Wednesday, November 23, 2011

A Story of Love and Thanksgiving

Recently I was witness to a few moments of love and caring so heartwarming it has left an indelible impression on me.

 Many of you know that I had been in rehab facility after  having a hip replacement surgery. I am now at home receiving excellent in- home health care. Every day in every way I am getting better and better.

I met patients of all ages in all stages of recovery.

One day while waiting for a friend to arrive, I sat in the common area. An elderly woman was sitting across from me with her daughter. This was a woman who was having a very difficult time while in rehab and had taken several bad falls while trying to recover.

I watched while the patients daughter gently put curlers in her mothers hair. She then softly took her hands in hers and buffed her Mother's fingernails. What touched me so was the look in both the Mother and Daughters eyes.

The endearing gratitude in the elderly ladies eyes and the daughters eyes shining with the everlasting love for her Mother.

I thought about how a touch, a glance, holding a hand; something that may seem so very simple can give one a reason to go on, a purpose, something for which to be forever grateful . 

We all have the power to make a difference.

Happy Thanksgiving to You and your Loved Ones.

Love and Hugs

Art by Karena


  1. Un magnifique et touchant message... Vous aurez réussi ma chère à faire couler une larme sur ma joue...
    Que celle-ci continue à vous apporter de la force et de la joie très très longtemps...
    Gros gros bisous

  2. What a beautiful post Karena..

    It's message is simple but perfect! Wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving.. Hope that your recovery is speedy.. ciao xxx Julie

  3. What a wonderful message this story conveys. Here is wishing you all the best for Thanksgiving and a speedy recovery!

  4. Your blog today speaks volumes as to what we all truly need in life. It touched my heart.
    I wish you a blessed Thanksgiving.

  5. I can see why this touched your heart. Don't forget the power of a smile either it can really lift someone's day. I wish you a speedy recovery and a very Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.


  6. Dear Karina: I wish you the very best of health and recovery on this Thanksgiving. Your message touched me deeply. As you may know my mom has been sick with cancer and I spent 2 weeks in her hospital room, a simple holding of the hand, kiss, touch means so much.
    I was just in france last week checking on her, and just found out she needs an other surgery next week. So I am leaving my life, kids (one who had knee surgery yesterday) business, behind and just booked a flight to France to be holding her hand when she wakes up. To me this is the essence of life. Love is not a duty , love is holding a hand. you said it so beautifully Karina.

  7. Karena,

    Best wishes for a smooth and steady recovery. We are all natural caregivers we learn it through growing, listening and seeing the needs of others. Being there is really the essential part of showing how much you love another human being when they can't express how much they need you.
    It is the greatest gift to give to one another.
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  8. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your loved ones Karena. Happy to hear you are on the road to a good recovery.

  9. Karena; wishing you all the best in your recovery! I'm so happy to learn that you are home it means you are healing.

    I so enjoyed your post!

    Love and blessing my friend! Happy Thanksgiving..xo HHL

  10. A lovely post Karena and I am so happy you are on the mend. Happy thanksgiving. XO

  11. A beautiful tale Karena and how happy I am that you are on the mend.... xv

  12. Karena-
    This is such a sweet story. Thank you for sharing this love with us!
    Happy Thanksgiving. I am so happy that you are doing well.

  13. Your post is touching indeed!
    There is often so little needed to make someone happy! I often realize this, even when I go grocery shopping. There are so many elderly people, they always seem invisible, yet they struggle with the simplest tasks.
    I am keenly aware of their presence. Just helping getting something into their carts, holding a door letting them pass, being patient or holding a hand!
    For many reasons I have a fondness for older people. It must come from love for my grandmother, who was the dearest person in my life, I miss her still and somehow I see her in many old folks I encounter!

    Look what you post has done to me.....

    Karena, you are a sweet person! Hope you are all getting better soon. Keep walking! I am holding your hand in my mind!
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  14. Hi Karena, this was so beautiful!! I am so happy to see you back in blogland....missed you. and hope you are getting better and stronger every day!!
    Happy Thanksgiving.

  15. Glad to hear that you are mending. I know it requires much patience and determination.

    You are so right- just the smallest touch can make a huge difference.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you, Karena!

  16. Karena, I'm so happy to hear that you are home and doing better. Such a difficult surgery and recovery. I know that you are inded thankful for many things as we all should be today. I'm thankful for our friendship. You are a dear and generous person. Happy Thanksgiving. Mona

  17. Happy Thanksgiving, Karena! This is a beautiful post about true love. I am so happy to hear that your're doing better. You've been in my thoughts. Get stronger everyday!


  18. Hi Kareena, I am happy to hear you are getter better day by day.
    This is a beautiful post, it reminds me of when my Mum was in Palliative care and all the beautiful people that came into my life. Thank you! Mimi xx

  19. Happy Thanksgiving! :) I'm glad you are getting better!

  20. Surgery is such an overwhelming experience and recovery a long process. How amazing that you are able to help us all see such an important yet utterly basic moment in the midst of it. Sending good energy for your recovery.

  21. Lovely touching post Karena!
    Bon chance and a speedy recovery

  22. Beautiful. I've been thinking of you and sending all my healing love and energy... XO - Sarah

  23. Thinking of you this weekend and sending you my prayers & thoughts as always.....~ xxoo A

  24. What a lovely story. I can just imagine how loved that mother must have felt. Thank you for sharing Karen and so glad you are on the mend!

  25. Such a beautiful story. Thankful you are on the mend.

  26. Karena,
    You tell such a lovely story...such sweetness and love.
    I am so glad that you are home and on the mend. You have been in my prayers.

  27. Thanks so much for sharing that heartwarming story! Wouldn't the world be a much more beautiful place if all mothers and daughters loved each other that much?

    By the way - thanks for becoming a recent follower of my blog! I'm following you now as well!

    Angie @ Knick of Time Interiors

  28. What a beautiful story -- and such a nice reminder to all of us as to what's really important. Glad to hear you're on the mend! Take care.

  29. So glad that all is going well with your recuperation Karena. It is big surgery, so you make sure you don't overdo things. I have drummed into the 5 sons that if there ever comes a time when I can't do it myself, they need to make sure I have red polish on my tootsies at all times. Or I'll come back & haunt them!
    Millie xx

  30. How blessed you were to witness such a loving moment between a mother and daughter, Karena. Your telling of it made me get a bit teary, but in a good way. So glad to see you back to posting! Hope you are getting better and better with each passing day.
