Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Artist Series 2012 The Remarkable William Rose

About Face

I was so stunned when I first viewed the art of William Rose up close and personal. That is exactly how his art made me feel. I could literally look into the souls of his subjects. I do not recall any artist that has this sense of presence in his portraits.  Let me present some of his work to you along with an amazing interview.

Where did your inspiration to become an artist come from?  

I've always had an interest in art and art history, but it was always as an observer rather than a participant.  It wasn't until I was in my mid-40's that I stumbled across an ability to draw.   It was a shock to my system and launched me into a new direction in my life.  I haven't looked back.

As Featured on the Cover of "Drawing" Magazine

 Are there artists that you consider your mentors or artists you deeply admire? 

 There are probably too many artists to name names.  Incredibly talented individuals - both alive and long gone, from whom I draw considerable inspiration.  And it never ends - I come across artists who I've missed all the time, with work that knocks me off my feet.  You know those pieces that you see and the wind gets sucked right out of your lungs... happens to me almost daily.   I get crazy-inspired and motivated.

Golden Earring

You have quickly risen in your genre of figurative arts and have a very unique style; at first painting in charcoals and then moving to oils. Can you tell us a bit about that?   

Well being largely self-taught, it really quite simple.  I began using graphite, dabbled a bit with watercolor and pastels and soon discovered charcoal.  I fell in love with it - having always been a huge fan of black and white, both in images and film.   

After a few years of working almost exclusively with charcoal, I needed to express myself in other ways - in color.  I had always been intimidated by oil - having no instruction other than picking up a few books and demo-dvds.  I finally got enough nerve to give it a go.   I love it - everything about it.  Going forward, I doubt that I will ever produce work in anything other than charcoal or oil.


The renowned art collector Howard Tullman has your works in his collection. Including "Listen" (Above) How did that come about?  

Howard has purchased 2 of my paintings for his extraordinary collection of contemporary figurative artwork.   Both of the pieces appeared at different times in an art publication, "Poets and Artists" which he apparently follows - along with probably every other major art publication.  I'm of course incredibly honored that he chose my work to include in his galleries.


Where are you currently showing your art and what exhibits are on the horizon? You are also commissioned quite often to complete portraits I understand.  

I do quite a few commissioned pieces, not only the traditional family portraits, but also more contemporary conceptual pieces using some of the models (friends) I've used in my gallery work.  

I just had my first solo museum show at the Albrecht-Kemper Museum of Art.  It was a wonderful experience and I received some terrific exposure and feedback.   I am currently painting and exhibiting my work at ARTichokes Gallery in Leawood, Kansas, and exploring options to sign with a prominent national gallery. 

On a Soft Summer Breeze
What is your advice to the aspiring artist?   

Paint - paint - paint.  And if you're going to  spend that much time in front of a canvas, you might as well paint something you love - that you're passionate about.  If not - you'll burn out faster than a candle in a hurricane.   And get yourself out there - enter juried shows, and national magazine and art society competitions.  Go to galleries, museums, shows - TALK to people!  If you're good - people will see it, and they will want your work.  


Strathmore Cover

 William, Thank you so much for sharing  with us today.
You can visit William's own Website at

Shades of Light

Thank you to all of my Friends and Followers I hope you are enjoying the 2012 Artists Series


Art by Karena 

Images Courtesy of William Rose 

Thank you so much to Melissa of 320 Sycamore for the $50 Gift Card to Kirkland's.


  1. I love the advise for aspiring.
    No excellence can be achieved without constant practise.

  2. Such a talented artist, Karena. I love his work. Head to his website now.
    Happy Wednesday,

  3. These are hugely impressive; it's as though the personalities of the people defy the paint.

  4. Hi Karena. Thank you so much for your blog visit! What an amazing artist this is. I am captivated, and a wonderful interview. Wow!


  5. that's impressive! he didn't discover he had this talent until his mid-40s? doesn't that blow your mind? It also has my looking forward to my mid40s. who knows what I'll find?

    I would love to know his process. Does he work from photos? does he use a projector at all? They're so photo-realistic, it makes me curious.

    fantastic interview.

  6. He has live models and then finishes in the studio.

    Art by Karena

  7. I love his advise to be prolific...turn on that faucet! Drawing is the foundation to art, such wonderful advice and I love his works!

  8. I really enjoyed this post, Karena. William Rose is an amazing artist. His subjects have such intensity. It is interesting thta he didn't begin to draw until he was over 40.

  9. As the others have mentioned, I am so blown away by the fact that he didn' discover his talent for drawing until he was in his mid-40s! Thank goodness he had the courage to listen to that voice that said "go". Wonderful interview, Karena, merci.

