Sunday, January 8, 2012

Life of Adventure, Exploration, and the Arts

This is the year for you! The year to make your passions come alive, your dreams come true, and to make a difference.

If that sounds selfish, think about what will happen. The person who is fulfilled and taking time for themselves will be a much better person for this world!

Of course this does not mean that right now you will make your living doing what you love. Wouldn't it be great though if more people could support themselves and their family doing what they are most passionate about.

Take a Leap of Faith and Make a decision to sign up for a class. Try Yoga to Relax AND Strengthen your body. Get out the bicycle and actually ride it! Start the first chapter of the book you have wanted to write ...oh for how long now?

Do something extraordinary and forget about what anyone else may think about it!

Jackson Pollock Art
Make a trip to the art supply store. Splurge on new walking shoes.
Take a Gourmet Cooking Class. Read for an hour before bed. Join a Book Club. Turn off the television.


The year is 2012 and it seems the Millennium just occurred, so lets not wait another year to take that opportunity for a bold new adventure. "Just do It!"

Voice Classes, make your own video, take up photography...

Dreams do come true; however you must do your part!

Now for the winner of the Giveaway from Serena & Lily Glenda of Notes on the Journey has won the lovely trio of Jala Frames. Congratulations Glenda.! I hope you will visit Glenda's site. She has a special story to tell. Her passion is very apparent and she is also a lighthearted fun lady!

Thanks to all of you who have been so supportive through my recent surgeries, recoveries and months of rehab to come! 

Can you tell I have had some time to think about this precious life we have been given?


Art by Karena


  1. Congrats to Glenda!
    This is an inspirational post, Karena. Thanks for reminding us!
    Have a nice Sunday.

  2. Je rentre à l'instant de Marrakech et je suis heureuse de vous lire...
    J'espère que votre convalescence se passe bien.
    Votre publication remet beaucoup en cause nos habitudes... et c'est une bonne chose.
    Gros bisous à vous

  3. Great inspiration post! I truly believe this, I love feeling empowered by knowing I am doing what I love, it makes me happy!

    Have a great week!!

  4. Karena,

    Very important post for a lot of people. I wish you the best success rate in your rehab. It can only be what you make up your mind it will be and do for you.

    I am behind you 100%, mentally, sending you all the best my dear. You are a wonderful supporter of inspriation to others and what you give out comes right back to you.



  5. Your post title is perfect for inspiring me. I have marked 2012 to change the direction of my spend more time in France....adventure, exploration, and the arts. I will toast to that!

  6. So true!! We should all take note.

  7. Congrats to your winner and thanks for the inspiration. I intend to take you up on it and take better care of myself in 2012. XO, Mona

  8. You know how to make a girl's day, Karena. Thank you so much for the generous gift. I am already picturing lots of different places to hang them in my vintage Chicago apartment.

    Thanks, too, for your kinds words on my blog.

    Happy Sunday.

  9. Brilliant Karena, absolutely wonderful. Thank you for all that you do and stay your strong, creative self!

  10. Happy New Year Karena! What a great post and I so agree with you! I am getting ready to pick up my paint brush again after setting it down so many years ago. I am ready to create, I think.... :)
    I hope this year brings you many joys and much creativity!

  11. Happy New Year Karena! And I do work in what I love and it does make you happy. This year I'm trying yoga and even got some private lessons as a gift. What I really need to do is break out of my clothing shell and try more color. I hope the year brings you everything you hope for!


  12. Beautiful post Karena, and very inspiring... Especially coming from you and what you've been through! It seems there is a lot of optimism about 2012. It's going to be a great year!
    Lots of Love to you my lovely and positive friend:)
    God Bless,

  13. Love this message Karena and I am determined to make 2012 the best yet, I have several things on my agenda, which I will start pursuring when I move and settle. I agree no time like the present to start "doing" instead of "wishing"....cheers to getting it done!

  14. All of your comments are great and it sounds like everyone IS thinking of ways to improve their loves and selves!!
    It can be so difficult to take time for "us"! So worth it though!

    Art by Karena

  15. Hi there, nice to catch up again! Happy new Year! Yes just signed to be in a hip hop performance for older women (i'm nearly 50) embarasing for my children but who cares!!!

