Monday, September 24, 2012

A Conversation with the Internationally Acclaimed Artist Steven Miller

Introducing artist Steve W Miller; he has exhibited his works on the national and international levels in New York City, Los Angeles, London, Cologne and Madrid. He is a Vinal Haven Fellow, a Rubenstein Scholar, and a Parsons School of Design Fellow. Mr. Miller’s work is in many private and public collections in the United States, Europe and Asia.

Please enjoy our conversation and some of his amazing works of his art. He often works in large scale format which captures your attention and takes your breath away. 

1) Steven, Tell me about your first interest in the world of art.

My earliest interest in art was from my childhood.  I started drawing and painting when I was 3 years old and have continued to do so to my adulthood.  There was a time when it seemed to come too easily so I took a break, but ultimately the draw to make art was too strong for me to resist--so back I came.

2) When your studies began, I understand it was in the representational principles of art.How did that evolve into other and current genres that you are so well known for?

Yes representational art was my latent education.  I am self taught, but decided to go to graduate school so that I could teach on the university level.  I did get offers from universities, but none that instantly appealed to me.  I had to "unlearn" what grad school taught me and get back to my roots.  I was afraid to make an abstract painting, but eventually learned the language and equipped myself with the tools to hopefully make a "successful" abstract work.  I do dip into the landscape and figurative pool now and again, but prefer making abstract work.

3) What inspires you when you are facing a large canvas? There is so much Vitality…Energy in your works of art. Your methodology?

I am inspired by everything that surrounds me: people, animals, news, the internet, photographs, pop culture in general.  I layer my canvases and use lots of glazing.  I work and rework my canvases.  Often times I will work on a canvas for several years.  Sometimes they gell almost instantaneously

4) Who has been a mentor in your life? Are there artists that have made such an impression on you that you have emulated or have been uniquely affected by their works?

Artists that inspire me are De Kooning, Guston and Joan Mitchel, among others.  Of course Matisse and Bonnard as well.
5) Your work is internationally known and is in many private and public collections around the world. Can you tell us some of them?

I am lucky enough to have been included in the Savannah School of Art & Design's Museum, MOMA and in many private collections, most of whom prefer to remain that way, but my work can be found from Los Angeles to Madrid.

6) Some readers may be interested to know that your works of art have been in television and movies. How did that come about?
 My work has also made appearances in both television and film.  My work was initially discovered by the director of "Sex and the City", and from there it blossomed to other tv shows and films.  It's always nice to be asked.


 7) Steven, where are you currently exhibiting and do you have any openings in the near future?

 I've just taken a break from my NY gallery.  I just had a show in May 2012 in NY.  I am concentrating on my work and not necessarily concerned with my next show.  That being said my next show is in May 2013 in Greenwich CT.

 8) Finally what words of wisdom would you impart to an artist of any age; whether a beginning artist or not?

My only words of advice are to focus on your work and be passionate about what you do.  Try and make clear and intelligent decisions--and if you make a mistake or two along the way, hey that's part of life and the learning process.  Don't worry about what other people are doing, listen to your own inner voice.   
Excellent advice, Steven. I believe one of the most difficult challenges for an artist can be finding their own voice to translate to the canvas, through the lens, etc.

Steven, Thank you so much for participating in The 2012 Artists Series. I am so impressed with your works of art. I am truly inspired.

Readers you may click on the images to see the incredible saturated color, layering, brushwork, and glazing on Steve's art. 

Also, please visit Steven's website to read more about him as an artist and view many more of his works of art at You can find prints of his art at at For additional information please contact Steven at (212) 255-6247.

As always your comments are so important to the blog community and our featured artist.



Art by Karena

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