Saturday, September 21, 2013

Jewish Arts Festival 2013

Those of you in The Greater Kansas City Area Must Save the date  for  The Jewish Arts Festival 2013 

Of course there will be an amazing array of all genres of artists,
Wonderful Music, Great Food and Fun

Check the Jewish Community Center website for additional details!
Look for the list of exhibiting artists.
There is also an amazing array of events that take place every year; 
Music, Performing Arts, Theater, Dramas, and many Courses are available. In addition, there are also many exercise Classes, from Pilates to Zumba, swimming pools, and more!

What event and organization does NOT need volunteers. They are the backbone of much success in the Arts. Ask about the ways to pay it forward and it will feel great!

Thank you to all of my friends and faithful readers who support the arts!

Art by Karena

Monday, September 9, 2013

2013 Artists Series Featuring Patricia Van Essche

This logo may be familiar to many of you who know Patricia Van Essche of PVE Designs. Patricia is a talented artist who creates illustrations and works of art in a fun and whimsical manner.Her fresh and colorful art will makes you smile while making an impression you won't soon forget! 

Please enjoy some examples of Patricia's art and read our conversation below.

A commissioned work of art for the Holidays
1) How did your journey down the path of art begin? When did you realize your calling?

My journey down the path of art began at a young age.  Raised, one of seven children, my mother loved keeping us all busy and I think creating art was where I could easily keep myself busy.  Still to this day, I love creating art and keeping busy.  I never imagined that my own art would sustain me while raising my own family.
A Commissioned Pet Portrait
2) What kind of mentoring and encouragement did you have in your youth or adulthood?

I do think having a mentor and people around you to encourage one in any field is key.  My parents always helped to encourage me and sent me to a teacher when I was a teenager who told me to "do art" and forget all the rest.  I think to this day, those words have been validated.  Many artists have inspired me but the real key is in doing.

Patricia has recently renovated her hilltop home and she now has her own custom designed art studio with room to meet with current and new clients.

3) Are there other artists whose work you admire or that provide inspiration?

Inspiration is all around me and the internet does make it easy as an artist to share work.  I love nature, spending time with my family, friends and then seeing how the world is evolving.  Things seem less fussy and there is a more casual approach to living that I find inspiring.  After all the way we live, the way we look at life involves sort of an aesthetic lens.  

I think every artist can agree, our surroundings influence.  Sargent's work inspires me, Jean Cocteau and Cecil Beaton.  Each of them developed a strong and unique style.

A montage of J McLaughlin Store Illustrations
4) To follow up the last question; what does inspire you when you begin a work of art? 

I gather inspiration before I begin by doing research so that I have everything to look at and then before I actually begin, I see what I need to do or the finish of a work of art.  It all has to align in order to work itself out.  I think having inspiration is one thing, but having the goal of an ending or a finish line is very important.
5) Your style is very distinctive. How did it develop?

I saw you work for the very first time when I began blogging, and discovered Mrs. Blanding's, who lives right here in my hometown! Right there I saw you had created her site's header art!

That is the key, to find one's style and then feel comfortable in that style.  I was educated and trained and many of the studies involved copying other artists and learning about their styles.  Finding one's style is the key.  When you find it, you know it because it comes naturally.  I have always been a bit obsessed with lifestyle and loved all that goes with.  I worked for years in Fashion in New York and loved it and always had work or freelance work to keep me busy and in demand. 

I have been working on my own for 16 years now and many clients are repeat.  They love my style and I am so grateful to each of them.  Many I have had the pleasure of meeting and getting to know.

Yes! I understand that you lived in Manhattan, traveled the world, as a designer and design director for Ralph Lauren,Calvin Klein  and Liz Claiborne brands.

6) Patricia, tell us about the other passions in your life? How does your spirituality affect your art?

Life.  Fresh Laundry. Hot coffee.  Dawn.  Sleep.  Good food.  Family.  Friends.  Quality.  Faith.

All of it affects my work.  I think spirituality does affect my art in a way that gives me hope to look forward to new tomorrows and know that life goes on.  

Loving what I do involves passion, work and faith.

 7) Lastly, please give some words of advice to the beginning artist of any age.

