Saturday, March 2, 2013

The Adventurous Journey

There is a chapter in my life that many of my dear readers do not know about. Without going into all of the details; I will say I have learned many priceless lessons along the way.

I suppose the first lesson was to surrender to the reality of the situation. Many times I have asked God for the gift of acceptance. Yes and he has answered my prayers.

In Deep Thought

 We all have choices in life; however when our choices are limited for one reason or another, one has a great deal of time to think. Questions arise; how did I get to this place? What can I change now? What do I want to do when I am able to proceed to the next chapter? How many ways can I pay it forward to all who have been here for me.

Peaceful Grace

 There are more prayers. God give me the grace to let my own challenges teach me; lessons of humility, gratitude, and compassion. Look around and see the daily reminders of those so much in need; in comparison to what I may endure.

Leap of Faith
Sometimes I need to remember that I must take a leap of faith that I will once again be strong, vital and live the life I am meant to live. There are too many things on my bucket list to give up!  

Every day in every way I am getting stronger and stronger!

The Leap of Joy
Even though I may experience some very low days, I try to recall that God wants us to be joyful and happy here on Earth; to bring that Joy to others. A positive attitude and smile will give me strength.  

Random Acts of Kindness

If I give someone a compliment however small that lights up their eyes then I have made a difference. Plus it makes me feel so much better!

Yes, I can!!

Though I still have some miles to travel on this journey; I know that I will come through it a new person. I see the light at the end of the tunnel; it beckons me. 

I can never give enough thanks to all who have been with me along the way. The dear friends, family, my blog family, many whom I have yet to meet and still, truly feel like my sisters and brothers; my world has changed because of all of you!

My hope is that you will understand that though I may not be able to post or visit and comment as often, I will be back stronger than ever. 

The Arts bring us together and add so much beauty to our Lives and Communities...

Love and Hugs

Art by Karena