Sunday, August 7, 2011

Ten Thousand Villages

A story of Ten Thousand Villages

Do you Recognize her precious Face?
She lives in Famine Stricken Somalia

The Kansas City area where I live,  has a Ten Thousand Villages shop in Historic Downtown Overland Park, Kansas. Ten Thousand Villages is a Global Fair Trade Organization supporting artists and artisans in over seventy countries.  It is a Non-Profit Organization.

Their mission provides under- and unemployed artisans with an opportunity to earn vital income and improve their quality of life by establishing a sustainable market for their handcrafted products. Ten Thousand Villages is a founding member of the WFTO - the World Fair Trade Organization, a global network of more than 350 fair trade organizations

Downtown Overland Park Historic Location of Ten Thousand Villages
 I reading one of my very favorite blogs From the House of Edward, Pamela was telling, in her most unique way, a story you will soon find out about.

 Pamela had been reading a newspaper article one morning about a tragic situation and could not shake the feeling it gave her. Later that same evening she opened an email article from another blog, Style Blueprint which is written by Liza and Elizabeth, two women in Nashville, Tennessee.

Have you ever wondered  how to help, where to start, how to make a difference?  This is an easy solution that you can accomplish today, or any day this month.  Ten Thousand Villages in Nashville, is collecting new pillowcases to be repurposed into simple dresses for African girls who have not much else.  These dresses are more than a piece of clothing; they represent hope and a better life. 

Watching quietly as another child receives a dress
 As so many children have been orphaned in the huge AIDs epidemic in Africa, many young girls are parenting the younger siblings. Little Dresses for Africa was started to show these girls that they too are thought of, and that someone, somewhere in the world cares.

A Yellow Dress to Brighten a Little Life
 Volunteers from all over the world are assisting in this effort. Sometimes the best way to take our minds off of our own  problems is to do something, anything, however small for others.  

Buy a pair of new pillowcases, or as many as you can afford  and send them to the location listed here. Trust me it will make you feel good.

Ten Thousand Villages of Nashville
3900 Hillsboro Pike, Suite 20
Nashville, TN  37215

Volunteers and Villagers

Images Courtesy of Ten Thousand Villages, Style Blueprint and The House of Edward

The Winner of The Giveaway from Dr. Perricone valued at up to $150 is Linda of Lime in the Coconut!! Congratulations Linda and send me your mailing information!!

Thank you to all who entered, commented and to all of my friends and followers!!


Art by Karena


  1. What a fabulous idea! There is a Ten Thousand Villages store near where my husband works, I did not realize that was what they were all about. Will definitely have to stop in next time I'm over that way. Amazing how something we take for granted and get to lay our head on every night, could be such a bright light in the lives of little girls across the globe!

  2. Fantastic. I love Ten Thousand Villages.

  3. I was just reading another blog post about doing something nice for yourself and I can't think of anything nicer than helping someone else so I will be off to buy pillowcases today. Wonderful cause, thank you for the info.

    Big Congrat's to Linda - such an awesome giveaway!

  4. Karena, what a wonderful post re Ten Thousand Villages. ( I have done several posts on them as I volunteer at one of their stores here in Toronto, and have done so for about 5 years! I do enjoy it and I know I am doing something for the global community!

  5. What a beautiful cause Karena. It's amazing how little it takes to help kids in need and how important it is for those kids to feel some sympathy and love.

    Thanks for sharing this info.

  6. You are such a dear to repost this Karena. Many, many thanks!

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. What a wonderful opportunity to help!
    Thanks for sharing, Karen. Hope you have a wonderful week. xo

  9. What a great way to allow so many to get involved and be a part of something so wonderful! Sending our pillow cases. Thanks for sharing!
    Angela and Renee

  10. i love that store. there's one in walking distance to my work, and i've made pillow covers out of some of their napkins!

  11. Thank you for sharing this touching story. We really do have it good, don't we?
    Congratulations to Linda!

  12. How awesome and what a swee little one! Thanks for sharing this opportunity for us to give back.

  13. This is amazing and so wonderful and a great way to make a bit of a difference. Thank you for sharing this Karena.

  14. I have never heard of this organization; thanks for sharing.

    What a small effort it would take to buy some pillowcases and send it along to the organization to make dresses - the smiles on those little girls' faces are wonderful!

    Thank you also for visiting my blog and leaving a comment - I really appreciate it!

  15. Nice post! Touched my heart!
    Thanks, Karena!

  16. Très belle publication... Gros bisous

  17. wait a second.. you live in KC area!? did i already know this?? that looks like such a great place to visit, very touching! i will need to visit soon!!

  18. oh i love this, karena. i am always amazed at how the simplest of ideas can have such a profound impact. everybody wins. and what an incredible sacred use of creativity.

    thanks so much for raising awarenesss.