The best advice is to find gratitude each day.   Do what you love.  Perfect your craft.  Find your own style.  Try not to complain or create problems, be a part of your own solution and look for what makes you feel good.  I think good supplies and connecting with other artists is important too.  
Make it work.  Work at it.  Do it for 100 days and then ask yourself if you love it.  Also, telling yourself you are an "artist" and working at it is all the advice one really needs.  Take classes.  Study.  Travel.  

Patricia, thank you so much for participating in The 2013 Artists Series!

Please reach Patricia through her website PVE Design and be sure to read her very interesting PVE Design Blog

Please leave a comment for our fellow blogger and artist Patricia!
Thank you to all of my friends and followers who support The Arts!

Art by Karena

Images provided by PVE Design

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Introducing Sigal Sasson of Rug-Art International

Allow me to introduce you to Sigal Sasson. She is one of the most talented women I know of.

Sigal Sasson is the designer and co-owner of RUG-ART. If you are in the market for a rug for yourself or a client you must visit the website for Rug-Art.

Her company is represented in showrooms nationwide and internationally. They offer most sizes and also completely customized rug options for clients. These designs are in  many  gorgeous residences as well as luxury hotels around the world.

She is the youngest of eleven children and her heritage has strong Moroccan roots. Sigal is a multi-talented artist, scientific illustrator, Venetian plasterer, photographer, interior designer, artistic cook, recipe inventor, wife and mother. 

In addition she volunteers at a local public school with no arts programs and teaches art to the students. She considers this an honor as she is sharing her knowledge with young minds hungry for knowledge. 

When you visit her websites and blogs you will see the passion she has for her designs for RUG-ART, her own artwork,  superb recipes and photography of food, travel, and  inspirations.

  1)  Sigal, would you take us back to when it all began? I understand you have a very gifted family. Where did you spend most of your childhood?

Thanks. I grew up in Israel, the youngest of eleven brothers and sisters, large family with strong Moroccan roots. Most of the time I spend my childhood with my parents whom I learned from a lot, watching my father at work designing and making women shoes with his own hands, or watching my mom cook or help her in the kitchen, something I wasn't always happy to do but I learned a lot. she would whip up scrumptious meals for the whole family in no time and the amazing thing was, that it looked effortless every time, much the same way she would design and re-decorate the house. Or traveling with my family, we would go camping quite a lot and I think as a child I have slept in tents more than any one else I know.


2)      Tell us about your passions for art, food & design?

I'm a woman of many moods. My passions are all connected and one is an extension of the other. I recall watching my mom, as a child, re-arranging and re-decorating our house quite often so it opened my eyes to this new world, I would do the same in my own room.  I even built my own desk and hutch from scraps of wood I found in my parents backyard, I was only nine. I love drawing, there's something soulful about pencil sketches and as a child my dad would load my room with art supplies to keep me busy. Designing rugs and carpets is like a breath of fresh air when I'm in my studio. I design, sketch, draw, paint, color, photograph. It's about the process and discoveries that come along the way through my travels, inspirations, personal experience and being surrounded by creative and supportive people. Food is no different. It should leave a good taste not only in your mouth but in your experience. I cook because I love to entertain and create unforgettable dinner experience with my own two hands and music always gets me going. I love doing all of these, it  feed my soul and being able to express all that personally and professionally is a blessing. There isn't a dull moment. 

Hello Gorgeous
3)When I gaze at your rug designs I am so enthralled with their beauty and the process of weaving them. What do you think makes them so distinctive? Who is your customer?
Thank you. Every design in our collection has a story and I focus on designing each rug like it was a work of art to be viewed by the world. They convey adventurous contemporary artistic vibe, layered textures and unusual color combinations, sometimes based on my personal experience and feelings. Our rugs are created from the bottom up in the process of weaving and from a design point of view. i like to coordinate the design with the weaving technique to enable us to produce an unusual piece for the floor or to hang on a wall. I love to design rugs for clients, they have the power to make a room sing. I suggest my clients to design a room from the ground up because it's a good source to pull color from, texture, mood, the  difference it can make in a space is astounding. We work side by side with our skilled adult weavers, I admire them for their patience and dedication. We work with countless Interior designers and architects here and abroad, as well as high profile TV personalities, customers know that when they look for high quality rugs with socially responsible construction, gorgeous designs and dedicated team approach, they come to RUG ART International to find the rug for them


4) You and your husband Vidal Sasson are both married and partners in the Rugart International. This has been a very successful venture, with designs, sizes, and materials made to a customer’s desire. 