  10. The Painter himself has great Depth. He is intense. You can see his heart and soul in his work. Awesome Artist.


  11. I'm jealous of his talent it's so amazing! He captures the soul of their eyes really well!


  12. Oh my goodness...the all the pieces.
    Outstanding work!

    Hope you are feeling well!

  13. Such enigmatic pieces and unmatched talent! Stunning!

  14. This artwork evokes such emotion! Thanks so much for your follows!!

  15. What an amazing talent and fantastic interview! I think it is funny that William was great with watercolors, but he was a bit intimidated by oils, which are so much more forgiving! Great advice for us aspiring artists. Thanks for yet another great interview, Karena!


  16. This was so fun to read!!! Loved all of it :)


    Your comment came under the name of, what art. I look at this and then look at what I do and I feel like a child!!!!!!!!! But I am having fun and well, there it is!

    Thank you for visiting today! Anita

  18. Wow, William's work really captures the essence of his subjects!
    Have an excellent weekend. xx

  19. Love this art. Thanks for sharing & always stopping by RHS! Best weekend!

  20. I thought William's work looked familiar...the Strathmore cover!!
    It's as if he's doing photography with his medium's...brilliant!
    Another wonderful interview Karina...thank you!
    xo J~

  21. yes,constant practice. Beautiful artwork, the eyes draw you in. xo

  22. Thank you dearest Karena, for your KIND comment today! I am, at this age of almost 54, just barely feeling comfortable with ART and writing. Mieux vaut tard que jamais; better late than never!

    MANY HUGS TO YOU!!!!! Anita

  23. Fantastic Karena....what a talent. I love how he catches the expressions in the eyes so beautifully...its like they are real. I am always in awe of people who possess that kind of raw talent. Amazing!!

  24. Agree with all, what a talented artist..thank you for sharing these inspiring work.
    Adore "Shades of light"
    Lovely week to you
    Colette x

  25. Remarkable! These are so captivating! i myself dabble in painting quite a bit!

    I have a giveaway on my blog.. it would mean a lot if you visit my blog and check it out! See you there :)

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  26. Oh he does truly capture the subjects spirit! Wow!

  27. How beautiful! He is truly talented!!


  28. What beautiful artwork. I can almost feel the souls of these people...what a talent!!

  29. Beautiful work! The eyes are amazing!!!

  30. I have more time Karena...better go and post this on your post!!
    It's the eyes they are all so alive!
    Julienne x

  31. I will say everyone will be stunn who will see these awesome pieces of art after seen this work i want to admire William Rose, definitely his work is stunning.
    web design services

  32. Hw marvelous to discover such a talent later in life. He is truly talented. Thank you for sharing.

  33. Absolutely beautiful work - love how the eyes are so alive.
    Have a great day sweets,

  34. Wow. They have incredible intensity don't they? Beautiful.

  35. Can you imagine not discovering this talent within yourself until your 40s? Thank goodness he did!

  36. It is sooooooamazing to me that you are self taught. It shows me you either have it or you don't, and you DO!

  37. Absolutely gorgeous portraits!


  38. Beautiful work and great interview!

    P/S: Come by and enter my current giveaway for a chance to win an Amazon gift card, if you like!

    Happy weekend!


  39. Wonderful post. I really enjoyed learning more about this artist.

  40. just poped in to see your post again.


  41. The golden earring art is stunning. Nice piece of wall art to decorate any room

  42. Thank you for all of your wonderful comments. a note: many of Williams works of art are large scale which makes them even more stunning, yet smaller scale works are just as mesmerizing!

    Art by Karena

  43. such gorgeous art~ really love it. just came across your blog..really nice

    Dont miss my HARVEY PRINCE PERFUME Worldwide giveaway :)

  44. Real talent shows and if you are a people person that's even better.

    You can be one with your art and be one with people too. Having a passionate part of an artist in a home and a good connection with an artist work is what it's about.

    Lovely work.

  45. Karena, what an inspiring artist. I love that he found his talent and passion in his 40's!! It really is motivating for all of us out there.

    Thank you for showing us his art and tell his story.

  46. That IS stunning work. He is so skilled. xAmy

  47. What amazing images and I love the translucency of his skin tones and the expressive way he delineates hair, it's a if it's telling part of a narrative. How inspiring that he started in his forties. That also means there's no excuse, people. Get up and get on with it!

  48. What amazing images and I love the translucency of his skin tones and the expressive way he delineates hair, it's a if it's telling part of a narrative. How inspiring that he started in his forties. That also means there's no excuse, people. Get up and get on with it!

  49. Agree with all, what a talented artist..thank you for sharing these inspiring work. Adore "Shades of light" Lovely week to you Colette x
