Saturday, April 10, 2010

Interview with Artist Robert Anders

Robert Anders Studio

Robert Anders is a master at his art, Follow this fascinating interview and you will see why.

He is a current member of The Kansas City Artists Coalition.

KA: What was your initial source of inspiration to become an artist?

RA: I was always mesmerized by art. I worked in a foundry as a youth, it was an eye opening experience and became ingrained in me. I liked the touch and feel of the the work, and then my own art sprung forth. So, I am completely self taught.

KA: How did it evolve into what you are creating now?

RA: The ancient art technique of lost wax casting is magic, alchemy really. My bronze castings are all one of a kind, each piece is unique, A perfect casting has a true resonance.

KA: You use a lot of natural motifs in your work. Many of your bowls have leaf, floral, or vines in the design. Then again I noticed you have some figurative works.

RA: I see the people more as spirit entities or effigies, as you might see in the Mayan or Aztec
ruins. They are not from the here and now.
KA: Do you prefer Sculpture over Painting or Hand Press Printmaking? Your paintings come from a special place and are very unique. Tell me about them.

RA: I like it all. In my heart I feel I have been called to paint. I have always been drawn to the complexity of rock formations I'd seen in Golden, Colorado. The Sticks and Stones painting came out of my head. very different from what I have done before.

I had an Atelier for several years in Colorado and at that time did a lot of hand press printmaking and publishing. Right now I am experimenting with some new techniques in printmaking.

KA: Where are you currently exhibiting your work?

RA: At Gallery 2010 in the Crossroads Art District of Kansas City.

KA: What do you see as happening in your art in the coming years? Aspirations?

RA: I see myself out in the west, probably a small town, I like a sense of community and getting to know other artists.

KA: Final comments to aspiring artists.

RA: Show up and do it! Be authentic, be true to yourself in your work and creation of art.

KA: Thank you Robert.

KA: PS Click on any link to go to Robert's site including the sidebar logo.


  1. Loved reading this interview...bronze castings, painting, all very impressive!

  2. Great article....envious that he can master one and three dimensional art! The rock paintings are my favorite.

  3. loved interview.roberts work amazing.jennifer

  4. Great interview and lovely pieces!

  5. Very interesting! beautiful works! Thanks for sharing!

  6. Excellent interview and beautiful work. I am so impressed that he does casting and painting.

  7. "The ancient art technique of lost wax casting is magic, alchemy really." How beautifully stated. I believe that all great art is magic.

  8. So much fun to meet new artists thru blogs. Thanks for sharing.

  9. What a great interview! I love when artisits interview artists!

  10. Love your field of work...I envy you:)

    See you soon.
    Beautiful site.


  11. The painting and sculptures are beautiful. I love painting too! Great interview!!

  12. i don't really understand how casting works and having said that, in my previous career i worked a lot with castings - aluminum castings. it's in the realm of alchemy for me. that's where so much of the truly good stuff comes from. thanks for inviting me here. cool place!!! steven

  13. I love his stuff it's fabulous!!

  14. Interesting Art! Fun interview!
    Thanks for sharing!

  15. Thanks Karen, You are right I did find the artist work interesting I'm a big fan of bronzes. Thanks again.

  16. I love the making of art. I can barely write my name legibly, but am moved by those who make our world more beautiful

  17. Lovely interview, Karena. Best wishes to you both! T-

  18. I don't know how lost wax casting works, but I sure like the work Robert Anders does. Impressive.

  19. Ohhh this is a great article & sooo beautiful works!!

    Agneta, Sweden

  20. Great parting words. Very inspirational!

  21. He sure makes it all look so easy!
    Great interview!

  22. He is very talented... Wonderful interview!

    xoxo Laura

  23. Inspiring interview! And I love that he is also self-taught..


  24. wonderful interview and blog!

    all the best,
    david john

  25. Great interview. He is so talented.

  26. What a fantastic interview! I wonder how someone can have that much raw talent!?

  27. I have your button on my sidebar because you're so cool. Wonderful interview BTW. xx's

  28. Fabulous Karena
    Thank you so much for the introduction...I am off to visit his site.

    The bronze bowls are lovely..

