'ai appris beaucoup de vous. Votre parcours est passionnant. Gros bisous à vous.

  13. Wow! C'est tres belle! :)

  14. I love her cards and her delightful art! These are my favs...Birthday Cards Little Blue Coat Series - A Walk in The Park! Thank you!

  15. Dear Karena, What a wonderful post. I am already a follower, and huge fan of Anitas, both personally, and artistically. She is a beautiful soul, one many new followers will come to love. Dore is also one of my favorite artists, who inspires me with every creation! I am so happy to direct my followers to this giveaway of Anitas! Whomever wins, will have a tiny treasure to display! I am now going to take a few minutes to peruse your blog, Dore sent an email, and then I received a message from you! Thank you for visiting me, it is always so nice to meet like minded artisans! Have a wonderful week, please count me in! Christel

  16. I have posted a link on my sidebar for this wonderful giveaway! Thanks so much for the chance to win! Christel

  17. Hello Karena,
    Happy to meet Anita here. I think she married a wise man. I love her work, it is ethereal and full of capriciousness.
    Happy to follow and to win anything from someone so talented.

  18. Anita is one amazing lady..oodles of talent with such a knack for "taking us away" to a beautiful dreamland. I love visiting her blog and always enjoy and get a smile on my face when she has visited me and left her typical kind message of the day! Her art work is fabulous...real talent. I could see her doing a book, and defintitely see exhibits in her future! that you dream and that you do,there is no doubt for me that you will achieve all you set out to accompllish. Wonderful interview!!

  19. Anita is a faithful inspirerer and encourager. She leaves me comments almost daily uplifting my soul. Her blog is a daydreamers paradise. These gowns and the shoes are my favorite of her creations thus far. ox

  20. Karena, I am not going
    to enter the contest as
    I have been the lucky
    recipient of handmade
    gifts from dear Anita in
    the past and I want someone
    who has not to experience
    the joy of her creation.
    I'm so lucky to call her
    a friend in the "real world"
    in addition to the blog
    world. Thank you for
    featuring her talents!

    xo Suzanne

  21. Another, delightful and creative interview, Karen.

  22. Good Evening Karena Sweetie...
    Oh my gosh, I love, LOVE Anita. She creates the most beautiful items ever. What I wouldn't give to have this gorgeous angel. Someone to watch over me. I love it. Anita has really outdone herself on this one.

    I went over to her Etsy and of course, my favorite is her Audrey Hepburn cards. How gorgeous they are. So Anita.

    Thank you for the wonderful opportunity to own something created and made with Anita's own two hands. Please put my name into the drawing.

    Many thanks sweetie. Hugs, Sherry

  23. Hi Karena Sweetie...
    I know have your giveaway posted on my scroll bar on my blog. I love sharing with my blogger friends. I hope it brings a few entries your way.

    Thanks again for the wonderful opportunity. I wish I did Facebook or could Tweet, but I do neither.

    Have a beautiful evening sweet friend. Many hugs and much love, Sherry

  24. It's great to learn more about Anita and her art! She is really talented. Also thanks for stopping by my blog for a visit!

  25. Stories about beginnings are always so captivating. Anita's is definitely one that gets your attention. In the eye of the human,it's one of those "chance" beginnings! But the heart knows it was Divinely constructed. Incredible.

  26. This is just wonderful! What a lovely interview with dear Anita. Her work speaks for itself.. Exquisite! I am blessed to have Anita as a dear friend and honored to have some of her amazing creations in my home..
    I know that who ever wins Anita's heavenly Winged Angel Wand will be thrilled. Thank you for featuring Anita's talent.
    I appreciate you letting me know and thank you for your kind words.

  27. Dress Form Small Paper Mâché Wand AQUA is my fav.....great giveaway,

  28. Oh yes!! Anita is a great artist.....and a good loving blogfriend....nice to see her here by you...have a nice day

  29. Hello Karina
    What a surprise to your comment on my blog and what a wonderful surprise to find the interview you had with Anita
    She is such an amazing kind and inspiring soul for many of us but for me even more .
    Sometimes in life we are so lucky to meet someone and connect !
    Distance does not matter .....
    How far away I feel close !
    I am glad you came along !
    Wish you a very happy week !