  16. Happy New Year Karena! What a wonderfully inspiring post ~ Yes, it seems like 2000 was just yesterday ....
    All the best to you in your recuperation this year,

  17. Great inspirational post! :) xo

  18. Karena, what a wonderful post. Great pics to go along with the sentiment too. Thanks so much for stopping by Mercantile Muse- it means a lot. Pam

  19. Hi Karena, Great post! I signed up for a photography course yesterday. It's important to always challenge myself.

  20. Thanks for the inspiration! Life is too good to pass by isn't it? ....hugs and thanks for your visit the other day. xoxoxo

  21. Thank so much for stopping by my blog and leaving such a nice comment! I loved this post. It is always a good idea to start the year off with some sort of project or hobby to rev your spirits.

  22. What a beautifully inspiring post! Thanks for the encouragement!

  23. Perfect, inspirational post to start the year off! You've put it beautifully! Thank you! and congratulations to the winner!

  24. Karen: I much prefer your resolutions to the entirely, I must change myself etc..etc.. lose weight, yada. For lent I don't give up anything, but I try to be sweeter to all the people who have given up their sweets. You too, are a lovely Christmas angel. I have three of them--one for each girl.
    Happy New Year,

  25. Such a positive post with beautiful images. I hope it is THE year for all of us. I signed up for a course yesterday, I'm dusting off my camera and leaving my 25+ year old children (still living with us) and husband at home and residing in France for 3 months next summer!
    I also hope that it is the year where peace and calm are restored to the world, where all nations take greater respect of nature and where the West wakes up and realises that it is selling itself out to China!
    May peace, joy and happiness be with you throughout 2012.

  26. P.S. Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. I love reading people's thoughts.
    Warm wishes.

  27. Wonderful post Karena!
    I'm sorry to read that you had surgery but hoping for a speedy recovery for you and a wonderful 2012!

  28. Here's to a new great 2012 for all of us!!

  29. Hi Karena,

    This was a beautiful and meaningful post. I enjoyed it very much.

    Happy New Year!


    Congratulations Glenda!

  30. what a beautiful reminder!


    p.s. come check out my THEIT camera bag giveaway! I think you'd really like it!

  31. That first pic is just gorgeous! Love that color purple.

  32. What an inspiring post! I absolutely LOVE the second photograph! :)

  33. Woderful Karena!!
    Thank you for coming to my birthay.


  34. So very inspirational, Karena! Wishing you well through your rehabilitation!!

  35. Hello dear Karena,

    The colors here are so lovely; between lavender and aqua, I have a fond appreciation for these colors that bring PEACE. May peace also accompany all your decisions as you embark on a new year! Anita

  36. So inspiring! Thanks for all your great ideas. Happy New Year to you!

  37. Every year my resolutions are to top the previous year. I may find it harder to fulfill my resolutions for 2012 since 2011 was very good for me. Happy New Year!

  38. I was sorry to read about your surgery, but with your patience and positive thinking you are your own best healer. And a generous one too; Thank you for the important message here!

  39. so inspiring. adore this post. thanks for sharing, hun. If you get a sec, I'd love to hear what you think of my Gossip Girl inspired look. xo

  40. I loved this post, so inspirational! Just what I needed today :)

  41. Profound words to welcome the New Year and hear comes my New Year Greeting for a very happy, healthy and prosperous future. Please visit my blog and click SEASONAL SOUVENIR and join Free and your will receive a welcome email with your personal/referral link from WAZZUB. Please send your personal link to endless and they send their link to endless and so on till March 31, 2012, for lifetime financial freedom. There is nothing to loose and one should not miss it. Make sure to turn on Wazzub Homepage on the 9th of April, 2012. It is free forever. Wazzub Homepage is free too. God Bless You.

  42. Love the second one.
    Thanks for sharing.

  43. This post reminds me that I'm really excited to have scored great tickets to the Scottish Ballet's performance of Sleeping Beauty. I'm going with a friend on Thursday!

  44. So so beautiful, wow... I had to look at this three times—I did not wish to leave! This last year, I experienced my very first ballet (plays yes, several times, but this is the first ballet) and I just adored it! I cannot wait to go to the next...

    Hope you had a great weekend!


    p.s I always wish I could stop by more often, but always enjoy your posts very much.