  19. Hi Karena,
    I just wanted to let you know I received my handbag from the French Basketeer yesterday and it is gorgeous! Thank you so much for the chance to win such a lovely giveaway:)
    Thank you too for the love and support you've shown me with your sweet comments on La Dolfina. Every time I see a comment from you, I feel blessed.
    Much love,

  20. We live in the Nashville area and I went that store this past year but I am so glad to know about what is going on there now.This is just awesome!

  21. What a wonderful organization. Such a sweet picture seeing the children get a new dress. Thanks for sharing!

  22. What a nice post...

    Thanks for sharing this heartwarming story...

    Props to you for your kind heart ♥

  23. Oh now I need to find the prettiest pinkest pillowcases ever made!

    Love, love, LOVE this!!!

  24. The plight of these sweet faces tear at your heart-strings on every level. Such a simple gift by us to mean the world to these young girls. Thank you for sharing Karen, you have such a kind heart. Congrat's to Linda, such a great win. Thank you too for your so thoughtful comment on my blog. I have made so many wonderful friends through blogging. It's been one of my life's greatest joys. I may be a bit quiet for awhile during the dreadful packing process, but know I'll be back! All my best to you Karen and I hope the remainder of your summer is a great one.

    ♥ Deb

  25. I LOVE Ten Thousand Villages! We have family friends that work at our location here in Vancouver. They do such wonderful things. What a refreshing post Karena! Hugs to you,
    Nancy xoxo

  26. I'm so grateful I popped in for a visit today, I didn't know about Ten Thousand Villages. We are both big supporters off a number of Fair Trade organizations, I'm now off to find the closest Ten Thousand Villages store. Thank you for posting about it Karena.

    Sending you a smile,

  27. What a wonderful cause! I know our church has made an effort with the pillowcase dresses in the past. I am inspired to participate! BTW, ma grand-mère était française! Née au sud de la France. Linda

  28. Thanks for sharing this post about Ten Thousand Villages Karena. I never heard of it before. I will definitely keep this in mind for future donations.

    Have a wonderful weekend! Reese

  29. Thank you so much for sharing this!


  30. Karena- A beautiful story. Thank you for sharing.


  31. Karena, how inspriing and I love that supporting this wonderful organization is a way in which we can all help. I am running out the door but bookmarking this so when I come back to my comp tomorrow I can look them up and make a donation. It is beyond devastataing whats going on there and no child should have to wonder where their next meal or glass of water will be. Breaks my heart. Thank you for posting this!

  32. Such a worthy and thoughtful cause and how easy it is for us all to buy a pillowcase! Thanks for sharing.

    p.s. I'm sorry to say that I don't know where the bedspread is from. I came across that photo on tumblr. I will try to search if for you but I am not sure I'll be able to come up w/ anything. xo

  33. What a wonderful organization. I am so touched by this story. The photo of the little girl as she receives her new dress just tugs at my heart....what a little doll she is. I am going to pick up some pretty pillowcases today! Thanks for posting about this, Karena.

  34. Hi Karena!
    I'm kind of late to this party but this is something I will definitely do!!!!!!!!I might be able to convince some of my customers to donate too!!!!!Thanks for the heads up! Those little girls look so cute!!!!Maryanne xo

  35. What a wonderful initiative!! Thank you for posting the address!!

  36. Karena, this is
    just fabulous!!!
    I am so going to
    contribute. What
    a day brightener,
    my friend....thank
    xx Suzanne

  37. Is that Somalian or a west African child?
    Somalia is muslim and they insist that even young girls wear the robes or hijab.

  38. What a wonderful active organization. Children are at the mercy of the actions of adults and will learn whether the world is kind or not from the donations of others.


  39. What a wonderful cause! Have a great week, Karen. xo

  40. What Precious children. This is an awesome organization! Thank you for bringing awareness. We are blessed to have food and water and education here in America and we often take that for granted!

  41. That's simply wonderful you're supporting this, Karena.

    I'm really touched by this post and I want to thank you for sharing this with all of us.

    Have a great week!


    Luciane at

  42. Karena!
    What a beautiful difference this shop is addind to there aide!

    You did a beautiful post here, on such an important message here!
    I would love to visit this shop!
    Its much like the Novica Giveaway That I won from you! They too support the artist and the story of the artist that made my piece was heartfelt!

    Thank you for your beautiful visit and comments that I treasure, your posting in getting this message out there is wonderful you are an amazing lady to love!

  43. Such a marvelous post to let us know about this important cause. WIll go get more info now.
    Thank youf or your visit, it is always appreciated. Been a bit busy and got behind in my visits to you.
    Take care and thanks for sharing,

  44. I read about this on Style Blueprint, too. What a wonderful cause and so easy for us to pick up a few pillowcases. Great of you to post about it.

  45. I love ten thousand villages, such a great cause and so many wonderful pieces!

  46. Beautiful way to make yourself feel good. Hope they make a big difference.

  47. this is such a great idea! we are lucky people in these parts...