  30. How Princess-like everything is, and my favourite is the lovely 'Paris is always a good ides'.

  31. Hi Karena

    What a lovely interview, Anita has a heart of gold and she deserves great success and her art is so inspiring,

    Best wishes


  32. Karena, thanks for coming by to alert me re this post. I follow Anita and love her blog. She's a dear and I always smile when I visit her.
    Love her paper mâché blue bird!

  33. Artists don't follow the trends...they set the trends!...Anita is a trend setter, an inspiration, and a lovely person. Her work is so ethereal and special. I admire her in so many ways.....

  34. Hi Karena,

    Thanks so much for visiting my blog.

    What a lovely post you did on Anita! I just love that lady so much, as I know many others do too. I'm happy that she is pursuing her passion.

    I've actually purchased from her etsy shop before. I love her cards...especially the "Little Blue Coat Series." She did some for the holidays and it had glitter. I pretty touch.

    What a great giveaway. Thanks for sharing.

    Have a wonderful day!

  35. Hi Karena,

    Thanks so much for visiting my blog.

    What a lovely post you did on Anita! I just love that lady so much, as I know many others do too. I'm happy that she is pursuing her passion.

    I've actually purchased from her etsy shop before. I love her cards...especially the "Little Blue Coat Series." She did some for the holidays and it had glitter. I pretty touch.

    What a great giveaway. Thanks for sharing.

    Have a wonderful day!

  36. Oops...I'm not sure why my comment showed up twice. I tried to delete one, but it wouldn't let me.

    I wanted to say that I won't be entering the contest...instead, give the opportunity for someone else to win. Thanks!

  37. Thanks for this wonderful interview with the really lovely Anita.. I've been following her for years now, always with delight!

    I love the bridal centerpiece; I've tweeted this and will FB too!



  38. How fun to hear Anita's story and learn more about her work. She's so very talented, it makes me happy to know she'll have more time to devote to her art. The Paris print is my favorite I think - two things I love Paris and wirehair fox terriers!
    Thanks Karena!

  39. Hi Karena,
    I am back on my 4th and final entery! I am crossing my fingers :)
    Sent out another email with giveaway from my other email address with a whole new list of bloggers last night!

    Have an inspiring beautiful week my friend.

  40. amazing amazing amazing can we say GIFTED

  41. Hey, kiddo, sorry I have been off the radar of late...the days seems to fly by but I a watching you.
    This giveaway is one of your best, not that they aren't all fabulous, but this seemed to wink at me.

    Love everything this gal does.

  42. Hi Karena, this is fantastic to feature such a great talent and kind person as Anita. She is special and an inspiration to many of us ...A charming illustration of her as a child reminds me every morning from my desk that " The greatest of these is love "
    Thank you for visiting my blog and for supporting ART.

  43. Hi Karena...what a lovely post showcasing our dear Friend Anita...reading this I imagine she does everything from the can it not work! Dzintra

  44. Anita........I love ANITA the most.... Isn't she just the most precious girl? What a delight. I'm thrilled to see her pursuing her passion. She's a wonderful artist. Love everything she makes..... and am crazy about the bridal centerpiece. I am so grateful to own TWO of her fabulous works of art.. Thanks Anita. :-)


  45. What a great post and Anita's blog has so many inspiring images and links. Beautiful. Her shop has lovely and well made items. The Audrey "Dream" print is my favorite.
    Thanks for the chance to win that beautiful wand.

  46. Posted about it on my blog too... :-)

  47. Dear Karena, thank you for visiting and I am thrilled to be entering this give away in Anita's honor.....she is extremely talented and very kind....I love her shoe designs....she has inspired so many of us...I wish her every success in her new adventure! I am certain it will be life altering for her! N.xo

  48. I love Anita she is one of the most talented bloggers out there as are you!! Thanks for stopping by and for this lovely post!

  49. Hello Karena,
    Thank you for visiting us at Red Rose Alley. Oh yes, I love Anita so, and she is so special to us all. She was one of my first followers when I started out a year ago, and since then, I have seen what a beautiful person she really is. I have already visited her shop and bought something from it, and I am getting ready to buy some of those darling dresses for my daughter's wedding shower. This is so nice of you to have a giveaway on your blog for her. It's nice to meet you, and your blog is so lovely as well.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  50. Karena,
    It was nice to read about Anita of Castles, Crowns and Cottages. Her site is lovely. I love the notecards and the rabbit wand. Such pretty art.

