Saturday, November 27, 2010

Fifi Flowers Giveaway $200 Value

Fifi Flowers Giveaway

Fifi Flowers is offering an amazing Artful Giveaway! You will love her style and panache. Her art is wonderful for collecting as well as gift giving. Below is just a small sampling of her art and my interview with Fifi.

"Art is an experience that transcends all cultural makes us feel!"

KA: Who or what first inspired you to start painting?

Fifi: I was first inspired to paint when I realized I could not afford a REAL Henri Matisse painting and began copying them. My first reproduction was A View out of Paris apartment window!

KA: How do stay motivated to create new art consistently?

Fifi: Seeing things that surround my daily life online is what motivates moi to paint… there are so many FABuLOUS photos online… visiting blogs, socializing via online media and photos scream to moi PAINT ME!!! Anddddd I am always snapping photos via my iphone of things in the REAL world and magazines aussi!

KA: What artists do you emulate or admire a great deal?

Fifi: My all time favorite artist is Henri Matisse… j’adore his BRIGHT colours and exciting pattern compositions!

KA: Tell me about when you first started your art/blog site……

Fifi: I started blogging in April of 2008. My maman told me about blogging… she read about in the Wall Street Journal and then I read about “paintings a day” in Domino magazine. I visited the Painting a Day website and read that you must have a blog for at least 4 months to be considered… sooooo I began blogging… then I started an Etsy account and here I am!

KA: What are your next projects or shows coming up….?

Fifi: Next project… Welllll I’m VERY EXCITED about this coming year as I will be getting back to my REAL passion… painting on canvas!!! Anddd I’m hoping to do more art trunk shows and some gallery showings… and of course I’m hoping to make a trip back to PARIS!!!

Eiffel Music Room

Note Card Sets

Eiffel Tower Theme

Red Umbrella Set

Fifi says life should be full of WHIMSY and FUN... beautiful things that surround her daily life are what inspire her to paint!

Pink Tulips

Pink Bicycle Image

Street Cafe and Red Wine Painting

Eiffel Tower Walk with Scottie

Parisian Rooftops Painting

Fifi has a bachelor's degree in Art and a minor in Art History from California Polytechnic University and attended UCLA Film School for Production Design.

She is so delightful and you can see her personality shine through in her works of art!

In this Giveaway Fifi is offering:
1) One 8 x 10 original acrylic work of art on archival paper of Winner's choice

2) One 2011 Calendar of Winner's choice

3) A set of 10, 4 x 6 Note Cards of Winner's choice
This Art Package has a value of $200.

Paris Style Christmas

1) To win this great package become a follower of mine on this site or mention that you are already following me

2) Go to Fifi Flowers or Fifi's Etsy Shop then come back and mention in your comment one or two of your favorite images.

3) For FIVE, yes Five additional chances to win....... Blog about this Giveaway on your site with an image and link to come and enter!

No Anonymous comments please

The Winner will be announced on December 15th!
All rights reserved by Fifi

Art by Karena

Call or email me for quotes on my original works of art or special art commissions

Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Winner of an Artistic Pillow from Empress of the Eye

The Winner is.........
The Nutcracker Suite. One of my favorite holiday productions, be sure to attend, whatever city you are residing!

The winner of our giveaway from Empress of the Eye is Beth from both of the fabulous blogs Chinoiserie Chic and Style Redux II !!

Be sure to visit all of these blog sites if you have not already, and you will be fascinated by the brilliance of these creative women!

Another amazing Artistic Giveaway coming up later in the week! I hope you are having fun with the variety and quality of our way of giving back and paying it forward!


Art by Karena

Call or email for quotes on works of original art or special commissions.

Monday, November 1, 2010

The Winner From Metis Linens is.......!!!!!!

The Perfect ballerina from French Artist Degas, to announce the winner of the Fabulous Giveaway from Metis Linens! A basket full of wonderful French specialties valued at over $300.

Thank you to Andrea from the French Basketeer and Laura of Decor to Adore for sponsoring this Giveaway from Metis Linens. May their business venture, Metis Linens be the huge success that I know it will be!

The winner which was generated by Random.Org is # 137 ,
Elizabeth from Precious and Pink! Congratulations to Elizabeth and please contact me with your information

I have so much appreciation for all of the support and encouragement from my blog friends, followers and sponsors

Look for another very special Giveaway to be announced soon; as well as Shout Outs for some wonderful gifts I have won!

Call me for quotes on Custom Original works of art or on any of my available paintings. 913*638*5171