  29. Thanks Karena for your comment on my post. Your interview was an interesting read. I agree with Robert's closing message to aspiring artists.

    The amusing thing about the photo I took is that it was taken with my camera phone. The pixel quality may not be great but having a mobile camera in my pocket has so many advantages and I capture beautiful scenes unexpectedly.. For example, this tree and the Poppy field photo on the right of my blog.

    What I usually do is revisit the scene with a more robust camera to shoot the picture, but somehow it never turns out the same as the spare of the moment unexpected shot.

  30. Loved this interview...fascinating. Well done Karena!

  31. Hello, SITSta. Just stopping by to say hello. The art is beautiful and I love your take on things.

  32. Thanks you all for your comments on Robert's art and my site! Tell your interior designer and architect friends as well! His works are perfect for a corporate setting as well as residential.

  33. Thank you Karena for sharing Robert's work and words. I can really relate to has last statement "Show up and do it!"

  34. Wow, thank you for sharing Robert's work. He is so talented. It is difficult to be so good in so many areas of art.


  35. What a talented man! I love the designs on his bowls---the vine piece in particular is lovely. Thanks for the introduction Karena! xoxo katie

  36. I think the bronze bowls are exquisite...and I like the earthy beauty to his work.

  37. Amazing body of work!

    I'd love to see his bronze castings in person.


  38. Loved it Karena. Great interview and love his sculpture. Thank you for introduce him to me.

  39. Great interview. I love finding out about artists.

  40. those bowls are AMAZING!!!!

    karena, just wanted to check and make sure you got my email about being my giveaway winner! let me know if not.

  41. Great interview. Thx

  42. He sounds wonderful! BTW-post went up today about art! You're included!!

  43. Hi Karena, It was lovely to meet you at Eddie's workshop as well. You have a great blog! Love your artwork and reading all the interviews with various artists. Have a wonderful day!

  44. love the vaz/ bowl with the tiny people on it!!1 its beautiful!!

  45. Karena what an incredible man, artist and a great inspiration. A great interview. Thank You!
    Wishing you a good weekend ahead ~

  46. What a great interview, thanks for the wonderful post! And I love Robert's work, it is stunning.

  47. What a fabulous interview! I absolutely love these art pieces. You are one lady full of great information. Thanks for this post and introducing me to a new artist. Hope you are well.

  48. Hi Karena...thank you for a wonderful interview! I love the piece with the figures poised on the rim. What gorgeous, complex pieces. Merci! Trish

  49. Thank you for stopping by my blog, I hope you'll stop back again soon!

    Wonderful, fascinating interview!

  50. Thanks for your comment! I really like this post! Have a great day! Love//Eva

  51. Ohhhh...I love the pot with all of the people on it! hee hee

    Thanks the sweet comment on my blog! You really like my pictures that much? hee hee ;)

  52. fascinating and informative article and great photos--I am new to your blog and am a new follower! Have a great day, Barbara

  53. Beautiful work, I especially like the bronze castings. Your blog is wonderful and full of interesting articles. Thank you for sharing!

  54. Thank you for all of your great comments. Isn't his work astounding!

  55. His work is magnificent! I love that he explores both 2D & 3D and can masterfully utilize such different mediums to express himself. Thanks for sharing him with us!

  56. Gosh! I love this rock painting so real, very talented. I love his advice to artist something I totally agree with when you are true to your self and your own passion something does ignite beautiful work comes forth Thank You for sharing his work. Sincerely, Jonny

  57. Hi Karena...thank you for a wonderful interview! I love the piece with the figures poised on the rim. What gorgeous, complex pieces. Merci! Trish