  48. Dear Karena ... this is so amazing and such a beautiful idea. I am going to see what I can do from here to help. New Dresses for beautiful little girls .... I am in awe of what people can do to help and I would like to also. Thank-you for visiting my blog and it is so lovely to see you again!
    best wishes always

  49. Bless you Karena:

    How dear of you to share this beautiful story. I had no idea. I wonder if there is a store in Chicago? (I must check) The innocence of these children. . . and what they live without compared to our children. (almost a little embarrasing to say the least, not to mention what we take for granted. I haven't been by in awhile and today I have joined you. A wonderful post.

    Mary Anne ox

  50. Love this! Going to check this out. Wonderful!
    Congrats to Linda!

  51. Thank you for sharing this Karena, I shared on Facebook and tweeted it, and will be off to buy some pillowcases...

  52. I know exactly where Hillsboro Village is too!
    Nashville people are some of the most loving people I've ever met. Aren't those children precious???

  53. What a wonderful post, Karena! I'm familiar with the dress making program, but had not heard of Ten Thousand Villages. Thanks for sharing!

  54. How wonderful!!!!!!!!
    I love ten thousand villages! We used to have one in our area....but I don't think it's here anymore:(

  55. Thanks for all of this great and inspiring information! I have never heard of the Ten Thousand Villages Stores but I will be googling to find out more!

  56. amazing ... as usual, K. you are an artist with a cause which is so dangerous. you make our world a better place, girl.

    btw, i've spent a few weeks on business in kansas city. one of my faves. great restaurants, muralist thomas benton (sp?) -- who btw, did a great mural at truman's pres. library -- and those great fountains ... and the plaza, where i've loved those winter/Christmas decorations.


  57. Thank you for sharing this heartwarming story....I will save this and look for some pretty pillow cases. We all know how a pretty new dress makes us feel.

  58. THIS is a wonderful cause... off to get some pillow cases today! Thanks Karena!

    Happy Sunday!

  59. Such a great cause and organization Karena! Your blog is full of interesting things - will follow you! Have a happy start to your week!

  60. Thanks for such an important post, Karena. I am back from my blog break, and I wanted to stop by to see what you're up to! ;P

    This is an easy charity and cause to help. Thanks again, and I will be participating.


  61. an awesome project. I love this idea! easy action, big Love!

  62. It's a good idea - any awareness created will surely encourage people to do more than a pillowcase. I hope it brings the children happiness.

  63. What a great cause, thanks for letting us know how to help.

  64. Wow! What an inspiring organization. So hands on and so giving. Thanks for sharing about this. We don't hear a lot about Somalia anymore but they still need out help.

  65. This brought tears to my eyes. What a beautiful project!

  66. i LOVE this! First, because I support Fair Trade too (our store has a fair trade section, and I have heard of this store as well!) and ALSO we have pillowcase dresses! That has been a staple of little girls here down in the south, but especially popular in the Deep South, where girls, when they outgrow them as dresses, can wear them as shirts! To see this kind of dress, that is popular in Alabama/Georgia etc. make it to far away places as Africa, is so dear to me! Thank you for starting my morning (even if it IS 4:00 am) with a smile and a good feeling. xoxo

  67. What a wonderful way to bring awareness to this cause, Karena. :)

  68. Thank you for teaching me about an organization I had never heard of until reading your post. I will look into it further and make a contribution. Isn't it sad that in modern day society we still have such issues?

  69. Dearest Karen,
    First of all happy be-lated birthday and thanks so much x connecting on my FB page. Many compliments x this extraordinary post...I personal do not think that the problem "isn't it sad that in modern day society we still have such issues"..The real problem is "THAT WE DON'T CARE".
    I am blogging x a while, please stop by for an aperitivo!
    Love Kirsten

  70. Such a great idea! Wonderful when a project makes it simple for everyone to contribute!

  71. Karena,
    Thanks for sharing this sweet story. I love helping others ; ) A friend and I started a group that helps moms in 3rd world countries start their own businesses.

  72. Some day I hope to go there but for now I will send pillowcases. Thank you for the opportunity to help these little angels.


  73. Hi Karena, thank you for saying hello on my blog; it's nice to meet you! Anna is such an amazing woman and it doesn't surprise me that you highlighted a such an important cause on your blog.
    I'm a new google friend!

  74. This is such a sweet idea and to show that it does not take much to brighten a child's day. thank you for introducing this worthwhile organization to us.

  75. Wonderful post Karena! We have something similar Down Under with UNICEF stores. They have a fabulous range of hand crafted gifts from tiny Third Word villages.
    Millie x

  76. I was just reading another blog post about doing something nice for yourself and I can't think of anything nicer than helping someone else so I will be off to buy pillowcases today. Wonderful cause, thank you for the info. Big Congrat's to Linda - such an awesome giveaway!