  51. Hello Karena!
    It is so lovely to "meet" you...
    I so appreciate that you stopped by my blog to introduce yourself.
    Thank you for supporting artists, you are doing a great service!
    I am honored and blessed to call Anita a dear friend, and I am so happy to see that you are featuring her unique and exquisite work. She is an amazing human being!
    I actually fell in love with this particular wand upon seeing it, but I would love someone else to experience the magic! I am fortunate to have several of Anita's works, and they are even more beautiful in person. Made with golden hands and a golden heart...
    Thank you again, Karena, and I am a new follower!
    - Irina

  52. Hi Karena,

    I enjoyed your interview with dear Anita, we all love her and she is so very talented.
    Thanks for sharing and for visiting me

    Happy week

  53. Hi Karena
    thanks for popping by my blog and how lovely to read and learn more about our clever and talented friend Anita!! Her creations are quite beautiful and I understand how they inspire many.. And on a side note what tenacity to study night school for 17 years!! Learning is just as much a journey as a destination for sure!!

    i hope you both have a lovely week !! ciao xxx Julie

  54. I Think of your talents as the things you’re really good at. They’re like personality traits. For instance, you may be a very creative person, or a person who’s really good at attending to details or a person with a gift for communicating. Your talents are the base for any successful business venture, including a home-based business.
    Cbse Entrancei

  55. Karena, I am not entering in the giveaway (having won my wonderful lamp is enough for me!) but I wanted to thank you for this post. Anita is a perfect example of what listening to your heart can bring you! And what good it can spread throughout the world. Very, very inspiring. Merci!

  56. Hello Karena,
    I found Anita's wonderful blog a few months ago and find it so inspiring....always such a pleasure to visit.
    It encompasses everything about Anita as a true artist and her ETSY shop is amongst my favourites. I have to say I would find it hard to choose my most favourite item...everything has such a beautiful and enchanting feel about it but the paper mâché slippers are amazing!
    I would love to be entered into the Giveaway and will add a link to my sidebar,
    Susan x

  57. Thanks for sharing the interview. What a talented artist!!

  58. We are all happy that Anita is going after her artistic dreams. I am sure she will find success having fun all along the way!

  59. All fixed Karena. I'm so sorry. I don't know where my brain went. ...

  60. Anita is not just an artist .... She is so much more than that! I am truly blessed in having her as my friend and inspiration. Thank you karena for doing this post, you too , are kind, so kind!grin

  61. I love her work! Esepcially love the angels - but the shoes are so great too - Wonderful interview. I love hearing what the artist thinks and what drives her.

  62. I love her work! Esepcially love the angels - but the shoes are so great too - Wonderful interview. I love hearing what the artist thinks and what drives her.

  63. I love her work! Esepcially love the angels - but the shoes are so great too - Wonderful interview. I love hearing what the artist thinks and what drives her.

  64. Hi Karena,
    I have seen Anita's work before...I just love, love, love her paper slippers. She is one very talented and creative artist. Thank you for stopping by for a visit and for letting me know about your interview and giveaway. Wishing you a wonderful day.

    Hugs and Kisses,

  65. Amazing job of showcasing anita's art. I am a big fan and I own some of her work.

  66. Anita is SOOOO talented! I have some of her work and ADORE it! If this ange were available in the shop I would purchase it, it is stunning! Karena, you get the best on here :)

  67. Thank you for the lovely post you did on darling Anita! She is so super talented isn't she? I've known her since she first started her blog and she has grown by leaps and bounds. I'm excited to know of her giveaway and will go enter right now!!

    Merci beau coup! Sherry

  68. Oops! I guess I enter on your site... Please enter me to have a chance at Anita's adorable wand... I would give it such a good home!!

    Bisous, Sherry

  69. A very talented person she is. Thanks for introducing us to her and her art.

    Best wishes

  70. WOW. Karena, thank you for doing this, and I really didn't know what to expect! I just create and do it for fun, but I truly had no idea that these dear people felt that way about my art! How fun. I can't wait to find out who I will send this wand to, and THEN SOME.....LOVE IT!!!! Anita

  71. I love Anita's work. The dress form wand is my particular favourite I think. What a great giveaway!

  72. Her slippers, in the perfect garden, are exactly the right working shoes.

    Looking, laughing, a glass of wine, pulling a flower to smell & drop on the path, taking another for the budvase by the bed.

    Yes, I understand those slippers !

    And working from the heart.