Vidal and I are working together since the day we arrived to the United States, twenty something years ago and sometimes it's not a walk in the park, but we know each other well, we both have strong personalities and respect each other's knowledge and experience, which contribute to the company's success. We specialize in custom design and our rugs are made to order. Collaborating with a client and customizing a rug from scratch is one of our favorite things to work on, after all, it's an integral part of interior design and product development, we love to take part in the process. The opportunity to customize a rug for a client is refreshing, it's the ultimate way to define a space. We listen to the client, get to know him or her, brain storm ideas, try out sketches, colors and fibers and brew one-of-a kind design that results in a perfect rug for the perfect owner. It's a creative and rewarding process we all enjoy doing including the client. 
You can check our re-designed website here


5)      As an artist, what is your genre and methodology? Does your art inspire your unique rug designs or where do you find inspiration?

I love chic, contemporary, feminine, sometimes bold mixed with vintage. Most times inspiration comes easy but to keep details from getting lost i keep a "what if" notes about an idea when it pops, or sometimes i make lots of revisions. i draw sketches, take a photo and mark what draws my eye. I take my time and keep myself loose, I make a mess, I listen to my instincts and my music. Some of the art I make inspire my rug designs and some inspirations come "from the back door", for example, I could paint a portrait of a beautiful maid, like my oil painting "girl with a pearl earring", which made me think about its origin (a.k.a Amsterdam), which led me wonder about Amsterdam being famous for its magnificent flowers. Those thoughts inspired me to come up with a new line for my botanical rug designs. The process surprises me sometimes.  (blog)


6)      Your site “Sense of Hummus” is also incredible. You share scrumptious recipes; take us through your kitchen remodel and much, much more. Sigal, how DO you do it all? 

I keep a framed quote in my powder room that says: "We don't stop playing because we get old. We get old because we stop playing". My passions keep me going because I get a lot of joy doing them, I breath my passions, they become play. If I think everything I do is a chore I'll never be happy. I can work in my studio for 8 or so hours, think of a new recipe and plan to cook the same evening, including shots, then plan what to write about it, while still figuring out what will be my next painting subject, not to mention taking care of the house and kids and volunteer, you know, life. It's how my mind rolls I can't help it. I know it's a lot that sometimes I feel like a renaissance woman.
my food blog:


7)      Who has inspired or mentored you to move forward and do all of these incredible things.  

I want to give credit to my husband Vidal, who supports and encourages me to pursue my passions since day one. Still, sometimes he still treats me like I just started but it's a good thing.

My mother, who raised eleven children, kept us clean and well dressed, worked full time and still managed to look like a super model. I have no excuses. 

Agadir Jute

8) What is next for Sigal? Do you have a special project in the works?

Our NY showroom is expanding and we are thrilled about that. Customers can come and wash their eyes with all of our rugs and designs on display and lots of new samples and patterns. I'm beginning to work on a book that will feature my work like rugs, designs, inspiration, art. It's going to be fantastic I can't wait. There are good things happening this year that it's a little overwhelming, but it's all good and can't wait to share it when time comes.

Sigal I will be so excited for your new book project to come to fruition and would love to review it!

Calabasas Rug Illustration.

Datura Scientific Illustration

8) Lastly, Sigal what words of advice do you have for the beginning entrepreneur?

Don't be afraid to pursue your passions. Go for it with everything you've got.

Thank you so much Sigal for participating in The 2013 Artists and Entrepreneurs Series

The Links for Sigal's Wonderful Sites are:
Rug-Art International
La Maison106-Design-Art-Home   
Sense of Hummus for all of you Foodies, yummy recipes and blog

Dear Friends and Followers
Thank you for supporting the Arts
Please leave a message for this most inspiring woman, Sigal Sasson!

Art by Karena

Images Courtesy of Sigal Sasson