Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Artist Series 2012 Stephen C Johnston

Continuing with The Artists Series 2012, it is my pleasure to introduce Stephen C Johnston, Fine Art Photographer. His work is truly incredible; having  been influenced by the likes of the great photographers  Ansel Adams and Alfred Stieglitz.

Steve has been awarded Best of Show in the Kansas City Arts Commission Photography Competition. His work is included in both private and in corporate collections. Steve's work has also been shown and sold through the Nelson Gallery of Art in Kansas City, among other galleries mentioned below.

ASB Bridge

Steve, when did you first become interested in photography?

When I received a Kodak Brownie Hawkeye camera for Christmas when I was 14 years old.  When I was about 40, I got very serious and attended KC Art Institute to study photography and design. ( He had also been involved in the Santa Fe Photographic Workshops)

Canyon Road Santa Fe

Do you have favorite subjects or favorite sites that you visit and photograph? 

I love interesting and beautiful landscapes, as well as architecture.  I have worked extensively along the California coastline, the deserts around Santa Fe and Taos, the Kansas Flint Hills, Washington DC, and of course Kansas City. 

DC The Illusion

What inspires you the most to go out with your camera and create artistic photography?

I love to capture an instant in time of something Mother Nature did, and how people have interacted with it.

La Jolla Point

One of my favorite of your works (which is in my art collection)  is a juxtaposition of parts of the Country Club Plaza here in Kansas City. How did that come about? 

That image is something I visualized early one Holiday season.  All three elements are icons of the Plaza.

Plaza Christmas

Steve do you have any upcoming exhibits or where have you shown your art recently?

My work has been shown recently at the Artists Coalition Gallery and Buttonwood Art Space in Kansas City and the Camera Obscura Gallery in Denver.  I am in a show of black and white works in March at the Western Wyandotte County Library.  I am working on other showings later in the year.

Big Sur

Thank you so much Steve for your insight into Fine Art Photography!  

You are very welcome.  I am honored that you would want my work to visit your site.  Thanks you very much.

San Francisco Bay
You can visit Steve's Art and see more unique expression of his visions at   Golden Light Photographic 

 Images and some text courtesy of Stephen C Johnston

Thank you to all of my friends and followers for participating with myself and the many Fine Artists in the Artists Series 2012.

I appreciate very much the comments you leave for these postings on my site!


Art by Karena

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Artist Series 2012 The Remarkable William Rose

About Face

I was so stunned when I first viewed the art of William Rose up close and personal. That is exactly how his art made me feel. I could literally look into the souls of his subjects. I do not recall any artist that has this sense of presence in his portraits.  Let me present some of his work to you along with an amazing interview.

Where did your inspiration to become an artist come from?  

I've always had an interest in art and art history, but it was always as an observer rather than a participant.  It wasn't until I was in my mid-40's that I stumbled across an ability to draw.   It was a shock to my system and launched me into a new direction in my life.  I haven't looked back.

As Featured on the Cover of "Drawing" Magazine

 Are there artists that you consider your mentors or artists you deeply admire? 

 There are probably too many artists to name names.  Incredibly talented individuals - both alive and long gone, from whom I draw considerable inspiration.  And it never ends - I come across artists who I've missed all the time, with work that knocks me off my feet.  You know those pieces that you see and the wind gets sucked right out of your lungs... happens to me almost daily.   I get crazy-inspired and motivated.

Golden Earring

You have quickly risen in your genre of figurative arts and have a very unique style; at first painting in charcoals and then moving to oils. Can you tell us a bit about that?   

Well being largely self-taught, it really quite simple.  I began using graphite, dabbled a bit with watercolor and pastels and soon discovered charcoal.  I fell in love with it - having always been a huge fan of black and white, both in images and film.   

After a few years of working almost exclusively with charcoal, I needed to express myself in other ways - in color.  I had always been intimidated by oil - having no instruction other than picking up a few books and demo-dvds.  I finally got enough nerve to give it a go.   I love it - everything about it.  Going forward, I doubt that I will ever produce work in anything other than charcoal or oil.


The renowned art collector Howard Tullman has your works in his collection. Including "Listen" (Above) How did that come about?  

Howard has purchased 2 of my paintings for his extraordinary collection of contemporary figurative artwork.   Both of the pieces appeared at different times in an art publication, "Poets and Artists" which he apparently follows - along with probably every other major art publication.  I'm of course incredibly honored that he chose my work to include in his galleries.


Where are you currently showing your art and what exhibits are on the horizon? You are also commissioned quite often to complete portraits I understand.  

I do quite a few commissioned pieces, not only the traditional family portraits, but also more contemporary conceptual pieces using some of the models (friends) I've used in my gallery work.  

I just had my first solo museum show at the Albrecht-Kemper Museum of Art.  It was a wonderful experience and I received some terrific exposure and feedback.   I am currently painting and exhibiting my work at ARTichokes Gallery in Leawood, Kansas, and exploring options to sign with a prominent national gallery. 