    Friends & family will be fearful for you and vocally critical of choices to you've made to support yourself. In the end, you have to trust your heart & G*d.

    Garden & Be Well, XO T

  73. Love her slipper made of paper.It is beautiful!

  74. Beautiful! Thanks for sharing Anita's inspiring designs.

  75. Hi,dear Karena;-)*

    Thank you so much for you visit by so very nice to read your lovely comment!!!
    And indeed,how absolutely great is Anita's work,so creative and inspirational!


  76. Hello Karena, thank you so much for stopping by and leaving your sweet comment. Although I've visited Anita's page for some time, I truly enjoyed reading this interview. Her work is amazing, her heart even more so.
    Since I might be seeking her beautiful artistic gift for a blog header illustration, please don't enter me in your gracious giveaway at this time, but thank you so much for the offer.
    I clicked on your google follow and linky follow, and I look forward to visiting.
    Much love,

  77. Not only is her picture beautiful her art is also, I would love to have a gold slipper like hers

    please enter me in this fabulous giveaway


  78. Thank you for your visit and comment on our blog. We have been following Anita for a while now. Amazing work! We have an affinity about all things French it seems. She has also visited our blog and we are happy you have featured her! At the moment we are excited with our event this Saturday April 28.

    Thanks again for visiting and for the good work you do!


  79. xo Thank you for linking to the Thursday Favorite Things hop I hope you have a weekend filled with happy!

  80. Thank you for that great interview. It's inspiring to me to hear that she walked away from teaching to pursue artistic endeavors. Our educational system terrifies me and I understand where she's coming from. As a recent graduate with a music degree, I hear all the time "why don't you teach?" Her success story is an inspiration for me to be more fervent in my creative endeavors. Thank you for the post.

  81. Beautiful Shop! I am a follower and my favorite item is the bride centerpiece.~Cheers Kim

  82. Anita has been my blogging friend for 3 yrs. now. I've never encounters such a beautiful soul and spirit. She was suppose to come to the Pink Cottage last summer, but her home renovations dictated other.
    She truly is a gem, and you are Kerena for featuring our sweet Anita.
    Love Claudie from Canada

  83. Oh, her work is just lovely!! I"m so glad that I found you! Yes, yes, please enter me for one of the lucky hopefuls!!

  84. Hi Karena! Thank you for visiting my blog and letting me know about this giveaway of yours! I love Anita's work! The paper sculptures are so special and I would love to own one. She's such a wonderful person and I'm so glad to know her. I loved the interview and can relate to the educational world being stressful. I worked 4 years there and while I loved it and the children it really can wear you down.
    You've chosen a very special person to feature Karena. I also want to say thank you for your sweet comments about my art. Thank you!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  85. Your interview with Anita was wonderful! Her creations are pure delight! Loved the Bride and the Blue Bird in a nest!
    Thanks for a marvelous giveaway!
    Chanticlear1(at)gmail (dot)com

  86. Pure joy....Anita is soooo talented and loved! She is beautiful inside and out...thank you so much for this lovely feature. xoxoxo

  87. HI Karena!
    I thoroughly enjoyed your interview with Anita! She has so much creative energy and talent! I enjoy her blog and her Pinterest finds. She truly is a lovely person ~ how can we keep from smiling!
    Thank you for hosting such a wonderful giveaway!
    God bless always,
    ~ Maria

  88. ... Just Tweeted about it too ♥!/acupofcalm

  89. Beautiful art! I especially love the slippers!

  90. Hi Karena - so charming - in working up a 'paper' blog too...thanks for bringing to my attention! xColette

  91. What a beautiful artist and a accomplished lady!
    I was stopped in my tracks by the bridal gown centerpiece! That is an amazing piece of art!!!!
    Please enter me in this gorgeous giveaway.

  92. Karena my dear!

    WOW, I want to thank you for coming to visit my post and then I see all of my dear friends and then some who are here. This is so lovely! I would have really never known that people felt this way about my work....I hope I can sell some of it!!

    You are just so kind to do this. I can't wait to see who will win! Anita

  93. Very talented!


  94. A true artist!

    Thank you for your kind comments. You are such a blessing to me.

    I will be having a Mother's Day giveaway this next Friday with glimpses of whats up for grabs all this week. :)

  95. Anita's blog and Etsy shop are BEAUTIFUL I've saved her on Etsy as a favourite of mine. Those paper mache Vivaldi slippers are my favourite item...simply exquisite and beautifully made...I would love to have a hand made wand...Have a great day! Sharon x

  96. Hi there,
    I visited her etsy site. She does amazing work. I love the blue bird in a nest. Thanks for the chance!

  97. Tweeted also. Thanks again.!/

  98. Fabulous giveaway!
    Thanks for stopping by Fashion Truffles today! I'm now following :)

  99. Fascinating to get to know a little bit more background. Her blog is always so thoughtful and so beautiful.

  100. What a wonderful post Karena.....thank you...k

  101. Hello Karena,
    Happy to meet you and Anita . I love her work
    Have a nice week and tank you for passing and leaving your lovely comment.

  102. How gorgeous! Loving that golden slipper! Have a fabulous day, Kellie xx

  103. Love your blog, and the promotion of artistic talent! Now a member and look forward to seeing what new and wonderful posts you bring to the table!
    XO Karolyn
    The Relished Roost

  104. What a wonderful blog post! Thanks for sharing her work with us, Karena! I can't wait to stop by her blog! You always have so many wonderful things to share and I look forward to them all of the time!
    Carolyn Bradford

  105. Such a delightful interview! I'm impressed with the fact she is giving up her career to follow her dreams. Bravo! Her art is beautiful.

  106. Interesting work...beautiful!

  107. Wow! What a talented lady I so enjoyed the interview.
    Thank you so much for popping in to see me.
    be a sweetie,
    shelia ;)

  108. What a lovely post! I adore the gorgeous Anita and her stunning creations! Her powerful images and text inspire us all so I am delighted to learn more about her! Happy week to you both! X

  109. Good morning dear Karena! I cannot thank you enough for doing this for me! What lovely people here. It is shocking to see how many people I do not know and DID NOT KNOW visit my blog!


  110. Dearest Karena,
    Here I am! First of all thank you for your lovely comment on my blog!
    And indeed a marvellous post of you here!
    I just love Anita!! She is a such a sweet and always positive person! I always love to read her comments on my blog!
    And what an artist she is!Love her work and even every blogpost of Anita is a work of art!!
    Gorgeous post Karena! And thank you Anita for sharing your work here at Karena's blog!

  111. Wow - she is so talented and I really loved your insightful questions that led us to know more about her! Hope you're having a wonderful week Karena!

  112. Hello Karena

    I have seen your name on mutual friend's blogs and thought I was following you, well, I am now.

    Yes Anita's work is beautiful and I have purchased some cards from her etsy shop, which I love

    My best
    Helen xx

  113. Hello, Karena
    From the moment I stepped 'virtually' onto Anita's blog, I knew I had crossed into a most fascinating world of imagination and wisdom. I have had Anita's Etsy link on my sidebar for about four months. We became fast friends with our 'chats' we have in our comment sections on our blogs and we also email each other. Ah! To choose one of Anita's creations in Etsy will be difficult as I love everything she creates! I think the most special of her creations is her 'Blue Bird' poem book. The inspiration on those pages is so ethereal and profound. And the colors!!! That heavenly blue is divine!!! So, yes, it is her book that I adore the most.
    Thank you, Karena, you are such a dear to support Anita.
    Teresa in California

  114. Hello, again Karena
    Just letting you know I am 'in' for a second chance on your giveaway as I have just posted the giveaway on my blog with a link back to your site.
    God bless!
    Teresa in California

  115. I do not know how I missed this post until now, but just had to say how much I love Anita and her work and her blog...she has inspired me in so many ways and given such hope and encouragement to women I know!

  116. My dear and precious friend Karena I have been up early this morning fasting and praying for many on this National Day of Prayer.

    I have prayed for you and yours and will continue to do so throughout the day.

    Praise God from whom all blessings flow.

  117. Bravo Anita et Merci beaucoup Karen pour avoir présenté le talent d'Anita et sa gentillesse!
    Have a wonderful evening!

  118. I love Anita and her blog as well. What a beautiful prize you have selected. I love many things on her etsy including the sweet little blue bird on the nest. Thanks so much for a chance to win that beautiful angel wand.


  119. I'm a little late, but count me in:-)
    Anita has some beautiful items in her Etsy shop, but those Marie Antoinette gift cards really speak to me.
    Congratulations to Stacey on winning the gift card.
    Thanks Karena.

  120. Oh yes!! Anita is a great artist.....and a good loving blogfriend....nice to see her here by you...have a nice day