On a Soft Summer Breeze
What is your advice to the aspiring artist?   

Paint - paint - paint.  And if you're going to  spend that much time in front of a canvas, you might as well paint something you love - that you're passionate about.  If not - you'll burn out faster than a candle in a hurricane.   And get yourself out there - enter juried shows, and national magazine and art society competitions.  Go to galleries, museums, shows - TALK to people!  If you're good - people will see it, and they will want your work.  


Strathmore Cover

 William, Thank you so much for sharing  with us today.
You can visit William's own Website at

Shades of Light

Thank you to all of my Friends and Followers I hope you are enjoying the 2012 Artists Series


Art by Karena 

Images Courtesy of William Rose 

Thank you so much to Melissa of 320 Sycamore for the $50 Gift Card to Kirkland's.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine Wishes and Versatile Blogger Award

Valentines Day...for thinking of our loved ones, family and friends. Pondering what we love about our passions and our lives. Debra of 5th and State has Given me the Versatile Blogger Award.So, I need to tell you some things about myself you may not know!

Ode to Helen Frankenthaler. I love the woman and the art that inspired this piece. The past year and a half I had lost the passion to paint. Granted I was dealing with some serious health issues. Most of my time on this blog is spent supporting other artists of all kinds, designers, entrepreneurs,etc.  I am so happy to say that I have picked up the brush again.

Mark Rothko White on Red. Another painter who has inspired me. Look how art inspires fashion and design Color Blocking is very current. There are many living artists I admire as well and will continue my artists series for 2012.
Cy Twombly This work of art is mesmerizing to me!

 This little girl looks so much like me at that age. I have always loved pets.
I have a loving, very furry Himalayan cat, Miss Belle!
Audrey Hepburn, a woman who lived a superb life, set a great example, always gave back, my style icon! Two of my older cousins, my Mother (who should be sainted) plus Audrey were my mentors!
Oh yes my dream was to be a Prima Ballerina and I love to dance.
My Dream to Visit France in the Autumn this Year! Art by Fifi Flowers

In the winter I wear every shade of gray possible and then a bright top or scarf. However in the spring and summer the brighter colors come out! This from Fresh Produce!
I have a huge family and have a son and daughter plus four grandchildren. Isabella is the one who spends the most time with me. She is growing up too fast. How does that happen? We have many fun family get togethers.
My Favorite all time Scent Chanel # 5. Given to me by my first boyfriend along with the dusting powder. A gift I will never forget! I think a woman is more alluring and mysterious wearing a subtle scent of perfume. Another benefit is that it truly boosts your confidence.
I love, love to read! As a little girl one of my older cousins, Sharon gave me her books when she finished with them. As the eldest of eight children, this was such a special gift. Reading took me away to another world and I have been an avid reader ever since. My daughter and her boyfriend gave me a Kindle for Christmas and I love it. I do still like to have my "Real" Art and Interior Design books. 

Work on my latest painting!

I would like to pass this award on to:
Andrea at The French Basketeer
Jane of Empress of the Eye 
Linda of Surroundings
Heather of Habitually Chic
Tish of A femme d'Un Certain Age
Artie of Color Outside the Lines 
Michele of MY Notting Hill
Rebecca of Acanthus and acorn

Tell us several interesting facts about yourself your blog friends may not be aware of!

Thank you to all of my friends, followers, and family who show me love all year long!


Art by Karena

Monday, February 6, 2012

Love is in the Air and a Winner

Love Is In The Air


 I thought I would share some of the images I came across while looking through several Etsy Shops where you truly can find anything your heart desires


Life's Treasures can be Large or Small; the important thing is that they are meaningful
 If you are going through a rough patch at this time, LOVE yourself even more


Treat yourself to something at least once a week. I had read this somewhere and mentioned it to my Sister in Law who was  challenging Breast Cancer


 Your treat needs to be something cheering. A bottle of nail polish in a color you haven't worn before. A fuchsia sweater. A candle in your favorite scent. A book by your favorite author.



You can go to a movie you have wanted to see; with a friend or even on your own!

Being good to yourself can be free! Go for a walk, even if you are all bundled up against the cold! Visit an Art Gallery or Museum.


 Smile, even that will make you and everyone around you Happier! Laugh and Laugh Often! Nurture Yourself, You give so much to Others, start taking good care of YOU!

The Winner of the Heartgram Velvet Valentines from Love Feast Table is Sherry from The Charm of Home I hope you will visit both of their sites; you will be glad you did!

Recently I was so fortunate to win a special Giveaway Kristin from My Uncommon Slice Of Suburbia hosted. The Gift was a $100 Certificate from Sally Lee by the Sea  to use at Boutique de La Mer 
Thank you so much Ladies!!. I will show you what I chose in another post!

I hope I have given you some inspiration and new links to peruse and discover! Thank you to all of my Friends and Followers!

Art by Karena